PH1C03 Electrodynamics M.Sc Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Applied Physics
Degree : M Sc Physics
Subject Code/Name : PH1C03/Electrodynamics
Sem : I
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5215-GM%20Electrodynamics.pdf

MGU Electrodynamics Question Paper

M.Sc (Physics) Degree Examination :
PH1C03 – Electrodynamics :
Time: 3 hours

Related : MGU PH1C02 Classical Mechanics M.Sc Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5214.html

Maximum: 30 weightage


Answer any SIX questions. :
Each question carries 1 weightage. :
1. What are the static and dynamic Maxwells equations?
2. What is meant by Maxwells stress tensor? Explain its significance.
3. Why TEM waves can not be transmitted through hollow waveguides?

4. Explain the term characteristic impedance.
5. What is skin depth? How it is related to the attenuation constant?
6. Distinguish between phase velocity and group velocity

7. What is meant by electric dipole radiation?
8. What is a four vector? Give the components of momentum four vector.
9. Explain proper time and proper velocity.
10. What is meant by radiative reaction?
(6 X 1 = 6 weightage)


Answer any FOUR questions. :
Each question carries 2 weightage. 14. Verify that the Poynting vector is invariant under the transformation E’ =ECosF + BSinF and B’ = -ESinF +BCosF. Give the physical significance of the transformation if F= p/2

15. Evaluate the magnitude of the current density J in a region where the vector potential is given by A= x2j – 2xyk , where j and k are unit vectors.
16. Show that E2-B2 is Lorentz scalar.

17. Show that E.B is relativistically invariant.
18. The lowest frequency of an electromagnetic field is a rectangular waveguide is fixed at 3 MHz. What should be the dimension of the waveguide for its propagation?

19. Show that the power radiated from a magnetic dipole varies as the fourth power of the frequency. (4 X 2 = 8 weightage)


Answer ALL questions. :
Each question carries 4 weightage :
11. (a) Derive the laws of conservation of energy and momentum in electrodynamics and
show that the electromagnetic fields carry energy and momentum
(b) Discuss the reflection and transmission of the electromagnetic waves at oblique incidence and obtain the Snell’s law.

12. (a) What are transmission lines? Derive the transmission line equations and explain the characteristics of the transmission lines.
(b) Explain retarded potentials. Find the expressions for Lienard-Wiechert potentials.

13. (a) Derive an expression for the power radiated by a point charge in motion
(b) Describe the theory of propagation of electromagnetic waves inside a hollow waveguide of uniform cross section.

20. (a) Reformulate Maxwell’s equations and Lorentz force in tensor notation.
(b) Discuss the four potential of a field and obtain the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the motion of a particle in an electromagnetic field. (4 X 4= 16 weightage)

Model Question Paper
V Semester :
B. Sc. Physics -Instrumentation (Model III)
PH5D01.2U Open Course : Energy And Environmental Studies
Instructions :
1. Time allotted for the examination is 3 Hours.
2. Answer all questions in Part A. This contains 4 bunches of 4 objective type questions. For each bunch, Grade A will be awarded if all the 4 questions are correct, B for 3, C for 2, D for 1 and E for 0. Answer any 5 questions from Part B, any 4 from Part C and any 2 from Part D.
3. Candidates can use ……………………….(type of calculator/tables)

Part A : (Objective/One-word answer type. Weight 1 each)
Answer all questions
Bunch I :
1. Which one is not a non-conventional energy
a) Solar energy b) Wind energy c) Hydroelectric energy d) Tidal energy.
2. Which among the following is not a green house gas
a) CO2 b) CO c) SO2 d) N2O

3. _______is a primary pollutant
a) Sulfuric acid b) Carbonic acid c) Nitrogen oxide d) Ozone
4. ________ is an energy flow mechanism in the ecosystem
a) Water Cycle b) Carbon Cycle c) Oxygen Cycle d) All of them

Bunch II :
5. _________ is the World Environment Day
a) March 21 b) June 5 c) September 16 d) April 18
6. What should be the main purpose of Energy Audit?
a) Energy Conservation b)Economic conservation c) Waste management d) Environment Pollution

7. ___________ energy of the wave is utilized to spin air turbine to obtain wave energy
a) Kinetic Energy b) Potential Energy c) Nuclear Energy d) None of the above
8. In the sun energy is released by the mechanism of _________
a) Fusion b) Fission c) Recombination d) None of the above

Bunch III :
9. LPG is also called
a) Propane b) Butane c) Methane d) Ethane
10. _______ coal is the hardest and has more carbon yielding high energy content
a) Bituminous b) Lignite c) Anthracite d) Coal Tar

11. __________ gas used in refrigerants decrease the ozone content of the atmosphere
a) CFC b) CO c) Methane d) H
12. Which one is not among 3 R’s in Waste management
a) Recycle b) Reuse c) Reduce d) Repeat

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Tags: mgu.ac.in
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