Advances In Ferro-Alloy Production M.Tech Question Paper : jaduniv.edu.in

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Material Engineering
Degree : M.Tech
Subject Name : Advances In Ferro-Alloy Production
Sem : II
Website : jaduniv.edu.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dspace.jdvu.ac.in/5480-ADVANCES%20IN%20FERRO-ALLOY%20PRODUCTION_Seme2_2006.pdf

Advances In Ferro-Alloy Production Question Paper :

M. Met. Engineering Examination, 2006 :
( 2nd Semester )
Time : Three hours
Full Marks : 100

Related : Jadavpur University Synthesis of Nanomaterials M.Tech Question Paper Model : www.pdfquestion.in/5479.html

Answer questions No. 1 and any four from the rest.
1. Defined following 10×2
a) Degree of metallization of Sponge Iron.
b) Reducibility of iron ore for Blast Furnace iron making.
c) Productivity of Blast Furnace.
d) Arcing in Electric Arc Furnace.
e) Dry slag and wet slag in steel making
f) Bond on ard Reaction in iron making
g) Killed Steel
h) Corex Process (i) slip in Blast Furnace
h) Diffusion De oxidation in steel making

2. a) What is meant by ferro alloy ? 2
b) State different classifications of ferro alloys with example. 4
c) State the uses of different ferro alloys
d) In the production of ferroalloys what are the different reduction processes. 3
e) What are the present problems in Indian ferroalloy industry. 4
f) State two remedies of the problems in Indian ferroalloy industry. 2
g) Name four ferroalloy producing companies of India. 2

3. a) Describe the production process of High carbon Ferrochrome. 8
b) Briefly describe the chemical reaction occurred in the production at High Carbon Ferro Manganese. 8
c) Why High Carbon Ferro chrome is generally not used to produce austenitic stainless steel. 2
d) What is the present Ferro manganese production at India.

4. a) Describe the production process of the following materials giving the details of raw materials, chemical reaction and other relevant matter
Ferro Silicon
Calcium Silicide
Silicon Metal 18
b) Why Ferro Silicon is important in iron and steel industry?

5. Write short notes on the followings (any four) 5×4
a) Ferro Titanium
b) Ferro Vanadium
c) Ferro Molybdenum
d) Ferro Tungsten
e) Ferro Niobium

6. a) For the production process of low carbon Silico Manganese (LCSM) one company has installed one IMVA submerged EAR The raw material for LCSM are Manganese Ore (A), Low Ash Metallurgical Cake (B), Mill Scale (C) Quartzite (D) Coal (E). Limestone (F) and Electrode Paste (G). The specific consumption of these raw materials (A to G) are 2100, 465, 90, 325, 200, 225 and 20 Kg per ton of LCSM respectively. The electrical energy consumption for the plant is 6000 KWh/ton of LCSM. The rate of the raw materials (A to G) are 2100, 6000, 900, 570, 3600, 400 and 20230 Rs/Ton respectively. The charge of electrical energy is Rs. 3.75/K.Wh. Find the ratio of expenses towards raw materials and electrical energy.
Given :
The load factor and the power factor for the furnace are 0.9 & 0.85
The operating days per year is 330 for furnace.
The handling and moisture losses for the raw materials are 4% and the line loss for electricity is 3%. 12
b) Why Manganese is essential iron and steel industry ? 2
c) What is know n as low carbon Ferromanganese ? 2
d) How Low Carbon Ferro crome (LCFeCr) is manufactured? 4

Metallurgical & Material Engineering :
The department. of Metallurgical Engineering was established in 1956 with the purpose of imparting excellent training to students who would be able to join several industries as qualified engineers, dealing with the production and processing of metals and alloys including foundries, rolling mills and fabrication shops. The focus of post graduate degree is mainly fixed to train qualified metallurgical engineers for state of art technologies at different Indian metallurgical industries.

Research Activities :
** Phase Transformation in Metals
** Fatigue and Fracture of Metals and Materials
** Corrosion Behavior
** Protection against Corrosion of Metals and Materials
** Stress Corrosion Cracking
** Corrosion Fatigue Behavior of Heat Treated and Welded Specimens
** Process Metallurgy and Kinetic Behavior of Metallurgical Processes
** Bioleaching of Minerals
** Preparation and Characterization of Glass and Nanocomposites
** Surface Engineering
** Non-destructive Evaluation for Assessment of Fatigue Damage
** Joining of Materials
** Upgradation of low grade ore and subsequent metal exhaction
** Foundry Design

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