Nuclear Power Generation B.E Question Paper : jaduniv.edu.in

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Power Engineering
Degree : B.E
Subject Name : Nuclear Power Generation
Sem : IV/II
Website : jaduniv.edu.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dspace.jdvu.ac.in/5502-B.%20Power%20Engg.%20and%20Nuclear%20Power%20Generation.pdf

Nuclear Power Generation Question Paper :

Bachelor Of Power Engineering Final Examination, 2009 :
(4th Year2nd Semester)
Time : Three hours
Full Marks : 100

Related : Jadavpur University Computer Aided Power System Analysis & Operation B.E Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5501.html

Answer any five :
1. a. Derive a relationship between the power P produced by a fission reactor and neutron flux 5 A reactor is fuelled with 10% enriched Uranium fuel. Assume that the microscopic absorption cross section of U2ss is 694b while that of Uass is 2.71

b. Assume further that the microscopic fission cross section of Uas is 532b, its atom density is 483-10″ atomscm, while the atom density of Ursa is 435°10atomscm. Calculate the neutron flux required to produce cmfor this reactor. Assume each fission produces 231 MeV. 15

2.a. Define multiplication factor and hence define sub-critical, critical and super-critical States. 5 State and explain the different terms in the -factor formula for neutron Multiplication . 5

b. Calculate the value of thermal utilization factor with the data for problem 1 above. What is Doppler broadening? . 5

3. a. A 250 Mwe Pressurized Water reactor uses slightly enriched Uranium as fuel with a burnup of 30000 MWtdTonne. Calculate the fuel consumption of the reactor in Tonnesyr assuming a conversion efficiency of 30%. 5
b. Can the flux in a nuclear reactor be arbitrarily increased? What is the limitation? 1+4
How is the average number of neutrons per fission of a Uranium atom a fraction and not an integer? 5 Calculate the energy of a thermal neutron.

4. a. Define Moderating ratio and Moderator Slowing Down Power 5
What type of moderation is recommended for Light Water Reactors from reactor control point of view and why?
b.Explain what would happen if a heavy water reactor is filled with Light Water at full power. 5
Why are some reactors kept over moderated? . 5

5.a.  Define reactivity. What is the value of multiplication factor for a reactivity of 1 pcm? 5
What is reactivity defect and how does it change with increasing power in an overmoderated reactor? 3
b. The moderator temperature coefficient of a reactor is .6 pcm. Calculate the reactivity defect for a temperature change of 10°C. What happens if the nett reactivity defect is positive? – 34

6. a. What are the requirements for control rods in a reactor? 5
What is a black rod and a gray rodWhy is a gray rod preferred? 3 Define the terms integral worth and differential worth of a control rod and explain where the control rod should be placed in a reactor if it has a single control rod? 5 –
b. Starting from the expression for reactor period derive an expression for doubling time and explain why a reactor power cannot be increased at any arbitrary rate. 7

7.a.  A reactor is operating at a steady power P1. Calculate the equilibrium concentration of lodine and Xenon and hence derive an expression of Xenon concentration with time if the reactor is shutdown at this power level 10
b. Explain how spatial Xenon oscillation occurs in a reactor. – 10

8. a. Does a turbine trip always require a reactor trip in a CANDU reactor? Explain your 5
CANDUs can be fuelled with natural Uranium while PWRs require enriched Uranium. Why? – – 5
b. What are the built in safety features associated with a CANDU reactor? 5
What is a reactor setback? Can a CANDU be started anytime after shutdown? Explain your answer. 5

PE/T/424 Nuclear Power Generation Syllabus :
Introduction to nuclear physics, Nuclear power generation in general, Reactor fuel system, Fuel cycle, Production of reactor fuels, Fuel enrichment, Properties of fuel materials, Fuel management, Reprocessing of spent fuels etc. Non-fuel reactor materials, different materials used as moderator, Material for fuel cladding, etc.

Reactor types, different power reactor systems, PWR, BWR, PHWR, Fast breeder reactors, gas cooled reactors, etc. Core vessel and coolant system of different reactors, description of reactor in India. Reactor safety, general principles of safety, Safety features, Reactor safety analysis, Design basis, Accidents, Loss of Coolant Accident etc.,

Reactor control, general control features, control devices, control rods and their driving mechanisms, control in reactor operation, radiation protection, radiation hazards, different units of radiation, protection standards, biological effects, radioactive, Biological effects, radioactive waste treatment systems etc.

Categories: Power Engineering
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