PH1RC3 Electrodynamics & Non Linear Optics M.Sc Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Applied Physics
Degree : M Sc Physics
Subject Code/Name : PH1RC3/Electrodynamics And Non Linear Optics
Sem : I
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5221-SB%20ELECTRODYNAMICS%20AND%20NON%20LINEAR%20OPTICS.pdf

Electrodynamics & Non Linear Optics Question :

Mahatma Gandhi University :
PG-CSS Model Question Paper 2012 :
Semester I :

Related : MGU PH1RC2 Classical Mechanics & Relativity M.Sc Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5220.html

PH1RC3 Electrodynamics And Non Linear Optics :
Time : 3 hrs
Total Weight:30
Part A (Short answer questions)
(Answer any six questions. Each question carries weight one.)
1. Write down the expression for displacement current if the charge on the capacitor is q=qo sin wt.
2. Write the Maxwell’s equation which remains unchanged due to change in medium.

3. Express the field vectors in terms of magnetic vector potential A and scalar potential Ø
4. What are gauge transformations?. Distinguish between Coulomb and Lorentz gauge.
5. What are advanced and retarded potentials?

6. Show that the power radiated by a magnetic dipole is small compared to the power radiated by an electric dipole.
7. What is the difference between the magnetic fields of a moving charge for an observer moving with the charge and another observer at rest.

8. What are four vectors?
9. Write a short note on optical mixing.
10. What is meant by sum and difference frequency generation.?
6×1= 6 weight

Part B : (Problems)
(Answer any four questions. Each question carries weight two.)
11. The intensity of sunlight hitting the earth is about 1300W/m2. If sun light strikes a perfect absorber, what pressure does it exert? How about a perfect reflector? What fraction of atmospheric pressure does this amount to?

12. Obtain the boundary conditions on electric field (E) and magnetic field (B) at an interface.
13. A plane electromagnetic wave travelling in the +ve z direction in an unbounded lossless dielectric medium with relative permeability µr= 1 and relative permittivity €r =3 has a peak electric field intensity Eo=6 V/m. Find :

(a) speed of the wave. (b)the intrinsic impedance of the medium.(c) The peak (b) magnetic field intensity(Ho) (d) The peak Poynting vector S(z,t)

14. Calculate the radiation damping of a charged particle attached to a spring of Natural frequency w0, driven at a frequency w.
15. If a particle`s Kinetic energy is n times its rest energy, what is its speed.

16. Explain the process of four wave mixing. Show that the sufficient condition for this process is K3() =-K4() 4×2= 8 weight

Part C : (Essay)
(Answer all questions. Each question carries weight four.)
17. (i)Discuss the propagation of electromagnetic waves in conductors and derive an expression for skin depth.
(ii)State and prove the conservation of momentum principle in electrodynamics. Explain the significance of Maxwell’s stress Tensor.

18. Explain the electric dipole radiation. Deduce the expressions for the fields due to oscillating electric dipole and deduce the power radiation
(ii)Obtain the Lienard-Wiechart Potentials for a moving point charge and deduce the expressions for a moving point charge

19. (i) What is Electromagnetic field Tensor? Obtain the Lorentz transformation equations for the Electric and Magnetic fields.
(ii)Express Maxwell`s equations in terms of Field tensor F and dual tensor G.
Obtain from them equations for Electromagnetic field in terms of E &B

20. (i)Explain the Second Harmonic Generation process. Obtain the expression for SHG efficiency.
(ii)Discuss in detail the self focussing in non- linear medium. Also calculate the focal length of the medium. 4×4= 16 weight

Mahatma Gandhi University :
Pg-Css Model Question Paper 2012 :
Semester I :
Paper : PH1RC4 Advanced Electronics
Time : 3 hrs
Total Weight :30
Part A : (Short answer questions)
(Answer any six questions. Each question carries weight one.)
1. List the main characteristics of differential amplifier
2. What is the open loop voltage gain of an Op-amp?
3. Explain the feedback principle in amplifiers

4. With proper examples, differentiate between fully controlled and semi controlled power devices
5. How natural commutation is established in a thyristor?

6. Draw the circuit diagram and waveforms of a single phase full converter
7. Briefly describe the performance parameters of an inverter

8. What is a variable DC link inverter? Draw its circuit diagram
9. Compare Buttreworth, Chebyshe and Causer filters.
10. What are the functions of a state variable filter?6×1= 6 weight

Categories: Physics
Tags: mgu.ac.in
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