MCETE203 Traffic Engineering–II M.Tech Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Civil Engineering
Degree : M.Tech
Subject Code/Name : MCETE 203/Traffic Engineering – II
Sem : II
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5250-MCETE%20203%20Traffic%20Engineering%20II.doc

Traffic Engineering–II Question Paper :

M.TECH. Degree Examination :
Branch : Civil Engineering
Specialization – Transportation Engineering

Related : MGU MCETE202 Transportation Economics M.Tech Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5249.html

Model Question Paper :
Second Semester :
MCETE 203 Traffic Engineering – II
(Regular – 2011Admission onwards)
Time : Three Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
1. (a) What are the different methods of traffic forecasting? Explain them in detail. 10 marks
(b) Explain how the generalised demand price and capacity relationships are applied to travel forecasting 10 marks
(c) How is design hourly volume determined? 5 marks

2 (a) Explain the general principles of travel forecasting? 10 marks
(b) Explain the process of forecasting for short term and long term demand variations 10 marks
(c) Explain the critical hour concept 5 marks

3 (a) Explain the factors affecting Capacity and Level of service 5 marks
(b) How do you determine the capacity of Multi-lane rural highways without access control? 10 marks
(c) What are the various methods of representing accident rate? 10 marks

4 (a) An extended freeway segment with largely level terrain has an observed free flow speed of approximately 110 km/h, three lanes per direction, a 0.9 m lateral clearance, and about one interchange per 1.5 km.

It has an observed volume of 3080 veh/hr with corresponding PHF =0.88 and 154 trucks and buses and no recreational vehicles. An all commuter motor composition may be assumed. Estimate the LOS for this set of conditions 10 marks

(b) Explain the influence of road way and traffic conditions on traffic safety.10 marks
(c) Explain the Lighthill and Whitham’s theory 5 marks

5 (a) The off-peak traffic flow arriving at random at toll booth facility is 90 V.P.H and the peak flow is 180 V.P.H. The service rate exponentially distributed at the booth is 3.5 per minute. What is the average number of customers in the queue for each flow? 10 marks

(b) An observation on an expressway yielded a count of 200 vehicles in a period of half an hour. Calculate the number of headways in this count:
i) Greater than 4.5 seconds and ii) less than 18 seconds 15 marks

6 (a) Explain the fundamental diagram of traffic flow and derive the linear relationship between speed and concentration. 10 marks

(b) The maximum capacity of a 2-lane carriageway of a four lane dual carriageway is 2000 veh/hour. Due to pipe laying operations the width of two lane carriageway is reduced, restricting the maximum capacity to 1100 veh/hour. When the flow upstream beyond the influence of the bottleneck is reasonably steady and free-flowing at 1500 veh/hour.

i) The mean speed of traffic in the bottleneck
ii) the rate at which the queue of the congested conditions outside bottleneck grows. The mean space headway when the vehicles are stationary is 8 m. The relation between speed and concentration is linear 15 marks

7 (a) Explain the formulation of simulation models 10 marks
(b) Explain the measures of effectiveness of simulation techniques 5 marks
(c) Explain Monte-Carlo simulation 10 marks

8 (a) Explain the representation and scanning techniques of simulation 10 marks
(b) Describe in detail physical, analog and symbolic models 10 marks
(c) Explain the application of simulation techniques in traffic engineering 5 marks

Syllabus :
Module 1 : Traffic Forecast and Design Hourly Volume for Varying Demand Conditions
Traffic Forecast : General travel forecasting principles, different methods of traffic forecast – Mechanical and analytical methods, Demand relationships, methods for future projection.

Design Hourly Volume for Varying Demand Conditions : Concept of Design vehicle units and determination of PCU under mixed traffic conditions, Price-volume relationships, demand functions. Determination of design hourly volume; critical hour concept.

Module 2 : Highway Capacity and Accident Analysis
Highway Capacity : Factors affecting capacity, level of service; Capacity studies – Capacity of different highway facilities including unsignalised and signalised intersections. Problems in Mixed Traffic flow; Case studies.

Accident Analysis : Analysis of individual accidents and statistical data; Methods of representing accident rate; Factors in traffic accidents; influence of roadway and traffic conditions on traffic safety; accident coefficients; Driver strains due to roadway and traffic conditions.

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