Indian Society & Social Institutions in India B.A Question Paper : gujaratuniversity.org.in

University : Gujarat University
Degree : B.A
Department : Sociology
Subject : Indian Society & Social Institutions in India
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : gujaratuniversity.org.in

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Indian Society and Social Institutions in India Model Paper :

March-2007 ,Sociology (First Subsidiary)
Paper-II Indian Society and Social Institutions in India
(New Course) FA-109 2
Sociology (First Subsidiary)
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 70

Instructions :
(1) All questions carry equal marks.
(2) Attempt all questions.
1. What is Social Institution – State the characteristics of Institution. (14)
What is scheduled caste and scheduled tribes –
State the Characteristics of scheduled ,Tribes.
2. Explain the types of marriage
Carify the nature of fraternal polyandry marriage system. (14)
Muslim marriage as a contract. – Explain.
3. State the meaning and characteristics of Joint Family. (14)
Explain the matriarchal ‘Nayar-Tarwad’.
4. Give the definition of caste and discuss the origin of caste system. (14)
Discuss the changes that comes in the caste system in independent India.
5. Write short notes : (any two) (14)
(1) Religious Minorities
(2) Exogamy
(3) Nuclear family
(4) Intergenerational Gap

1. What is Social Institution – State the characteristics of Institution. (14)
What is scheduled caste and scheduled tribes –
State the Characteristics of scheduled ,Tribes.
2. Explain the types of marriage
Carify the nature of fraternal polyandry marriage system. (14)
Muslim marriage as a contract. – Explain.
3. State the meaning and characteristics of Joint Family. (14)
Explain the matriarchal ‘Nayar-Tarwad’.
4. Give the definition of caste and discuss the origin of caste system. (14)
Discuss the changes that comes in the caste system in independent India.
5. Write short notes : (any two) (14)
(1) Religious Minorities
(2) Exogamy
(3) Nuclear family
(4) Intergenerational Gap

Sociology : Paper – IV : Social Problems
Instructions : (1) Attempt any four questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Write the serial numbers of your answers to all questions as per their serial number in the question paper.
1 What is Social Conformity ? Discuss in detail the causes 25 of Deviant Behaviour.
1 State the different theories of deviant behaviour. Discuss R. K. Merton’s theory of Deviant Behaviour.
2 Define child labour. Discuss the impact of child labour 25 on child labourers.
2 State the different sectors of child Labour. Write in detail, why exploration of child labour is possible ?
3 Explain, the Studies of Ageing is needed. Write about any 25 one approach to study Aged.
3 What is HIV / AIDS ? Discuss with illustration about High Risk Behaviour Groups.
4 Explain, concept of Ageing. Write in detail, about family 25 life of Aged and Adjustment during old Age.
4 Write notes : (any two)
(1) Role of NGO and child labour
(2) Modernization and Ageing
(3) Reasons for HIV infection
(4) Government’s and NGO’s efforts for AIDs awarness and prevention.

Sociology : Paper-III :
Instructions :
(1) Answer all questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.

(3) Write the serial numbers of your answer to all questions as per their serial number in the question paper.
(4) Calculator can be used.
1 What is social research ? Describe the impact of social 20 research on sociological theory.
1 What is selection of a research problem ? Describe with 20 illusrations the various factors related to selection and formulation of a research problem.
2 Clarify the meaning of experimental research design 20 and discuss the aspects of research design.
2 Explain the various types of sampling and narrate the 20 importance of sampling in social research.
3 Describe the characteristics of interview and mailed 20 questionnaire as methods of data collection in social research.
3 Write notes on : (any two) 20
(1) Methodological issues in social research
(2) Serendipity pattern
(3) Importance of social survey
(4) Participant observation.

4. Claculate Pearson’s coefficient of correlation g b g between 20
X and Y in the following data :
X : 8 6 12 16 10 14 18 12 10 8
Y : 10 6 5 12 9 10 12 8 12 6

4. What is probability ? The distribution of families in a 20 village is given according to ownership of a tractor and a car as well as Caste in the following table. Suppose that we want to select a random sample (without replacement) from the families in this village. If A be the event that the family owns a tractor and B be the event that the family is of a Patel Caste, calculate

5. Test the hypothesis that there is no relationship 20 between religion and type of family as shown in the following data, by performing a chi-square (c2) test at 0.05 level of statistical significance. Note c2 = 7.815 with d.t.=3 and level of statistical significance=0.05)
5. Describe in detail target audience (group) and 20 comprehensive report in report writing.

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