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Organisation :Indian Air Force
Exam : Group X & Y
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Group X & Y Technical Model Question Paper

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Group ‘X’ Technical Paper

Select the correct verb :
Q1. Besides his parents, he _________also present at the function.

(A) is (B)was (C)has (D) has been
Q2. The thunder was accompanied ______a heavy rain.
(A)from (B)by (C)up (D)through
Choose the misspelt word.
Q3. (A) disparity (B)illusion (C)inevitable (D)middle

Fill in the blank with correct article.
Q4. _____things of beauty is a joy forever. (A)the (B)a (C)an (D)none of these
Q.5 Embellish (A)Sacrifice (B)Disfigure (C)Foreit (D)Indict
Q6. A well experienced person.
(A)wise man (B) Intelligent (C) Old man (D) Veteran

Q7. An accident which results in death
(A) Injurious (B) Dangerous (C)Fatal (D) Terrible
Identify the correct choice

Q8. He has purchased a bag of ____________
(A)floor (B)flour (C)flower (D)flaur
Identify the synonym of the given word
Q9. Zest (A)pleasure (B)distaste (C)flop (D)encircles

Fill in the blank with suitable conjunction
Q10. He will never pass,______hard he may try
(A) However (B) Whatever (C) Never (D) Whenever
Form an adjective from the given word

Q11. Gold (A)The Gold (B)Golder (C) Golden (D)Goldest
Give the plural of the given word
Q12. Hero (A) Heroine (B) Heros (C) Heroies (D) Heroes

Fill in the blank with suitable word
Q13. Barking dogs____bite
(A) regularly (B)rarely (C)seldom (D)frequently
Q14. No boy in his son’s class is as bright as his son is

Q15. To live in fool’s paradise
(A)to have an absolutely false conception (B)to create a stir
(C)to be clear (D)to get fairly involved Identify the indirect speech

Q16. The teacher said to me, “Be regular and learn your lesson daily” The teacher :
(A) told me that to be regular and learn my lesson daily
(B) said to me regular and learn my lesson daily
(C)advised me to be regular and learn my lesson daily
(D) request me to be regular and learn lesson daily Change the voice

Q17. It is time to buy books. It is time__________
(A) all the books to be bought (B) for the books to be bought
(C) for books have been bought (D) for books are being bought

Read the following passage and answer Q No.18 to 20
“A man who has no sense of history”, Hitler declared, “is like a man who has
no ears or eyes”. He himself claimed to have had a passionate interest in historyMore than that, Hitler’s whole cast of thought was historical, andhis sense of mission was derived from his sense of history.

Like his contemporary Spangler, asses unless Europe could be saved by the
Q18. Who has no ears or eyes-
(A)A man having sense of history (B)A man who has no sense of history
(C)A man who has extra knowledge (D)A man having passionate interest in history

Q19. Hitler displayed familiarity with :
(A)Scientific facts (B)Indian history (C)European history (D)None of these

Q20. Hitler’s sense of mission was derived from :
(A)His love of mankind (B) his sense of history
(C) Nowhere (D) contemporary society
Ans :B

Group ‘Y’ Trades Paper

Model Questions – Reasoning And General Awareness For Group ‘Y’ Trades :
Beri-Beri disease is caused by the deficiency of ________________.
(A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin B
(C) Vitamin C (D) Vitamin D
Ans : B

Q.2. Who is the President of India ?
(A) R Venkat Raman
(B) APJ Abdul Kalam
(C) Pratibha Patil
(D) Hameed Ansari
Ans : C

Q.3. An earthquake is recorded by a/an____.
(A) Oscilloscope (B) Spectroscope
(C) Seismograph (D) Thermometer
Ans : C

Q.4. The first Governor General of free India was _____________.
(A) C. Rajgopalachari
(B) Lord Mountbatten
(C) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(D) Dr. BR Ambedkar
Ans : B

Q.5. C. B. I stands for _____________.
(A) Central Board of India
(B) Central Bureau of Investigation
(C) Chemical and Biological Industry
(D) None of the above Ans : B

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  1. I am 17years old. I want to become a flight lieutenant in Indian air force.

  2. I got 56% in 10+2. Will I join in IAF?

    1. I have passed inter with 71%. Can I join IAF?

  3. Can I apply for IAF group y since my percentage in 10+2 is 38%?

  4. Shivam Kumar Singh

    I want to join iaf 68,% Bihar board. Please tell me any information.

  5. I have passed 10+2 with 80%. I want to be a medical assistance in iaf. How to prepare this post? Please guide me.

  6. I got 75% in my 10th. So I want to know about your airmen cut off and how much I will be scored in my 12th? So am I eligible for this and I appeared in this examination also.

  7. Is there any negative marking in written?

  8. I want to be a airmen in future. Please guide me.

  9. Please guide me to fill the form of air force.

  10. What will be the number of questions in XY group and what the cut off for OBC?

  11. What is the cut off for Airforce Y group (Non technician) for general category? Please tell me.

  12. Who is the chief minister of Chattisagarh?

    1. Raman Singh (born 15 October 1952) is an Indian politician and is the Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh state since 7 December 2003.

  13. I have passed class 10th with 77.9%. I am reading in class 11th and air force is my dream job

    1. I want be a air force man but our+2 percentage 64.4 and I don’t believe my admit card will come. Please solve my problem and I confused and always think very deeply in air force service.

    2. First you passed 12th with good marks. After that you will try in air force.

  14. I have passed 10th with 75% and 10+2 passed with 67.2%. Air force is my dream job. Please guide me.

  15. Airforce is my dream job. I passed 10+2 with 64.5%. Please guide me.

  16. Sir
    please upload airforce group y model paper in hindi

  17. I need previous year solved questions paper for IAF y group.

  18. I have passed in electronics with 65%. I want to become a pilot in airman

    1. If you want to become pilot you have to clear NDA exam with flying appititude test after that you can be a pilot in indian airforce

    2. What is the qualification to become a pilot in airman?
      And what type of questions come in airman x group technical?

  19. I have passed 10 with 89.3% but I want to serve in air force

  20. I am 98% in 10th class and 99.2% in 12th class
    I have become a pilot

  21. My dream is air force fighter pilot. 10th class have 82% in 2014

  22. My dream is to work at Indian air force. I have passed 10+2 with 82.40%. Please guide me.

  23. I am reading in class 12. My dream is airforce. I like this so please invite me.

  24. Airforce is my dream job . I passed 10+2 with 79.6% . I want to work at commander in air force

  25. I want to be a airman in future. Pleas guide me

  26. My dream is air force work at commander. I am reading class in 12th. Please guide me

  27. I am passed +2 with 65.7% but I fill up the form but I never got my admit card. Please solve my problems.

    1. You contact to nearest airman selection board.

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