Principles of Designing & Routing Networks M.Tech Model Question Paper :

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Information Technology
Degree : M.Tech
Subject Code/Name : MITNE 206.2/Principles Of Designing & Routing Networks
Sem : II
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Document Type : Model Question Paper

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Principles of Designing & Routing Networks :

M.TECH. Degree Examination :
Model Question Paper – I :
Second Semester :

Related : MGU Soft Computing M.Tech Model Question Paper :

Branch: Information Technology
Specialization: Network Engineering
MITNE 206.2 Principles Of Designing & Routing Networks :
(Elective IV)
(Regular – 2011 Admission onwards)
Time: Three hours
Maximum: 100 Marks
1.a. What are the constraints in designing a network? (8 marks)
b. List the characteristics of major traffic sources in networks. (8 marks)
c. What are the characteristics of traffic flow in networks? (9 marks)
2.a. Explain the networking scenario of distributed networks. (8 marks)
b. Explain the concept of thin client architecture. (8 marks)
c. What are the characteristics of voice over IP networks. (9 marks)
3.a. Explain the steps in constructing a network security policy. (9 marks)
b. Explain how to implement network security policy. (9 marks)
c. Explain how network security is related to device redundancy. (7 marks)
4.a. Explain the key steps in threats and risks assessment in network security. (10 marks)
b. Discuss on various aspects to be considered in network security architecture. (15 marks)
5.a. How to estimate traffic load caused by routing protocol. Explain with an example. (15 marks)
b. Explain the architecture of hierarchical network topology. (10 marks)
6.a. Explain how network topology is designed. Mention important steps. (10 marks)
b. What measures are to be taken to frame a redundant network design topology? (15 marks)
7.a. Describe various protocols for routing in networks. (15 marks)
b. Explain the routing characteristics of a campus network in detail. (10 marks)
8.a. Explain design issues related to network layer. (15 marks)
b. Describe all technologies and devices available for network layer implementation. (10 marks)

Model Question Paper – II :
1.a. Explain the features of client – server and peer to peer architectures. (15 marks)
b. What are the goals and constraints in designing networks. (10 marks)
2.a. Explain the characteristics of a thin client system. (8 marks)
b. How distributed computing is implemented in networking? (8 marks)
c. What are the design constraints in voice over IP networks? (9 marks)
3.a. Explain network security goals in a large routing networks. (9 marks)
b. Describe all important elements in network security policy. (9 marks)
c. Explain how security zones are designed? (7 marks)
4.a. How to implement network security policy? (10 marks)
b. Explain the architecture of network security. (8 marks)
c. What do you meant by device security? (7 marks)
5.a. How to estimate traffic load caused by routing protocol. Explain with an example. (15 marks)
b. Explain the architecture of hierarchical network topology. (10 marks)
6.a. Explain how network topology is designed. Mention important steps. (10 marks)
b. What measures are to be taken to frame a redundant network design topology? (15 marks)
7.a. What are the design constraints for network layer? (9 marks)
b. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of various routing protocols. (9 marks)
c. Describe any case study on a large network. (7 marks)
8.a. Explain on how to choose devices and technologies for network layer. (10 marks)
b. Explain all routing protocols present in network layer. (15 marks)

M.Tech. Degree Examination :
Model Question Paper – II : Second Semester
Branch : Information Technology
Specialization : Network Engineering
MITNE 201 : Internet Computing (Regular – 2011 Admission onwards)
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
1. a. Define Protocol. Explain the importance of HTTP and FTP protocols. (10 marks)
b. Explain the various Specifics of SMTP Protocol? (8 marks)
c. Explain about the internet protocols? (7 marks)

2. a. What do you understand by Domain Name System? Discuss the architecture and functionality of DNS in detail. (10 marks)
b. Explain the Document Object Model. (9 marks)
c. Why XML is required? Explain. (6 marks)

3. a. What is a java servlet? Explain with a neat illustration the lift cycle of a servlet. Also clearly give the characteristics of a servlet. (10 marks)
b. How servlet is different from Applet? (6 marks)
c. How do you generate data dynamically using JSP? Explain. (9 marks)

4. a. Describe JSP standard actions. How does a standard action provide JSP implementers with access to several of the most common tasks performed in JSP? (10 marks)
b. How do you access Databases from a JSP page? Explain. (8 marks)
c. How do you handle errors in JSP? Explain. (7 marks)

5. a. Explain the Enterprise Java Beans technology and its importance on developing the server-side architecture. (10 marks)
b. What are transaction isolation levels in EJB? (8 marks)
c. What are the different kinds of enterprise beans? (7 marks)

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