Physical Geography-I B.A Question Paper : gujaratuniversity.org.in

University : Gujarat University
Degree : B.A
Department : Geography
Subject : Physical Geography-I
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : gujaratuniversity.org.in

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Gujarat University Geography Question Papers

March-2007 (First Subsidiary)
Physical Geography-I

Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Figures to the right indicate full marks of the question.
(2) Draw figures/maps wherever necessary.

Related : Gujarat University Physical Indian Economy B.A Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5687.html

1. What is studied in Physical Geography ? Bring out clearly its inter-relation with other earth sciences. (14)
According to Wegner, how did the present Continents and Oceans originate ? What are the evidences provided by him in support of his views ?
2. What is a ‘rock’ ? Classify and explain sedimentary rocks on the basis of their origin. (14)
Explain major geomorphic processes that play a role in the evolution of landscape.
3. How can geomorphic knowledge be applied to planning of transport routes ? (14)
Explain the characteristic erosional and depositional landforms of coastal landscape.

4. How did the idea of Isostaty come into being ? What were the views of Joly and Holmes regarding it ? How is isostatic adjustment accomplished ? (14)
How are the principles of geomorphology applicable to the following human activities ?
(i) Settlement planning
(ii) Mining

5. Write short notes on : (any two) (14)
(1) Mesozoic Era
(2) Metamorphic rocks
(3) Orogenic movement
(4) Pre-Palaeozoic Era

Paper-VII (a)

Instructions :
(1) Attempt all questions. They carry equal marks.
(2) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
(3) Candidates are allowed to use map-stencils showing only outlines of nations.
1 Discuss the nature and development of social geography and explain its present scope.
1 Discuss the approaches to the study of social geography and explain the importance of welfare approach in the present context.
2 Examine the impact of geographical factors on social interaction and relations with suitable examples.
2 Discuss the geographical and non-geographical indicators of close and far social relations with examples from Indian society.
3 Explain the concept, process and level of activity in the formation of social group and comment on the changing structure of primary group.
3 Explain the physical and social segregation and discuss in detail the types of social segregation with examples.
4 Discuss the factors of modernization and explain the process of modernization in rural India with examples.
4 Discuss the process of internationalization with reference to technology, capital, market and culture giving examples.
5 (a) Urbanisation and Social change.
(b) Concepts and indicators of social well-being.
5 (a) Environmental resources and rural housing.
(b) Regional patterns of social well-being in Gujarat.

Paper – VIII (a)

Methods & Techniques in Geographical Research :
Instructions :
(1) Answer all questions, questions are of equal marks.
(2) Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
(3) All steps are required to show in calculations.
(4) Simple calculators and statistical tables can used in the exam. hall.

1 What is the utility of central tendency ? How is it useful 20 in understanding a distribution pattern ? Explain the pattern of distribution of marks of students given in table no. 1, using central tendencies.
1 Explain various types of measures of dispersion with 20 formula. Why are they useful ? Calculate co-efficient of variation of regions A and B from the data given in table no. 2. Explain the result in terms of planning.

2 Explain the characteristics of a normal distribution. The 20 mean annual rainfall and standard deviation of rainfall of a region (having 1000 villages) are 500 m.m. and 40 m.m. respectively and it follows normal distribution. Find out –
(a) What is the probability of having rain less than 450 m.m. ?
(b) How many villages will be having rain less than 450 m.m. ?
2 Explain the meaning of hypothesis ? Why is a hypothesis 20 tested ? What is Chi-Square testing ? How is it done ? Using the data from table no. 3, apply chi-square test to show whether there is any relationship between location of farms and the type of land in a region.

3 Explain the meaning and utility of correlation in geogra- 20 phical research. Find out correlation coefficient, using data from table no. 4, and explain the result.
3 What is time series ? What are its components ? Using 20 the data from table no. 5, predict the population of the given country in 2011. What is the major problem in using such a prediction ?
4 Explain growth rate and index number. What are their 20 merits and demerits, similarities and differences ? Calculate

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