APH1C03 Solid State Physics M.Sc Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Applied Physics
Degree : M Sc Physics
Subject Code/Name : APH1C03/Solid State Physics
Paper : IV
Sem : I
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5211-CMS%20Solid%20State%20CMS.pdf

MGU Solid State Physics Question Paper

M.Sc. Degree (PGCSS) Examination :
Faculty of Science :

Related : MGU AP1C04 Classical Mechanics & Nonlinear Dynamics M.Sc Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5209.html

First Semester

Applied Physics :
APH1C03 – Solid State Physics
[For 2012 admission Students]
Time: Three Hours
Maximum Weight: 30

Part A :
(Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries a weightage of ONE)
1. Define geometrical structure factor and atomic form factor.
2. Distinguish between acoustical and optical phonons.
3. What is Hall Effect?

4. Distinguish between metals, semiconductors and insulators on the basis of band theory.
5. What is antiferromagnetism?
6. Explain the concept of depolarization field.

7. What are the important predictions of BCS theory?
8. Explain London penetration depth.
9. Explain Wiedmann – Franz law.
10. What is an umklapp process? (6 x 1 = 6 weights)

Part B :
(Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries a weightage of TWO)
11. Show that the reciprocal lattice of a body centered lattice is a face centered lattice.

12. X-ray of wavelength 1.1 Å is found to be Bragg reflected from the (100) and (110) planes of a simple cubic structure. If the lattice parameter of the crystal is 3 Å, find the angles for first order diffraction from these planes.

13. Based on the concept of free electron gas, show that the electrical conductivity of a metal is Ne /m 2 t .
14. A superc onducting sample has a critical temperature of 4.1 K in zero magnetic field and critical field of 0. 0505 T at 0 K. Find the critical field at 2 K.

16. The magnetic field in silicon is 1.2 × 105 Am-1. Calculate the magnetization and flux density in silicon, if its magnetic susceptibility is -4.2 × 10-6. Also calculate the value of relative permeability of the material.
(4 x 2 = 8 weights)

Part C :
(Answer any ALL questions. Each question carries a weightage of FOUR)
17. (a) Explain the Ewald construction. Discuss reciprocal lattice concept is useful in X-ray diffraction studies.
(b) Obtain an expression of specific heat capacity of a solid using Debye model.

18. (a) Discuss the Kronig – Penny model for the motion of an electron in a periodic potential
(b) What is meant by free electron Fermi gas? Derive an expression for heat capacity of metals based on this concept.

19. (a) Explain the difference between diamagnetism and paramagnetism. Briefly explain the quantum theory of paramagnetism
(b) Discuss Landau theory of ferroelectric phase transitions

20. (a) Give an account of superconductivity. Explain type I and type II superconductors. Write a note Meissner effect.
(b) What are d.c. and a.c. Joephson effect? Give the theory of a. c. Joephson effect (4 x 4 = 16 weights)

Fifth Semester

B. Sc. Physics -Instrumentation (Model III)
PH5B61U- Microprocessors
Instructions :
1. Time allotted for the examination is 3 Hours.
2. Answer all questions in Part A. This contains 4 bunches of 4 objective type questions. For each bunch, Grade A will be awarded if all the 4 questions are correct, B for 3, C for 2, D for 1 and E for 0. Answer any 5 questions from Part B, any 4 from Part C and any 2 from Part D.
3. Candidates can use ……………………….(type of calculator/tables)

Part A : ( Objective type- weight 1 each)
Bunch I
Choose the correct answer from the bracket given below
1.—–is a logic circuit which amplifies the current or power. (buffer ,counter)
2.—– is a non maskable interrupt. (TRAP,INTR)

3.—– instruction is used to copy data from the accumalator into the memory location specified by the 16 bit operand. (LDA 16 bit,STA 16 bit)
4. 8085 is a — bit processor. (8,16)

Bunch II :
Select the suitable word for the following statements, given in bracket. (address bus,zero,eight,16,8)
5. ———— is a group of lines that are used to send a memory address from the MPU to the memory location or the periferal.

6. In memory mapped I/O, the MPU uses—- address lines to identify an I/O device.
7. —- flag is set if the ALU operation result is zero.
8.The flag register is —- bit wide ,for an 8085 processor.

Bunch III :
Write whether true or false
9. ROM is volatile type memory.
10 Encoder is a logic circuit that provides an appropriate code for each input signal.
11.Data bus is unidirectional
12. ADD B is a 1 byte instruction.

Bunch IV :
Match the following.
13. I/O mapped I/O interrupt request
14. INTR memory location
15.Stack 1 byte instruction
16.POP Rp IN and OUT instructions

Part B : ( Short answer questions-weight 1 each )
17.Define machine cycle.
18.What is the function of accumulator?
19.Specify the four control signals used in 8085 processor.
20.What is flag?
21.What is meant by peripheral mapped I/O?
22.Define opcode and operand with examples.
23.What is immediate addressing?
24.What is the difference between JMP and CALL instruction?

Categories: Physics
Tags: mgu.ac.in

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