History of India 1206-1757 B.A Question Paper : nalandaopenuniversity.com

University : Nalanda Open University
Degree : B.A
Department : History
Subject : History of India 1206-1757
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : nalandaopenuniversity.com

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Nalanda Open University History of India Question Paper

Nalanda Open University Annual Exam-2010
Bachelor of Arts (History) Hons,
Part-II, Paper-III (History of India, 1206-1757)

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Time : 3Hrs
Full Marks : 80
Answer any five questions. All questions are of equal value
1. Examine the achievements of Quit-bud-Din Aibak as Ruler.
2. Evaluate the early problems of Balban as a ruler and how did he solve his problems?
3. Give an evaluation of the Deccan policy of Alauddin Khilji.

4. Write in short on different revolts during the period of Muhammad Bin Tughlaq in Sultanate dynasty.
5. Throw light on the Political History of Bahamani Empire.

6. Give an account of the administrative policy of Akbar.

7. Explain the North-West Frontier and Central Asian Policy on Mughals.
8. Throw light on the economic condition of Medieval India.

9. Give an estimate on the contribution of saints in the progress of Bhakti movement during Medieval India.
10. What were the causes of rise of Maratha?


Nalanda Open University
Annual Exam-2010
Bachelor of Arts (History) Hons,
Paper-III : (History of India, 1206-1757)
Time : 3Hrs
Full Marks : 80
Answer any five questions. All questions are of equal value.
1. Examine the theory of Kingship of Balban. What was its significance?
2. Describe the conquests of Jalaluddin Khilji.
3. Throw light on the administration of Alauddin Khilji.

4. What were the causes of the downfall of the Bahamani Kingdom? Examine it.
5. Evaluate the religious policy of Akbar.
6. Describe the main features of Bhakti Movement and its significance.

7. Throw light on the progress of Art and Architecture during Sultanate period.
8. Describe the progress of language and literature during Mughal period.
9. Write an essay on the life and achievements of Shivaji.

10. Write two short notes of the following :
i. North-West frontier and Mangol Policy of Balban.
ii. Experiments of Muhammad Bin Tughlag.
iii. Rajput policy of Akbar.
iv. Provincial Administration of Mughals.


Nalanda Open University
Annual Exam-2010
Bachelor of Arts (History) Hons, Part-II
Paper-IV : (Brief History of Modern Europe 1789-1945)
Time: 3Hrs For Current Batch: 80 Marks.
For Old Batch: 70 Marks.
Answer any five questions. All questions are of equal value.
1. Why was the Industrial Revolution started in England? Elaborate its spread in other European countries.
2. Discuss the internal and external policy of Napoleon Bonaparte.

3. Explain the meaning of Concert of Europe. Write in brief on the Concert of Europe.
4. Throw light on the formation of National States in Europe.
5. Discuss the history of the unification of Germany.

6. Discuss the salient features of the Parliamentary Act of 1911 of England.
7. What were the causes and consequences of Crimean War of 1854-56?
8. Describe the impact of Marxist thought of Socialism.

9. Throw light on the causes and significance of the Russian Revolution of 1917.
10. What were the causes of the Second World War?


Nalanda Open University
Annual Exam-2010
Bachelor of Arts (History) Hons, Part-II
Paper-IV (Brief History of Modern Europe 1789-1945)
Time : 3Hrs
For Current Batch : 80 Marks.
For Old Batch : 70 Marks.
Answer any five questions. All questions are of equal value.
1. What were the causes of the French Revolution of 1789?
2. Examine Napoleon as empire builder.
3. Write an essay on the war of Independence of Greece.

4. Discuss the salient features of the First Reform Act of 1832 of England.
5. Throw light on the causes which led to rise of Mussolini in Italy.
6. Give your view on the success and failures of the League of Nations.

7. Write an essay on Chartist Movement in England.
8. Throw light on the problem of Eastern Question from 1800 to 1856.
9. Discuss the causes and consequences of Russian Revolution of 1917.
10. What were the consequences of the Second World War?

Categories: History

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