nios.ac.in : Secondary Indian Culture & Heritage Sample Question paper National Institute of Open Schooling

Name of the School : National Institute of Open Schooling
Name of the Exam : Secondary Indian Culture & Heritage
Document type :Sample Question paper
Website : nios.ac.in

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Indian Culture & Heritage Sample Question paper :

Indian Culture & Heritage
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks 100

Related : National Institute of Open Schooling Secondary Social Science Sample Question paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5329.html

Note : All question are compulsory. Marks are indicated against each question.
1. Name the first stage of cultural evolution. 1
2. How old is Indian Culture- 1

3. Name any one of salient feature of Indian Culture. 1
4. What did we inherit from Harrappan civilization- 1
5. Which language is the root of all Indian languages- 1

6. Sangam literature belongs to particular language. 1
7. Who is the writer of Sankhya Sutras- 1
8. Who is the founder of Charvak school of Indian Philosophy- 1

9. From where the enblem of Republic of India has been taken- 1
10. What is the name of Mithila Painting of Bihar- 1
11. Name the writer of Charak Samhita- 1

12. Name the scientist who became President of India. 1
13. Who calculated the value of pi (ð)- 1
14. Name one famous university of ancient India. 1

15. In how many varnas was ancient Indian Society stratified- 1
16. How many Sanskars are there- 1
17. Describe any two special features of Indus Valley civilization- 4

18. Medieval history of India is the history of cultural synthesis. Explain 4
19. Give the essence of wisdom contained in Bhagvad Gita. 4
20. Write three main characteristics of Philosophy of Nyaya. 4

21. Describe three contributions of Gupta Era in the field of arts- 4
22. How did silk rout help in spreading Indian Culture abroad- 4
23. Write a short note on the following. 6
(i) Sufism(ii) Philosophy Yoga

24. Describe in detail the impacts of Islam on cultural history of India.
25. Give a detailed account of the contributions of ancient India in the field of Science and Technology. 9

26. Write in detail about the developments which took place n the field of education in India after independence. 9
27. What is the doctrine of Sanskar? How far has it enriched the life in India?9

28. Describe the modes through which Indian culture spread in other parts of the world. 9
29. Describe the spreading of the Indian Culture in Foreign country. 9

Indian Culture & Heritage : April 2015
Note : All questions are compulsory. Marks are indicated against each question.
1. Which temple was not built by the Pallavas ? 1
(A) Kailash Nath temple (B) Vaikunth perumal temple
(C) Ratha temple at Mahabalipuram (D) Brihadeshwara temple

2. Which Constitutional amendment of 2002 made Education a fundamental right ? 1
(A) 84th (B) 85th
(C) 86th (D) 87th

3. The objective of National Literacy Mission (NLM) is to impart functional literacy to : 1
(A) Minors (B) Girl child
(C) Adults (D) Drop outs

4. Elementary education is the crucial stage of education, spanning the first _____ years of schooling. 1
(A) Five (B) Six
(C) Seven (D) Eight

5. State who among the British adopted English as the official language of the government. 1
(A) Lord Hardinge (B) William Bentinck
(C) Warren Hastings (D) Lord Curzon

6. “Charak Samhita” by Charak is an authentic and exhaustive work on which subject ? 1
(A) Physics (B) Chemistry
(C) Medicine (D) Mathematics

7. Which community in India is not governed by the codified Hindu Act of 1955-56 ? 1
(A) Hindu (B) Buddhist
(C) Sikh (D) Parsi

8. How many communities are specified, included and known as “Scheduled Tribes” by Indian government ? 1
(A) 247 (B) 274
(C) 427 (D) 472

9. Define the term Cultural Heritage. 2
10. Which is the correct method of understanding History ? 2
11. What is the significance of the role of Lord Krishna in ‘Sursagar’ written by Surdas ? 2

12. Name the places and related incidents where Stupas were built to preserve the remains of Buddha. 2
13. How can it be said that architecture is the key for understanding the cultural diversity of different parts of India ? Explain. 2

14. What are cosmic rays ? By whom are they influenced ? 1 + 1 = 2
15. How did Romans or Gypsies help in spreading Indian culture in the West ? 2
16. How did the Tibetan people get a new script ? 2

17. Describe any four characteristics of culture. 4
18. Describe the highest attribute of culture. What does culture provide for a decent life ? 2 + 2 = 4

19. Examine the contribution of Ramakrishna Mission to India’s awakening in the Nineteenth century. 4
20. Why does Ashoka the Great occupy a unique place in the history of India ? Explain. 4

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