BAHI003 Immuno Haematology & Blood Banking B.Sc Question Paper : ignou.ac.in

University : Indira Gandhi National Open University
Degree : B.Sc
Year : II
Subject : BAHI003 Immuno Haematology & Blood Banking
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : ignou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/5657-BAHI-003.pdf

IGNOU Immuno Haematology & Blood Banking Question

Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70

Related : Indira Gandhi National Open University BAHI002 Basic Haematology B.Sc Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5659.html

Model Paper 1

1. (a) Fill in the blanks. 1×5=5
(i) In many instances especially during surgery blood is given to the patient.
(ii) To prevent Haemolytic Disease of New born (HDN) to mother
(iv) While drawing blood from donor the BP cuff should be inflated to mm hg..
(v) Blood containing plasmodium vivax if transfused to recipient develops

(b) Write True / False 1×5=5
(i) Saline cross match detects all types of antibodies.
(ii) The Igm antibodies crosses placental barrier.
(iii) In Rh erythroblastosis the mother is Rh negative and the foetus is Rh positive.
(iv) The antibody titre of Anti-B is more than 1 :100 testing of ABO Grouping should
(v) Pyrogen is a substance which may be in the blood or ACD solution which

2. Write short answers of the following : 2×5=10
(a) Use of pooled seva in the Blood Bank. (b) Immunoglobulins
(c) Rh – Sensitization (d) Immunity (e) Bovine albumin.

3. Write short notes any four of the following :
(a) Indirect Coomb’s test ICT(b) Antibody titre.(c) Minor blood groups
(d) Bombay phenotype.(e) Components of blood.(f) Blood preservation and storage.

Answer any three questions. Each question carries
10 marks. 10×3=30

4. (a) What are transfusion reactions –
(b) Describe the laboratory procedures to investigate the case of transfusion reaction.
5. Describe Rh – blood groups. Give an account of Rh sensitization and Rh – immunization.
6. What is plasmapheresis – Describe platelet concentrates preparation and its uses.
7. (a) What are ABO blood groups –

(b) Describe the procedure of ABO grouping. Give an account of advantages of b) Write True / False 1×5=5
(i) Saline cross match detects all types of antibodies.
(ii) The Igm antibodies crosses placental barrier.
(iii) In Rh erythroblastosis the mother is Rh negative and the foetus is Rh positive.

(iv) The antibody titre of Anti-B is more than 1 :100 testing of ABO Grouping should not be used.
(v) Pyrogen is a substance which may be in the blood or ACD solution which can produce fever.

2. Write short answers of the following : 2×5=10
(a) Use of pooled seva in the Blood Bank. (b) Immunoglobulins
(c) Rh – Sensitization (d) Immunity (e) Bovine albumin.

3. Write short notes any four of the following :
(a) Indirect Coomb’s test ICT(b) Antibody titre.(c) Minor blood groups
(d) Bombay phenotype.(e) Components of blood.(f) Blood preservation and storage.

Model Paper 2

Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note :
Part-A contains two objective questions.
Part-B contains one short answer questions which is compulsory.
Part-C contains one short notes, which is compulsory.
Part-D contains four essay questions, answer any three of them.

Part – A :
1. Fill in the blanks : 1×5=5
(a) ABO blood group was discovered by
(b) Blood containing treponema pallidum if transfused to recipient develops
(c) The volume of ACD needed to collect 500 mL of blood is mL.
(d) The genotype of group A is AA or
(e) Du positive donor should be considered as Rb

2. Write True or False : 1×5=5
(a) Most of immune antibodies are 1 gM
(b) 0 blood group contain A and B antibody in the serum.
(c) In ICT, the sample used is red cells.
(d) The platelet concentrates should be kept at 20 – 24°C.
(e) Rouleaux formation can give false agglutination.

Part – B :
3. Write briefly about following : 2×5=10
(a) A1 lectin.
(b) Direct coomb’s test.
(c) Minor cross match.
(d) Haemapheresis.
(e) Delayed transfusion reaction.

Part – C :
4. Write short notes on any four of the following :
(a) Reverse Grouping Methods. 5×4=20
(b) Citrate Phosphate Dextrose – Adenine (CPD-A).
(c) Antibody titre.
(d) Blood components.
(e) Naturally occuring antibodies.
(f) Equipments used in Blood Bank.

Part – D :
Answer any three questions : 10×3=30
5. (a) Define compatibility testing in blood bank. 1
(b) What are the different types of cross matches ? Describe in detail any one.
(c) List the causes of false agglutination in cross match.

6. (a) What is the cause of HDN ? 3
(b) Name the different types of HDN. Write the main findings in the blood of mother and baby in these cases.

7. Following a blood transfusion, a patient passed dark brown coloured urine :
(a) What are the possible causes for the above patient ?
(b) How will you investigate and interpret the results ?

8. (a) What are ABO blood groups ?
(b) Describe the procedure for ABO grouping. 6
(c) Write the procedure of reverse blood grouping.

Categories: Medical
Tags: ignou.ac.in
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