PH1RC2 Classical Mechanics & Relativity M.Sc Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Applied Physics
Degree : M Sc Physics
Subject Code/Name : PH1RC2/Classical Mechanics And Relativity
Sem : I
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5220-SB%20Classical%20Mechanics%20and%20Relativity-Model%20Question%20Paper.pdf

Classical Mechanics & Relativity :

PG-CSS Model Question Paper 2012 :
Semester I :
PAPER: PH1RC2 Classical Mechanics And Relativity

Related : MGU PH1C04 Electronics M.Sc Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5217.html

Time : 3 hrs
Total Weight:30
Part A : (Short answer questions)
(Answer any six questions. Each question carries weight one.)
1. What are the generalised coordinates? What are the advantages of using them?
2. What are Poisson Brackets?
3. What are action and angle variables?
4. What is the importance of Perturbation theory in classical mechanics
5. Distinguish between Time-independent and Time-dependent perturbations

6. Show that rigid body has six degrees of freedom
7. Explain coriolis force
8. What are Euler angle.
9. Write notes on relativistic Doppler effect.
10. Briefly explain the principle of covariance.

Part B : (Problems)
(Answer any four questions. Each question carries weight two.)
11. Show that the transformation of and P= q cot p is canonical and find the generating function
12. Using Lagrange’s equation derive an expression for the period of oscillation of a linear harmonic oscillator.

13. Apply time dependent perturbation theory to the case of a simple pendulum with finite amplitude
14. Show that the moment of inertia is a symmetric second rank tensor.

15. Show that the angular acceleration is the same in fixed and rotating frames of reference.
16. How fast and in what direction must galaxy A be moving if an absorption line
found at wavelength 550nm (green) for a stationary galaxy is shifted to 450 nm (blue) (a “blue-shift”) for galaxy A?
4×2= 8 weight

Part C : (Essay)
(Answer all questions. Each question carries weight four.)
17. Using the Hamilton’s principle of least action derive the Lagrange’s equations for system of particles
Obtain Lagrange’s equations for a simple pendulum

18. (i)Derive the equation of motion for all angles for a heavy symmetrical top with one point fixed. Discuss the precession and nutation qualitatively
(ii) What are normal vibrations and normal co-ordinates? Discuss the small oscillations of the CO2 molecule and obtain the frequencies of their modes.

19. (i) Obtain Hamiltonian formulation for continuous systems
(ii) Outline Lagrangian formulation of a continuous system and discuss sound vibrations in a gas

20. (i) Deduce Lagrangian and Hamilltonian of a relativistic particle,
(ii) Obtain Schwarzchild’s exterior solution for the gravitational field of a single mass at rest and explain on the basis of this solution the advance of the perihelion of the planet Mercury. 4×4= 16 weight

Model Question Paper :
V Semester :
B. Sc. Physics -Instrumentation (Model III)
PH5B04U – Digital Electronics
Instructions :
1. Time allotted for the examination is 3 Hours.
2. Answer all questions in Part A. This contains 4 bunches of 4 objective type questions. For each bunch, Grade A will be awarded if all the 4 questions are correct, B for 3, C for 2, D for 1 and E for 0. Answer any 5 questions from Part B, any 4 from Part C and any 2 from Part D.
3. Candidates can use ……………………….(type of calculator/tables)

Part A : (Objective type – weight 1 each)
Bunch I :
1. The decimal number ( -39), when expressed as a signed binary in the sign-magnitude form is
(a) 01011000 (b) 00100111 (c) 11011000 (d) 10100111
2. The binary equivalent and its 2’s complement are the same for a decimal number, among the group of decimal numbers 8,9,10 & 11. Which one is it ?
(a) 8 (b) 9 (c) 10 (d) 11.

3. Which of the following is not a valid rule of Boolean algebra?
(a) A + 1 = 1 (b) A + 0 = 0 (c) A.A = A (d) A + 0 = A.
4. The Boolean expression AB + CD represents
(a) two ORs ANDed together
(b) a 4-input AND gate
(c) two ANDs ORed together
(d) an exclusive OR.

Bunch II :
5. A 3-variable Karnaugh map has
(a) sixteen cells (b) eight cells (c) four cells (d) three cells.
6. The logic gate which can be used as a comparator is
(a) AND gate (b) XOR gate (c) NAND gate (d) XNOR gate.

Bunch III :
9. Full adder is a combination of
(a) 2 half adders
(b) 2 half adders and an OR gate
(c) 2 half adders and an AND gate
(d) 2 half adders and a XOR gate.

10. Data selectors are basically the same as
(a) decoder (b) demultiplexer (c) encoder (d) multiplexer.
11. For a T flip-flop, the output is
(a) Always 0, when T=0 (b) always 0, when T=1
(c) Qn+1 =Qn , when T=0 (d) Qn+1 =Qn when T=1.

12. The number of CLK pulses required to write and read one byte of information in a SISO shift register is
(a)2 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 16.

Categories: Physics
Tags: mgu.ac.in
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