Geology B.E Question Paper : jaduniv.edu.in

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Metallurgical Engineering
Degree : B.E
Subject Name : Geology
Year/Sem : II/I
Website : jaduniv.edu.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dspace.jdvu.ac.in/5475-Geology.pdf

Geology Question Paper

Bachelor Of Metallurgical Engg. Examination, 2011 :
(2nd Year, 1st Semester)
Time : Three hours
Full Marks : 100
(50 marks for each part)
Use Separate Answer Script for each part. :

Related : Jadavpur University Metal Working Process B.E Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5473.html

PART – I :
Answer question 1 and any three from the rest
1. Write notes on (any 4) 4×5 = 20
a) Origin of the Earth.
b) Internal structure of the Earth.
c) Enantiomorphous and glide reflection
d) Crystallographic axes and crystal systems
e) Feldspar Group
f) Gneissic texfure and schistosity
g) Characteristic features of sedimentary rocks.

2. Define velocity depth curve. Write major differences between the oceanic crust and the continental crust. 5+5 = 10
3. Explain with diagrams the types of rotoinversion operations. 10

4. What is the fundamental unit of the systematic mineralogy of silicates? How do you generate nesosilicate, sorosilicate, cyclosilicate, Ionosilicate and phyllosilicate using this fundamental unit? Write with diagrams and give examples. 1+9 = 10
5. Explain the sedimentary process of rock formation. Write the differences between chemical sedimentary rocks and terrigenous sedimentary rocks, write with examples. 4+6 = 10

6. What is ore? What is gangue? Write with examples. Write the chemical composition and use of following ore and industrial minerals : Galena, Magnesite, Olivine, Chromite, Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite, Garnet, Ilmenite, Magnetite, Jalc. 5+5 = 10
7. Explain the ignesus process of rock formation. What is the difference between an extrusive igneous rock and an intrusive ignesusrock; Write with examples. 4+6 = 10

Answer question no. 8 and any two from the rest :
8. 2×5
i) Distinguish between Laminar flow & Turbulent flow
ii) Distinguish between Set & Throw in a Jaw crusher
iii) Write the important factors on which the energy consumption in a jaw crusher is dependent.
iv) Distinguish between Angle of nip & Contact angle.
v) Distinguish between comminution & concentration.

9. Derive : 10+10
a) i) Terminal velocity of fine particles.
ii) The condition required to ensure nip between a pair of rolls

Describe :
b) i) Basic Crushing plant Flow sheet
ii) Motion of a charge in a Ball Mill
10. a) Explain the mechanism of a common wilfley table
b) Describe the different types of Screens. 8+12

11. a) Short notes : 15+5
i) Selective flotation
ii) Hydraulic classifier
b) Calculate the settling velocity in water of spherical floccules of 0.5 mm in dia. and containing 90% water. Sp. Gravity of solid = 3000 Kg./m3 Viscosity of water h = 0.01 poise

Met/Geo/T/212: Geology And Minerals Beneficiation :
Geology (2-0-0) :
Introduction to Geology and its relation to metallurgy

Introduction to crystallography:
definition , common morphology, symmetry elements, point crystal, classes. Physical properties of mineral colour, lustre, hardness, specific gravity electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity , magnetic properties . Polarsied light microscopy-both transmitted and incident light types .

Basic principles involved and the properties of minerals studied under microscope. Ore textures, textural features and their interpretation; sheet structures and layer structures. Nature and types of ore deposits.

A short discourse on the types of ore deposits with emphasis on the chemical and mineralogical compositions Different types of rocks and their basic characteristics. Major Indian ore deposits.Resource potential of Indian and other countries with respect to important ore types and metallurgical coal.

Minerals Beneficiation (2-0-0) :
Laws of comminution; Crushing and Grinding machines; Classification: free and hindered settling; Dry and wet sizing, tabling – Wilfley tables, Jigging and Jigging machines, surface chemistry of minerals; Floatation principles and froth floatation; dewatering, magnetic separators. Pollution in beneficiation plants & control steps.

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