BBA101/ BCH101 Business & Management BBA/ B.Com Question Paper : tmu.ac.in

University : Teerthanker Mahaveer University
College : Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Management And Computer Applications
Degree : BBA/ B.Com
Subject : BBA101/ BCH101 Business & Management
Semester : I
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : tmu.ac.in

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Business & Management :

Course Code : BBA101/BCH101 Paper ID: 0111112
Time : 3 Hours

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Max. Marks : 75
Note : Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words) :

a) Define a scalar chain of authority.
b) What is Line and Staff conflict-
c) What do you understand by ‘Flexible Working Schedule’-
d) Who is a Charismatic leader-

e) Discuss the basic characteristics of a business organization.
f) ‘No one leadership style is the best’, briefly comment.
g) What are the features of large scale industries-
h) Discuss Weber’s three types of legitimate authority.

2. “Whatever a manager does, he/she does through decision-making.” Discuss this statement and explain the significance of rational decision making in management. (12)
3. Why the function of staffing seldom is approached logically- Briefly describe the system approach to staffing. How is staffing related to other managerial functions and activities- (3+4+5)

4. ‘Management is regarded as an art by some, science by others and inexact science by many more. The truth seems to be somewhere in between.’ In the light of this statement explain the exact nature of management. (12)

5. ‘Small business is the seedbed of entrepreneurship.’ In the light of this statement, discuss the role of small business in the development of entrepreneurs. Point out various problems it faces in our country. (6+6)

6. What do you mean by ‘managerial grid’- Discuss the various leadership styles under this approach. (4+8)
7. Enumerate the assumptions of McGregor’s Theory X and theory Y. Which of these theories has wider applicability in our country- (6+6)

8. Define planning. What would you need to know to plan an organization structure- How would you go about making such a plan- (2+6+4)

BBA/B.Com (Hons)/B.Com Pass I (First) Semester Examination 2015-16 :
Course Code : BBA101/BCH101/BCP101
Paper ID : 0501201
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 70
Max Marks : 75
Note : Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (4×5=20)
a) Management is concerned with ideas, things and people. Comment.
b) Discuss significance of management.
c) Differentiate responsibilities and power.

d) What is manpower planning? Give example.
e) Describe various functions of a leader.
f) Discuss Maslow theory in brief.
g) Discuss project matrix and networks.
h) Discuss in brief the Herzberg theory of motivation.

2. What purposes are served by planning? Discuss the relationship of planning with other functions of management. (10)
3. Explain the term ‘decentralization of authority’. Discuss briefly the various barriers to its effective use in an organization. (10)
4. What do you understand by functional organization and explain its merits and demerits? (10)

5 Discuss the various assumptions underlying theory X and theory Y that were developed by McGregor. (10)
6. A good leader is one who understands his subordinates, their need and their source of satisfaction. (10)
7. Discuss various characteristics and objectives of business organizations. Differentiate partnership and co-operatives. (10)

8. Write short notes on any two: (5+5)
a) Dynamics of group behaviour
b) Matrix organization
c) Reward and punishment in motivation
d) Situation leadership

BBA/B.Com (Hons)/B.Com Pass I (First) Semester Examination 2014-15 :
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (4×5=20)
a) Discuss various forms of business organizations in brief.
b) Management is art or science? Define.

c) Define decentralization of authority.
d) Differentiate recruitment and selection.
e) Discuss the concept of situational leadership control.

f) What is the objective of staffing?
g) What do you mean by dynamics of group behaviour? Highlight.
h) What do you understand by combining jobs? Answer with suitable example.

2. Describe the various managerial styles. Which one best suits Indian conditions and why? (10)
3. State the difference between authority and power. Why do organization members accept their superior’s authority? (10)
4. Define matrix organization. How is it different from a project organization? (10)
5 Would you suggest the same method for motivating managers and non- mangers? Give reasons for your answer.

Categories: Business Studies
Tags: tmu.ac.in
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