Advanced Steel Structures M.Tech Model Question Paper :

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Civil Engineering
Degree : M.Tech
Subject Code/Name : MCEGS 205.4/Advanced Steel Structures
Sem : II
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Document Type : Model Question Paper

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MGU Advanced Steel Structures Question Paper

M.TECH. Degree Examination :
Model Question Paper – I :
Second Semester :

Related / Similar Question Paper : MGU M.Tech Applied Soil Mechanics Question Paper

Branch: Civil Engineering
MCEGS 205. 4 Advanced Steel Structures : (Elective III)
(Regular – 2011 Admission onwards)
Time: 3 Hrs
Max Marks: 100 Marks

Geomechanics & Structures

Answer all questions :
Use of IS 800- 2007, IS 811, IS 801and IS- 875 (part 3) are permitted
Assume suitable data wherever necessary
1 a) List the elements of an industrial building (5)

b) Symmetric trusses of span 20m and height 5m are spaced 4.5m c/c.Design the channel section purlins to be placed at suitable distances to resist the following loads.
Weight of sheeting including bolts = 171 kN/m2
Live load = 0.4 kN/m2
Wind load = 1.2 kN/m2 (Suction)
Spacing of purlins = 1.4 m
Design the purlin as per IS 800-2007 (20)

2. a) What are the different types of beam column connections ? (5)
b) An ISLB 300 carrying UDL of 50 kN/m has effective span of 8m. This is to be connected to the web of the girder ISMB 450. Design the frame connection using 20mm dia shop bolts. (20)

3. a) What are the types steel stacks? What are the forces acting on a steel stacks? (5)
b) Design a riveted self supported steel stack located in the outskirts of Bhopal for the following data
Terrain category 2
Topography almost flat
Height of the steel stack 80m
Diameter of the steel stack 3m
Thickness of brick lining 100mm
Corrosional Allowance 3mm
Design the stack at the base. Also design the base plate and the anchor bolts. (20)

4.a) Explain the structural action of two types of steel stacks? (5)
b) Design a guyed steel stack for the following data
diameter = 1.5m
Height = 30m [P.T.O]
Shape factor = 0.7
Average wind Pressure = 1.2 kN/m2
Assume the intial tension in the guyed wire = 35N/mm2
Total corrosional Allowance= 4.5mm (20)

5. a) Find the shape factor of a T-section with the flange of 150x10mm and web 200x10mm? (12)
b)Find the Collapse load for the cantilever shown in figure1
AB- 1.5Mp, BC – Mp (13)

6. (a) A propped cantilever ABCD is loaded as shown in figure 2.Find the collapse load if the beam is of uniform cross section
AB=BC=CD=Mp (15)

(b) A beam of span 6m is fixed at both ends and carries an UDL of 100 kN/m run over left half of the span. Design the section using plastic theory. Allow a load factor of 1.75 and yield stress of steel ( fy) =250 N/mm2 (10)

7. (a) What are the advantages of cold formed steel structural members over hot rolled steel structural members? (5)
(b) A hat of 100x80x4mm section with a 25mm lip is to be used as a concentrically loaded column of 3.1m effective length. Determine the allowable load. Take fy = 250 N/mm2 (20)

8. (a) Sketch different types of light gauge sections (5)
(b) Two channels of 180x80mm section with bend lips are connected with webs to act as beam. Thickness of the plate is 2.5mm and the depth of the lip is = 25mm. the beam has an effective span of 4.1m. Determine the allowable load per meter run on the beam . Take fy = 250 N/mm2


Module 1 :
Review of loads on structures- Dead, Live,wind and Siesmic loads as per IS 800-2007- Design of purlins, louver rails Gable column and Gable wind girder-Analysis and Design of Gable frames-Design of moment resisting base plates.

Types of connections-Design requirement of bolted and welded connections-seated connections-unstiffened and stiffened seated connections-framed connections-moment resistant connections-split beam connections-semi rigid connections

Module 2 :
Design of self supporting chimney-design of base plates, foundations and anchor bolts- Guyed steel chimney-Guy ropes-Stresses due to wind. Along with load calculation-Gust factor method

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