exams.puchd.ac.in Computer Science CET Common Entrance Test Question Paper : Panjab University

University : Panjab University
Exam :Computer Science CET Common Entrance Test
Document Type : Question Booklet
Website : exams.puchd.ac.in

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Computer Science Question Paper :

Time : 70 minutes
Number of Questions : 60
Maximum Marks : 120

Related : Panjab University Legal & General Awareness CET Common Entrance Test Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5547.html

1. How many bytes are contained in one Gigabyte (GB) –
(A) 212 (B) 218(C) 230 (D) 220
2. If A is the number of address lines, how many memory locations can be there –
(A) A2 (B) 2A(C) 2A (D) A

3. The name given to a collection of program instructions or data that are available
(A) File (B) Cluster (C) Folder (D) Buffer
4. Compression tool is an example of :
(A) System software (B) Application software (C) Business software (D) Utility software

5. Device driver is an example of :
(A) Utility software (B) System softwar(C) Compiler (D) Assembler
6. The processing is faster with which of the following memories –
(A) Primary memory (B) Cache memory (C) Secondary memory (D) Register memory

7. The first thing that is performed when a computer is switched on is :
(A) Displaying the prompt (B) Prompting the user to press a key
(C) Power on self test (D) Loading system files into primary memory

8. The speed of a CD ROM drive is 52X. X is :
(A) 100 KB/s (B) 150 KB/s (C) 10 MB/s (D) 120 KB/s

9. Which of the following is not an essential requirement for an algorithm –
(A) Accepts input (B) Terminates in a finite amount of time
(C) Performs unambiguous operations (D) Produces result

10. The operating system (OS) that allows the user to work on a C program
(A) Time sharing OS (B) Distributed OS (C) Multitasking OS (D) Real time OS
11. To check whether the program returns the desired output for given input is known as :
(A) Program Debugging (B) Program testing (C) Program analysis (D) Program design

12. The operating system that lacks built in security features is :
(A) Solaris (B) Linux (C) Unix (D) Windows
13. Which of the following is not the function of an operating system –
(A) Program debugging (B) CPU scheduling (C) Memory management

14. Suppose a program is to be tested for different integer data provided
(A) Switch (B) For-do (C) While (D) If-then-else
15. If x = 10 and y = 0, the statement z = x/y results in :
(A) Logical error (B) Run-time error (C) Syntax error (D) Linking error

16. How many times “Hello” is printed using the following code ?
for (i = 0; i < = 10; i++);
(A) Two times (B) Zero times
(C) 10 times (D) Once

17. The type of errors that causes a computer program to provide correct results to some data but incorrect results to some other data is known as :
(A) Syntax error (B) Run time error
(C) Logic error (D) Linking error

18. The header file to use built in function tolower( ) in C++ is :
(A) stdlib.h (B) math.h
(C) ctype.h (D) iostream.h

19. The header file to use built in function random ( ) in C++ is :
(A) stdlib.h (B) string.h
(C) ctype.h (D) iostream.h

20. The average successful search time for linear search on n items is :
(A) n (B) (n + 1)/2
(C) n/2 (D) (n – 1)/2

21. Consider the following array declaration in C : int A[4] [2] = {123, 55, 128, 33, 143, 288, 131, 78} The element 288 is at location
(A) row 2 and column 2 (B) column 3 and row 2
(C) row 2 and column 1 (D) row 3 and column 2

22. If D is the address of first element A(1, 1), the address of the element A(i, j) of an m × n matrix stored in column major form is :
(A) D + (j – 1) m (B) D + (i – 1) m
(C) D + (i – 1) n + j – 1 (D) D + (j – 1) m + i – 1

23. Suppose AA is linear array (5 : 60) and the base address is 500. The address of AA(20) is :
(A) 70 (B) 515
(C) 514 (D) 75

24. Which feature of Unix allows it to run on desktop computers, mini computers and mainframe computers ?
(A) Portability (B) Reliability
(C) Security (D) Reusability

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