nbrc.ac.in Ph.D Entrance Examination Question Paper Sample : Institute of Bioinformatics & Applied Biotechnology

Organization : Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology
Exam : Ph.D Entrance Examination
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Website : nbrc.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/5513-Sample_Questions_Phd2012.pdf

Ph.D Entrance Examination Question Paper :


Related : Institute of Bioinformatics & Applied Biotechnology Integrated Ph.D Entrance Exam Question Paper Sample : www.pdfquestion.in/5512.html

Note : Sample questions are provided to give a general idea of the style of the questions that appear in the entrance test. These questions do not reflect the difficulty level of questions in the entrance test.

PHYSICS1. Name the process or processes which alternate (s) the passage of gamma rays through matter :
(1) Photoelectric effect (2) Compton Recoils
(3) Pair Production (4) All of these

2. How many quantum numbers do characterise an electron within an atom :
(1) Six (2) Five
(3) Four (4) Three

3. Write down the total number of particles inside the nucleus in terms of mass number(A) and atomic number Z :
(1) A–2Z (2) 2A–Z
(3) 3A–2Z (4) None of these

4. What is the name of the detecting device for discovery of positron:
(1) Electron Microscope (2) Geiger-Muller Counter
(3) Bubble Chamber (4) Cloud Chamber

5. Give the name of the process by which a positron and an electron coalesce to form photons:
(1) Pair Annihilation (2) Compton Scattering
(3) Bremhausstrahlung (4) Rutherford Scattering

Chemistry :
6. When solid sodium chloride crystallises from a saturated solution, the entropy change of the system:
(1) Decreases (2) Increases
(3) Zero (4) Remains same with the surrounding

7. Pure water has a PH = 7 at 25 C. The water is heated to 90 C. Choose the right answer:
(1) Kw value will decrease and water will be alkaline
(2) Kw Value will decrease but water will remain neutral
(3) Kw Value will increase and water will be acidic
(4) Kw value will increase but water will remain neutral

8. The vapour pressure of pure components ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are 100 torr and 50 torr respectively at a particular temperature. Assuming solution of X & Y obeying Raoult’s law, the mole fraction of ‘X’ in the vapour phase in equilibrium with a solution containing equimoles of ‘X’ and ‘Y’ is:
(1) 0.33 (2) 0.66
(3) 0.80 (4) 0.50

9. The half life time for a reaction at initial conc. of 0.1 mole/litre and 0.4 mole/litre are 200 sec and 50 sec respectively. The order of the reaction is:
(1) 0 (2) 1
(3) 2 (4) 3

10. Under equilibrium condition for the reaction 2C(s)+O2(g) 2CO(g) the total pressure is 12 atm. The value of Kp is:
(1) 16 (2) 0.5
(3) 2 (4) 32

Biology :
11. The salivary gland of leech secrete the anticoagulating factor:
(1) Hypotoxin (2) Antitoxin
(3) Hirudin (4) None of these

12. The beak is toothed in:
(1) Ostrich (2) Archaeopteryx
(3) Penguin (4) Kiwi

13. Bombykol is:
(1) A hormone (2) An enzyme
(3) A pheromon (4) None of these

14. The major constituent of blood plasma (more than half) is:
(1) Protein (2) Inorganic salts
(3) Fatty substance (4) Sugar

15. Annual Ring indicates:
(1) Age of the tree (2) Branching point
(3) Scale bark (4) Adventitious root

Mathematics :
16. If T is a real, skew-symmetric nxn matrix, then for n odd:
(1) det T > o (2) det T < o
(3) det T = o (4) None of these

17. The smallest subgroup which contains a fixed open subset of a topological group is:
(1) Only open (2) Is only closed
(3) Is both open and closed (4) All of these are false

18. A subset S of real numbers has at least one limiting point if:
(1) S is bounded (2) S is infinite set
(3) S is bounded and finite (4) S is bounded and infinite

Syllabus :
Mathematical Methods :
Vector algebra and vector calculus, tensors, curvilinear coordinate systems, linear algebra; Linear differential equations, elements of Sturm–Liouville theory; Special functions;

Complex analysis; Fourier series and Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms; Elementary properties of discrete groups; Elements of probability theory, error analysis.

Classical Mechanics :
Newton’s laws, conservation of energy and momentum, collisions; generalized coordinates, principle of least action, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of mechanics;

Symmetry and conservation laws; central force problem, Kepler problem; Small oscillations and normal modes; special relativity in classical mechanics.

Electromagnetism & Optics :
Electrostatics and magnetostatics, boundary value problems, multipole expansion; Fields in conducting, dielectric, diamagnetic and paramagnetic media; Faraday’s law and time varying fields; displacement current;

Maxwell’s equations; energy and momentum of electromagnetic fields; Propagation of plane electromagnetic waves, reflection, refraction; Electromagnetic waves in dispersive and conducting media; diffraction, interference, polarization.

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