Advanced Power Cycles & Economics M.Tech Question Paper : jaduniv.edu.in

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Power Engineering
Degree : M.Tech
Subject Name : Advanced Power Cycles and Economics
Sem : II
Website : jaduniv.edu.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dspace.jdvu.ac.in/5497-Advanced%20Power%20Cycles%20and%20Economics.pdf

Advanced Power Cycles & Economics Question Paper :

Master Of Power Engineering Examination :
2nd Semester 2010:
Subject: Advanced Power Cycles and Economics
Time : Three Hours
Full Marks : 100

Related : Jadavpur University Power Plant Instrumentation & Control B.E Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5496.html

Answer Q1, and three from Section A and one from Section B :
** How does the efficiency of a simple, ideal GT cycle depend on the maximum turbine inlet temperatureJustify. 3 marks
** What do you mean by incremental heat rate of a cycle? Show that the plant heat rate is minimum when the heat rate is equal to its incremental rate. 4 marks

** Describe with a neat sketch why dual pressure cycles are used in GTCC plants. 6 marks
** Why in a vapor power plant, it is detrimental to have a continuous SH spray for main steam temperature control? Why is it even more detrimental to have RH spray? 4 marks
** How does a poorly maintained cooling tower affect the heat rate of a thermal power plant? 3 marks

Section A :
Answer any three :
** What do you mean by an EFGT cycle? What are its advantages? Draw a neat sketch of an EFGT cycle and show the process on Ts diagram.

** Derive the expression of cycle efficiency 7 and the work ratio 8 of a simple gas turbine cycle in terms of the temperature ratio t, compression ratio r, and the isentropic efficiencies of the turbine (mm) and the compressor (mo. Neglect any pressure drop in the lines, mass of the added fuel, change of specific heats of the working medium, and assume complete combustion. –

** Find the cycle efficiency and work ratio for the above mentioned simple gas turbine cycle, where the air temperatures at the inlet to the compressor and the turbine are 300 K and 700 K, respectively. The cycle pressure ratio is , while the adiabatic index for the working fluid is 1.4.

** The full-load rating of a TGSet of a vapor power plant with other cycle parameters are given below Steamwater parameters: MS at TSV: 540°C and 160 bar; CRH320°C and 40 bar; . HRH: 540°C and 366 bar; Final feed water temperature = 230°C, Superheater Spray water pressure 170 bar, and temperature 170°C. Flow Rates: MS at TSV454 kg/s, CRH: 411 kg/s; SH spray flow rate = .8 kg/s; RH spray flow rate = 0 kg/s, continuous blow-down from the drum = .2 kg/s (assume saturated water blow down, Cycle makeup water temperature 35°C. Power Consumed by: BFP motor: 122 MW; CEP motor = .6 MW,

** GHR and NHR of the turbine cycle as per ASME PTC 6 Specific steam consumption Heat rejected to CW at the condenser Contribution of boiler blow-down towards the GHR. Work ratio of the cycle 1 Exergy input rate to the HP turbine Exergy destruction ratedue to water spray in the superheater. 20 marks

** What is a combined cycle? Discuss the salient classifications of Combined Cycle Power Plant. –
** What do you mean by STIG? Why is it used?

** In a supplementary fired GTCC plant, 15% of the total heat is added to the HRSG in terms of direct firing of vacuum residue fuels. The open cycle GT operates at an efficiency of 30% while the steam cycle has a net heat rate of 2560 kCalkWh. The efficiency of HRSG is 87%. Draw a neat schematic of the cycle and derive an expression for the overall plant efficiency and calculate its value.

** What do you mean by a Heat Balance Diagram? What are the utilities of HBD during the following phases of power project: (i) conceptual engineering, ii) equipment selection, iii) detailed engineering, and (iv) commissioning?

** In a direct contact type feedwater heater, water at 200 kPa and 20°C is heated by mixing it with turbine bled steam at 200 kPa and 300°C. Liquid water enters the mixing chamber at a rate of 4 kg/s. If the mixture leaves the chamber at 200 kPa and 100°C, determine (a) the mass flow rate of the bled steam, b) the exergy destruction in the heater, and (c) the exergy efficiency of the heater.

Categories: Power Engineering
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