ZY1CT01 Biosystematics & Animal Diversity M.Sc Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Zoology
Degree : M Sc
Subject Code/Name : ZY1CT01/Biosystematics and Animal Diversity
Sem : I
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5227-1_Biosyst.pdf

MGU Biosystematics & Animal Diversity Question

First Semester M.Sc. Degree Examination (CSS) – Zoology :
ZY1CT01 Course I – Biosystematics and Animal Diversity
Time: 3Hours

Related : MGU Building Climatology M.Sc Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5229.html

Total Weight-30
Section I : Short answer type questions weight- 1
Answer any 10 out of 12 :
1. Distinguish between holotype and paratype.
2. What is Phenetics?
3. How jaws evolved? What is its evolutionary significance?

4. List four differences between Protostomes and Deutrostomes.
5. Comment on the evolutionary significance of therapsids.
6. What are the reasons for the mass extinction of Mesozoic reptiles?

7. Huxley called birds as “Glorified Reptiles”. Substantiate this statement.
8. How Prototherians differ from Metatherians?
9. What is Phylocode? Comment on its significance.

10. Give a brief account on the significance of trocophore.
11. Distinguish between Chondrichthyes and osteichthyes.
12. Comment on Placozoa.

Section II : Short essay type questions Weight -2
Answer any 5 out of 8 :
13. Discuss the differences of Cladistics and typological approach in systematics.
14. Compare and contrast the five kingdom and six kingdom classifications.
15. Comment on the reasons for the success of Arthropods.

16. Discuss the impact of sedentary life on the organization of invertebrates.
17. Briefly describe the structural and functional adaptations of fishes for aquatic life.
18. Explain the importance of reptilian skull in biosystematics.

19. Comment on the diversity of modern amphibians and briefly mention the major threats faced by this group.
20. Give an account on the phylogeny of mammalian orders.

Section III : Long essay type questions weight- 5
Answer any 2 out of 3 :
21. What is a species? Discus the merits and demerits of different definitions of species. Comment on the taxonomic diversity within species.

22. Discuss the advantages of coelom and metamerism in animal world with suitable examples and narrate the significance.
23. Comment on the phylogenetic position of molluscs among invertebrates and describe molluscan adaptive radiation.

Evolutionary Biology & Ethology

First Semester M.Sc. Degree Examination (CSS) – Zoology :
ZY1CT02 Course II   :
Time : 3Hours
Total Weight : 30
Section I – Short answer type questions Weight-1
Answer any 10 out of 12
1. What is endosymboint theory?
2. Comment on neutral evolution.
3. Distinguish between intelligent design and evolutionary theory.

4. What is LUCA?
5. Define Hardy-Weinberg law.
6. Distinguish between heterotopy and heterometry.

7. Comment on RNA world.
8. What is founder effect? Give an example.
9. Briefly highlight a few advantages of chemical communication.

10. Differentiate between habituation and sensitization in animal behavior.
11. Comment on the differences between kinesis and taxis.
12. What are the advantages of altruism?

Section II : Short essay type questions Weight -2
Answer any 5 out of 8
13. Discuss Neutralist versus Selectionist approaches in evolution.
14. Comment of the contributions of Rose Mary and Peter Grant in understanding molecular evolution.
15. Discuss the idea of biochemical origin of life and describe the experiment that supported the concept.

16. Which are the major mass extinctions in the geological past? How did they affect evolutionary process?
17. Give an account on evolution of sex and its advantages.
18. Explain biological rhythms influenced by the lunar cycle with examples.
19. What is the role of courtship in reproductive behavior? Add a note on the mating systems met within birds.
20. What is imprinting? Why is it a unique form of learning?

Section III : Long essay type questions Weight -5
Answer any 2 out of 3
21. Discuss Darwinism in the light of modern developments in biology.
22. Describe hominid fossils and comment on the cytogenetic and molecular basis of origin of man.
23. Give an account on the social organization of primates.


First Semester M.Sc. Degree Examination (CSS) – Zoology :
ZY1CT03 Course III-  :
Time : 3Hours
Total Weight : 30
Section I – Short answer type questions weight- 1
Answer any 10 out of 12
1. Define mutarotation of monosaccharides.
2. What is trehalose?
3. Distinguish between α helix and β helix in the secondary structure of proteins.

4. Mention various types of phosphoglycerides.
5. Describe the different steps of substrate phosphorylation in glycolysis.
6. What is Ramachandran map? Comment on its significance.

7. Comment on the antiparellelity of two polynucleotide chains of the DNA molecule.
8. What is meant by Zymogen activation?
9. Distinguish between Saponification number and Iodine number.

10. Comment on Ribozymes.
11. Which are the major biologically significant compounds produced by Phenylalanine.
12. Briefly discuss free radical scavenger systems.

Categories: Zoology
Tags: mgu.ac.in
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