Population Geography B.A Question Bank : nmu.ac.in

Name of the University : North Maharashtra University
Degree : B.A
Year : III
Department : Geography
Name Of The Subject : Population Geography
Document type : Question Bank
Website : nmu.ac.in

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Population Geography Model Paper :

T.Y.B.A.QUESTION BANK( W.e.f. June 2009 )
T.Y.B.A. : (G3)
Introduction to Population Geography :
Que. 1 : A) Choose the appropriate alternative from those given below :

i) Population geography is a sub branch of …………..
a) Economic geography b) Cultural geography

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c) Human geography d) Physical geography
ii) Population geography as an independent sub-field of
a) Human geography b) Physical geographyc) Historical geography
iii) …………. is also known as father of population geography
a) G. T. Trewartha b) Clarke c) Melzin d) Woods
iv) ……………… is a nodal point of the study of population geography
a) Man b) Animal c) Plant d) None of these
v) The man focus of study in population geography a) Human Population
c) Male Population d) All the above
vi) The central theme of the science of population geography is ……
a) Location of man b) Area differentiation c) Settlement d) None of these
vii) Population geography is a systematic branch of …………………
a) Pure Geography b) Geography c) Pure Geology d) Zoology
viii) The objective of population geography is an understanding of the
a) Regional differences in the people b) Differences in the male and
c) Physical characteristics of man d) None of the above
ix) The nature of population geography is ………
a) Dynamic b) Static c) Movable d) None of these
x) The scope of population geography can be categories simply as the study
a) Social and cultural features of populatio b) Economic characteristics
c) Biological attributes of population d) All of the above
xi) A book, a prologue to population geography is written by ……
a) Melezin b) J. I. Clarke c) Willbur Zelinsky d) Beaujeu-Garnier
xii) …………….. is an approach to the study of population geography
a) Systematic Approach b) Quantitative Approach c) Historical Approach
xiii) In behavioral approach, the most importance is given to………….
a) Human character b) Human behavior c) Human culture d) None of these

xiv) The data collected by the investigator himself called as………..
a) Primary data b) Secondary data
c) Cross-section data d) Time-series data

xv) The data collected by somebody else and is available in published form called as ……………..
a) Primary data b) Secondary data
c) Time-series data d) Cross-section data

xvi) The data collected by the investigator through questionnaires or personal interview is called ………….
a) Secondary data b) Published data
c) Primary data d) None of these

xvii) The data collected from published sources like books, reports, journals etc. is called ………………..
a) Primary data b) Published data
c) Secondary data d) All of the above

xviii) Sample survey is a source of collection of population data belongs to ………………..
a) Primary data b) Secondary data
c) Cross-section data d) All of the above

xix) Census report is a source of population data belongs to ………..
a) Primary data b) Secondary data
c) Cross-section data d) All of the above

xx) Census of India has began in ……………..
a) 1972 b) 1872 c) 1862 d) 1772

xxi) The first census of independent India was conducted in …….
a) 1961 b) 1971 c) 1951 d) 1950
xxii) The organization of National Sample Survey was organized in India in ……………….
a) 1950 b) 1952 c) 1951 d) 1971

xxiii) The enumerator system is probably used to carry out the census in India because of ……………..
a) Impact of illiteracy b) Impact of religion
c) Impact of urbanization d) All of the above

xxiv) In India, census is conducted after every ………..
a) 10 Years b) 15 Years c) 12 Years d) 20 Years

B) Write true or false. If false correct them and rewrite the correct :
i) Population Geography is a sub-branch of Human Geography
ii) Population Geography is a sub-field of Physical Geography
iii) G. T. Trewartha is known as father of Population Geography
iv) Man is a nodale point of the study of Population Geography
v) Clarke is a father of Population Geography
vi) Population Geography is static in nature
vii) Population Geography is a dynamic in nature
viii) Secondary data is collected by investigator himself
ix) Data collected by investigator himself called primary data
x) Data collected through questionnaire is called primary data
xi) Data is available in published form called as secondary data
xii) Census report is a type of secondary data
xiii) The first census of independent India was conducted in 1971
xiv) Census are not free from defects
xv) Census years are usually ten years apart
xvi) Population Geography is a systematic branch of Human Geography

C) Write answer in one sentence :
i) What is Population Geography?
ii) How do you define Population Geography?
iii) Define the Population Geography
iv) Name the types of Population data
v) Give the methods and sources of collection of primary data
vi) Give the sources of collection of secondary data
vii) What is vital registration system?
viii) What is primary data of population?
ix) What is secondary data of population?
x) What is difference between the primary data and secondary data of population?
xi) What is meant by population census?
xii) Define the census

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