Environmental Degradation of Materials M.Tech Question Paper : jaduniv.edu.in

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Material Engineering
Degree : M.Tech
Subject Name : Environmental Degradation Of Materials
Sem : II
Website : jaduniv.edu.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dspace.jdvu.ac.in/5476-Env.%20Degradation%20of%20Materials.pdf

Environmental Degradation Of Materials Question Paper :

Master Of Metallurgy Engg. Examination, 2009 :
(Second Sermester)
Time : Three hours
Full Marks : 100
Answer any five questions.

Related / Similar Question Paper : JADUNIV B.E Geology Question Paper

All questions carry equal marks. :
1.Explain the phenomena occurring at metalelectrolyte interface with diagrann indicating outer Helmoltz plane, inner Helmoltz plane, charge separation, occurrence of double layer capacitance and contact adsorption. Draw randle circuit. In the study of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, how Nyquist and Bode plots are plotted. Explain how the polarization resistance and capacitance of the randle circuit can be estimated from these plots. What is Warburge impedance? When does it occur?

2.a) Explain what is passivity and how this passivity breaks down due to localized corrosion such as occurrence of pitting. How pitting potential and pit protection potential can be determined from cyclic polarization curve. What is the significance of hysteresis of this curve.
2.b) Discuss the Hydrogen Induced cracking, hydrogen blistering and hydrogen embrittlement 10

3. Express ison by Butler Volmer Equation and explain how corrosion rate is dependent on several parameters. the fact.the rate of corrosion is controlled by charge transfer or mass transfer concentration polarization) explain with diagrams and equations. State the influences of exchange current density and limiting current density on corrosion rate and the factors which control them?

4.a. What is fuel cell ? How it is different from chargeable battery ? Justify that fuel cell is more efficient form of pollution free renewable energy compared to chemical combustion engine. Describe with sketch any one type of fuel cell.

4. b. Draw a sketch to show aggressiveness of corrosion occurring at different height and depth of an off shore petroleum production unit in an ocean. State the substances responsible for corrosion here. Draw a diagram to show how Cathodic protection is applied here.

5.a. What is microbial induced corrosion? Explain how aerobic bacteria and anaerobic bacteria aggravate corrosion rate of metals and alloys in aqueous environment. 26
5.b. How do the inhibitors function in minimizing corrosion rate ? What are the characteristics of an organic inhibitor? Why do they work best at PZC? How to find adsorption percentage from corrosion rate ? Draw a sketch to show how the inhibitor is added in the tubing of petroleum production unit.

6.a.Explain the followings with polarization diagram labeling with Econ, Icon, lo, iL, , etc wherever necessary
i. Hull of ship docked at port. How the corrosion rate changes when it sails in sea ? What change would occur if Cathodic protection is applied ? 5
ii. A steel tank containing sulphuric acid is corroding at free corrosion potential and now anodic protection is applied ? – 3
iii. A NiCd battery of internal resistance R, delivering a current 1. Show the charging and discharging potential. State some means to increase its current capacity. 4

6.b. What are the major constituents of an organic paint. Explain their functions. Name an organic coating for a steel bridge and hull of ship. 242

7. Write short notes on
i. Galvanic corrosion and Galvanic series. ii. Stress corrosion cracking
iii. Atmospheric corrosion and the factors affecting it.
iv. Electrochemical Determination of corrosion rate by Tafel extrapolation and Linear polarization method

Metallurgical & Material Engineering :
The department. of Metallurgical Engineering was established in 1956 with the purpose of imparting excellent training to students who would be able to join several industries as qualified engineers, dealing with the production and processing of metals and alloys including foundries, rolling mills and fabrication shops. The focus of post graduate degree is mainly fixed to train qualified metallurgical engineers for state of art technologies at different Indian metallurgical industries.

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