MCETE202 Transportation Economics M.Tech Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Civil Engineering
Degree : M.Tech
Subject Code/Name : MCETE 202/Transportation Economics
Sem : II
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5249-MCETE%20202%20Transportation%20Economics.doc

Transportation Economics Question Paper :

M.TECH. Degree Examination :
Branch : Civil Engineering
Specialization – Transportation Engineering

Related : MGU MCETE201 Urban Transportation Planning-II M.Tech Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5248.html

Model Question Paper :
Second Semester :
MCETE 202 – Transportation Economics
(Regular – 2011Admission onwards)
Time : Three Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
1 a. What is the need for economic evaluation of transportation plans? ( 7 )
b. What are the basic principles of economic evaluation? ( 8 )
c. Give the framework of social accounting and its various applications. ( 10 )

2 a. Comment on the following
(i) Time horizon in economic assessment
(ii) Interest rate an element in economic analysis
(iii) Consumer surplus (15)
b. Explain the use of supply and demand models in transportation. (10)

3 a. Discuss about the direct benefits due to transport improvements. (12)
b. Explain the methodologies for monitory evaluation of passenger’s travel time. (13)

4 a. What is the economic concept of evaluation of travel time savings ? (9)
b. Discuss about the indirect benefits due to transport improvements (7)
c. What are the constituents of fixed cost ? (9)

5 a. What are the uses of economic analysis ? Explain different methods of economic analysis. (15)
b.What do you mean by discounted cash flow method ? How will you determine IRR and NPV ? (10)

6 a. Compare the various methods of economic evaluation . (10)
b. What is the difference between sinking fund factor and capital recovery factor ? Calculate the annual cost of a stretch of highway from the following particulars.

Land 12.0 100 6
Earthwork 9.0 40 8
Bridges & Culverts 7.5 60 8
Pavement 14.0 15 10
The average cost of maintenance of the road is Rs. 1.5 lakhs per year. (15)

7 a. State the basic principle of highway financing. What are the different methods of financing of road projects ? (15)
b. Discuss about highway financing in India. (10)

8 a. Give a comparison between private public partnership & build operate and transfer schemes. (13)
b. What is the principle behind toll collection ? How is the toll rate fixed ? (12)

Syllabus :
Module 1: Introduction
Introduction : Need for economic evaluation, costs and benefits of transport project, time horizon, basic principles, interest rate, time value of money, Supply and demand Models, Consumer’s surplus and social surplus criteria,

Framework of social accounting : accounting rate of interest, social opportunity cost, rate of interest, social time preference rate of interest, accounting prices of goods and services, measuring input costs, applications of social accounting frame work.

Module 2 : Benefits due to Transport Improvements and transport Costs Benefits due to Transport Improvements
Direct Benefits : Reduced vehicle operation costs, value of travel time savings, value of increased comfort and convenience, cost of accident reduction, reduction in maintenance cost; negative benefits due to increased noise and air pollution.
Indirect Benefits : Increased land values, increased development and demand.

Transport Costs : Fixed and Variable costs, cost of improvement, maintenance cost and other related costs, cost estimating methods, accounting for inflation, theory of transport supply and road planning.

Module 3 : Economic Analysis
Economic Analysis : The generation and screening of project ideas. Different methods of economic analysis – Annual cost and benefit ratio methods, discounted cash flow method, determination of IRR and NPV.

Examples of economic analysis of
(i) different types of road surfaces
(ii) different options for intersection improvement
(iii) proposals for bypas to a city
(iv) different strategies of pavement maintenance – application of economic theory in traffic assignment problem – user optimal assignment and system optimal assignment.

Module 4 : Financing
Financing : Economic analysis of projects – Financing of road projects – methods – Private Public Partnership (PPP) – Toll collection – Economic viability of Build- Operate-Transfer Schemes – Risk Analysis – Case Studies.

References :
1. Winfrey R, “Highway Economic Analysis”, International Textbook Company.
2. Kenneth J. Button, “Transport Economics”, Edward Elgar Publishing

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