MEEPE203 Electrical Energy Conservation & Management M.Tech Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Degree : M.Tech
Subject Code/Name : MEEPE 203/Electrical Energy Conservation And Management
Sem : II
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
Set I : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5287-1-MEEPE%20203%20Electrical%20Energy%20Conservation%20and%20Management%20-set1.doc
Set II : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5287-2-MEEPE%20203%20Electrical%20Energy%20Conservation%20and%20Management%20-set2.doc

MGU Electrical Energy Conservation & Management Questions

M.TECH. Degree Examination :
Branch : Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Specialization – Power Electronics

Related : MGU MEEPE201 Solid State DC & AC Drives M.Tech Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5284.html

Model Question Paper – I

Second Semester :
MEEPE 203 Electrical Energy Conservation And Management :
(Regular – 2011Admission onwards)
Time: Three hours
Max. Marks: 100
( Answer all Questions )
1. ( a ) What are the key features of Electricity Act 2003. ( 12 Marks )
( b ) What are the initiatives taken up by Bureau of Energy Efficiency. ( 7 Marks )
( c ) Write a short note on Maximum Demand control. ( 5 Marks )
2. What are the major steps involved in Electrical Safety Audit. ( 25 Marks )

3. ( a ) What are the factors affecting the performance of operation of an Induction Motor. ( 12 Marks )
( b ) What are high efficiency motors ?. How they are different from ordinary motors. ( 8 Marks )
( c ) Write short note on Energy efficiency in Transformers. ( 5 Marks )

4. ( a ) How do you select a motor for a particular application. ( 10 Marks )
( b ) How can you improve the efficiency of a motor under low load condition ?. Substantiate your answer with a typical case analysis. ( 15 Marks )

5. ( a ) What are the measures of Energy Conservation in Electrical Drives. ( 12 Marks )
( b ) With a typical case analysis explain the energy saving in an electric fan cooling system. ( 13 Marks )
6. ( a ) How can we achieve energy efficiency in Compressed Air system. ( 12 Marks )
( b ) What are the factors affecting the energy efficiency of Refrigeration plants. ( 13 Marks )

7. ( a ) Suggest a methodology for the study of Lighting system Energy Efficiency. ( 15 Marks )
( b ) Explain the tariff options for Demand side Management . ( 10 Marks )
8. ( a ) Illustrate Energy Efficient replacement options in Lighting System. ( 10 Marks )
( b ) Draw and explain the block diagram of DSM planning and implementation. ( 15 Marks )

Model Question Paper – II

( Answer all Questions )
1. ( a ) Give an account of Energy conservation Act – 2001. ( 13 Marks )
( b ) Name the instruments required for an Energy Audit. ( 6 Marks )
( c ) What all elements are considered by utilities while preparing an electricity bill. ( 6 Marks )
2. What are the major steps involved in Electrical Energy Audit. ( 25 Marks )

3. ( a ) What are the factors to be considered while selecting a motor for a particular application. ( 15 Marks )
( b ) Comment on the rewinding effects of motors on their energy efficiency. ( 10 Marks )
4. ( a ) Suggest a method to improve the efficiency of an induction motor used to drive a load which is much lower than the capacity of the motor. ( 12 Marks )
( b ) Write a short note on the losses and efficiency of Induction Motor. ( 6 Marks )
( c ) Write a short note on Preventive Maintenance of Motors. ( 7 Marks )

5. ( a ) Explain the importance of quality of electricity supplied to driven machines. ( 12 Marks )
( b ) What are variable frequency drives ?. Mention their benefits over other drives. ( 13 Marks )
6. ( a ) What are the various losses that occur in Electrical Drive Systems. ( 12 Marks )
( b ) Describe the electrical energy conservation areas in an A/c System. ( 13 Marks )

7. ( a ) Give an account of different lighting technologies. ( 13 Marks )
( b ) What are the implementation issues of DSM. ( 12 Marks )
8. ( a ) Explain how co generation is advantageous over conventional power plant. ( 12 Marks )
( b ) What are the aims and scopes of Demand Side Management. ( 13 Marks )

M.Tech. Degree Examination :
Branch : Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Specialization – Power Electronics
Model Question Paper – II :
Second Semester
MEEPE 206-1 Advanced Microprocessors And Microcontrollers (Elective IV) (Regular – 2011Admission onwards)
Time : Three hours
Max. Marks : 100

Answer All Questions :
1. (a) Explain the pins and signals of 80286. (15 Marks)
(b) Explain virtual memory management and four level protection in 80286. (10 Marks)
2. (a) Draw the register organization of 80286. Explain the function of each register and flags
(10 Marks)
(b) Explain a segment descriptor. Differentiate between LDT & GDT (15 Marks)

3. (a) Draw the functional block diagram of 80486 and explain. (15 Marks)
(b) What is Paging? Explain paging mechanism in 80386. (10 Marks)
4. (a) Explain five stage pipelining 80486. (10 Marks)
(b) Explain address computation in PVAM when paging is disabled in 80386. (15 Marks)

Categories: Power Electronics
Tags: mgu.ac.in
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