Testing Materials & Quality Control B.E Question Paper : jaduniv.edu.in

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Metallurgical Engineering
Degree : B.E
Subject Name : Testing Materials & Quality Control
Year/Sem : III/II
Website : jaduniv.edu.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dspace.jdvu.ac.in/5471-Testing%20Materials%20&%20Quality%20Control.pdf

Testing Materials & Quality Control Question :

Bachelor Of Metallurgical Engg. Examination, 2011 :
(3rd Year, 2nd Semester, Supplementary)
Time : Three hours

Related : Jadavpur University Mechanical Metallurgy B.E Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5470.html

Full Marks : 100
Answer any five questions. :
All questions carry equal marks. :
Answers must be brief and to the point. :
All parts of the same question must be answered contiguously. :
1. a) Briefly describe how you will carry out a tensile test with a specimen of cylindrical gage geometry. Comment on the data resolutions desirable for such a test. 8

b) In a schematic engineering stress-strain diagram, mark the significant engineering strength and ductility parameters that are determined from such a test. 6
c) How will the values of these parameters be affected if the specimen gauge length and diameter are changed in a proportionate manner? Explain your answer. 6

2. a) Define Brinell, Vicker, Meyer, Rockwell and Knoop hardness numbers. 10
b) Identify, with reasons, the hardness testing method(s) best suited for determining (i) hardness profile across a weld joint with narrow heat affected zones, (ii) hardness of cast iron material to be used as base of lathe machines, (iii) hardness of case carburized steel gears. 2×3

c) To what extent is it possible to infer plastic deformation properties from hardness test data? 4

3. a) Impact testing with Charpy V notch specimens is extensively used to characterize the ductile to brittle transition (DBT) behaviour. In a schematic plot, show how the DBT behaviour is reflected in the variation of Charpy impact energy, and macroscopic fracture appearance, with temperature. 10

b) Is it possible to study the DBT phenomenon using tension tests with smooth cylindrical gauge specimens? Give reasons for your answer. 5
c) Austenitic steels do not show the DBT behaviour. Why? 5

4. a) Describe how you will carry out constant load creep tests in lever arm creep testing machines. Explain the test requirements for permissible load and temperature variations, and resolution for the extensometer. 4+6

c) Except at very low loads, Vicker hardness number is independent of the applied load. Why?
d) The high cycle fatigue lives of welded joints are generally significantly lower than that of base materials. Why?
e) What are persistent slip bands?

f) Why is it necessary to exercise caution in extrapolating laboratory creep and stress rupture test data to service conditions?
g) Identify, with reasons, a suitable NDE method for detecting slag inclusions in steels.
h) Explain when you will prefer neutron radiography to X-ray or g -ray radiography..

Syllabus :
Testing Of Materials & Quality Control : Purpose, interpretation of testing methods, sampling.
Destructive testing – Hardness Tests : Brinnell, DPH, Rockwell etc.; Tensile testing with associated parameters; Impact Testing; Creep testing; fatigue testing; Torsion testing etc. Fracture toughness testing (K1c, CTOD, J-integral etc.)

Non-destructive testing : Magnetic, ultrasonic, radiographic etc. Inspection methods. Introduction to SQC techniques.

Physics Of Metals :
Crystals, symmetry elements, symmetry groups, atomic packing, crystal structure, planes of a zone, stereographic projection, calculations. Structure of metals and alloys. Free electron theory, density of states, Fermilevel, electrical conductivity of metals, zone theory, Brillouin zones, conductors, semiconductors and insulators.

Magnetic properties, dia- magnetism, para-magnetism and ferro-magnetism etc. Bohr magnaton, Domain theory, magnet materials, B-H curves. Superconductor.

Vive-Voce II :
Based on Third year second semester theory and sessional subjects.
1. Grading of sands for selection in foundry purpose.
2. Determination of mechanical strength like GCS, DCS etc. of molding sand mixtures.
3. Determination of permeability of molding and mixtures.

4. Sand molding practice for production of moulds (two patterns)
5. Core making practice. Theories for experiments 1 to 5 to be covered in the laboratory.

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