Corrosion & Oxidation Behaviour of Materials M.Tech Question Paper Model : jaduniv.edu.inc

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Material Engineering
Degree : M.Tech
Subject Name : Corrosion & Oxidation Behaviour Of Materials
Sem : I
Website : jaduniv.edu.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dspace.jdvu.ac.in/5482-CORROSION%20&%20OXIDATION%20BEHAVIOUR%20OF%20MATERIALS_Seme1_2004.pdf

Oxidation Behaviour Of Materials Question Paper

M. Met. Engg. Examination 2004 :
1st Semester :
Time : Three hours
Full Marks : 100 (50 marks for each part)
Use a separate Answer-Script for each part.

Related : Jadavpur University Physico Chemical Processing of Materials M.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5491.html

Attempt Q. 1 & any two from the rest. :
1.. How do relative humidity and SO2 content in air affect atmospheric corrosion. Differentiate between chemical condensation and capillary condensation. 5+5

2. a) What should be the main considerations in selecting a suitable material for a chemical reactor.
b) Draw any isocurrosion diagram of a material in an environment say HNO3.
c) Draw an isocorrosion diagram in a given environment considering a fixed corrosion rate.
d) Derive an expression for corrosion rate as a function of concentration and temperature of the corrodent. 5×4

3. Elaborately discuss the ‘purpose’ and ‘fundamental aspects of corrosion testing.’ 20
4. a) With the help of a neat diagram explain the three stages of SCC. 5
b) Discuss the phenomenology of crack initiation process. 8
c) Explain the role of material chemistry and microstructure on crack propagation process. 7

Answer Question No. 5 and any two from the rest.
5. Define the following terms : 2×5
a) SRB, (b) Corrosion current, (c) Tafel’s slope, (d) Salinity, (e) Concentration polarization.

6. Explain how corrosion on the inner wall of the boiler is influenced by dissolved oxygen and pH1 leading to pilling and caustic embrillement. Give some remedies of the problems. Discuss the outerwall corrosion problem of the boiler. 10+5+5

7. a) Discuss the corrosion problems if the crude petroleum from the well. How they are overcome by CP and inibitor.
b) Discuss how marine corrosion is influenced by different parameters. 10+10

8. Write short notes on :
a) Design of CP of an underground steel pipe
b) Microbial corrosion
c) Electro-chemical determination of corrosion rate. 7+7+6

Metallurgical & Material Engineering :
The department. of Metallurgical Engineering was established in 1956 with the purpose of imparting excellent training to students who would be able to join several industries as qualified engineers, dealing with the production and processing of metals and alloys including foundries, rolling mills and fabrication shops. The focus of post graduate degree is mainly fixed to train qualified metallurgical engineers for state of art technologies at different Indian metallurgical industries.

Research Activities :
** Phase Transformation in Metals
** Fatigue and Fracture of Metals and Materials
** Corrosion Behavior
** Protection against Corrosion of Metals and Materials
** Stress Corrosion Cracking
** Corrosion Fatigue Behavior of Heat Treated and Welded Specimens
** Process Metallurgy and Kinetic Behavior of Metallurgical Processes
** Bioleaching of Minerals
** Preparation and Characterization of Glass and Nanocomposites
** Surface Engineering
** Non-destructive Evaluation for Assessment of Fatigue Damage
** Joining of Materials
** Upgradation of low grade ore and subsequent metal exhaction
** Foundry Design

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