DCS301 Computer Basics-Concepts of Information Technology DCS Question Paper : tmu.ac.in

University : Teerthanker Mahaveer University
College : Teerthanker Mahaveer Polytechnic
Degree : DCS (Diploma of Collegial Studies)
Subject : DCS301Computer Basics-Concepts of Information Technology
Semester : I
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : tmu.ac.in

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Computer Basics-Concepts of Information Technology :

Course Code : DCS301
Paper ID: 0551107
Time : 3 Hours

Related : Teerthanker Mahaveer University DGE301 Basics of Engineering DGE Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5736.html

Max. Marks : 75
: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (3×5=15)
a) What is a computer- Describe briefly the characteristics of a computer.
b) Differentiate between a compiler and an interpreter.
c) What is the use of software testing-

d) What is a search engine- Name any three search engines.
e) What are web browsers- What are its basic features-
f) What is application window and document window in MS-Word application-
g) How does a JPEG image differ from a MPEG image-
h) Convert (11010.11)2 = (- )8 = (- )16.

2. Write a short note on input and output devices. (12)
3. Briefly discuss the Software Development Life Cycle. (12)
4. What is an HTML document- Draw the structure of such document.
5. How can we start MS-Word- Discuss any three features of MS-Word.

6. What are the various tools available as a part of MS-Office- Briefly discuss the use of each of these tools. (6+6)
7. Discuss the digital video and animation in detail. (12)
8. What is an E-Mail- Describe the process of attaching a file to your message (5+7)

Diploma in Engineering III (Third) Semester Examination 2011-12 :
Course Code : DCS301
Paper ID : 0753102
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 60
Max Marks : 75
Note : Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (3×5=15)
a) Write the advantages of multiprogramming.
b) What is the main purpose of system call?
c) Explain Process Control Block (PCB).

d) What is the role of critical section in process synchronization?
e) What is an inter-process communication?
f) What is paging? How it is different from that of segmentation?
g) List the two differences between logical and physical address.
h) State the advantages of placing functionality in a device controller rather than in the kernel.

2. Consider the following sequences of memory references from 460 words program:
10, 11, 104, 170, 73, 309, 185, 245, 246, 434, 458, 364
Find the number of page faults for the above reference String assuming 3 memory frames available to the program using LRU replacement algorithm. (9)

3. Define deadlock. Describe the four necessary conditions for occurring the deadlock. Explain with example. (9)
4. Explain the difference between internal and external fragmentation. Which one occurs in paging system? (9)
5. Explain semaphores. How can semaphore be used to enforce mutual exclusion? Give a suitable example. (9)

6. What are the various memory page replacement policies? Describe them. (9)
7. Define scheduling. Describe the FCFS and Round Robin Scheduling algorithm. (9)
8. What are the file attributes and how the files can be protected? Explain in details. (9)

Diploma in Engineering III (Third) Semester Examination 2011-12 :
Course Code : DCS302
Paper ID : 0753103
Computer Programming Using C :
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 60
Max Marks : 75
Note : Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (3×5=15)
a) What is the difference between an algorithm and a flow chart?
b) Differentiate between variable and constant with the help example.
c) What are library files in C? Explain in brief with examples.

d) Write a recursive function to calculate factorial of an integer.
e) What is pre-processor? Explain with example.
f) Write a C function to reverse the digits of an integer.
g) What are the different types of qualifiers in C? Explain.
h) Write the benefits of using properly designed functions that perform specific tasks in a large software project.

2. a) What are the different kinds of decision statements available in ‘C’? Explain with examples? (4.5)
b) What is the purpose of ‘Break’ Statement? Explain with example. (4.5)
3. a) What is typecasting? Briefly explain its significance. (4.5)
b) How can an entire structure be passed to a function and returned from a function? Discuss in detail. (4.5)

4. a) Write a program in C to convert a binary number to equivalent decimal number. (4.5)
b) What is the function of pointer variable? What are its uses? What is pointer to a pointer? (4.5)
5. a) Write a C program to count the letters in a sequence of characters. (4.5)
b) What do you mean by arrays of characters? Explain with example. (4.5)

6. a) Explain about the different parameter passing methods with examples. (4.5)
b) What is the purpose of malloc() , calloc() and realloc()? (4.5)
7. a) Differentiate between entry controlled and exit controlled loops with examples. (4.5)
b) What is structure? Briefly explain, how structure members are accessed? (4.5)

8. Write short notes on any two of the following: (4.5×2=9)
a) File Handling.
b) Arrays of Structure.
c) Unions.

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