Social Research Methods B.A Question Bank : universityofcalicut.info

Name of the University : University Of Calicut
Degree : B.A
Department : Sociology
Semester : IV
Name Of The Subject :Social Research Methods
Document type : Question Bank
Website : universityofcalicut.info

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Social Research Methods Question Paper :


1. Research simply means a search for………….
(Problems, facts, results, topics)

Related : University of Calicut Introduction To Sociology B.A Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/5206.html

2. Research may be made through either arbitory method or…………..
3. Who defined research is an organized enquiry-
(kerlinger, emory, morry, redman)
4. Who defined research is a systematic development of logically
(Black&champion, Comte, Weber, Morry)
5. Research adopt………..method-
(scientific, political, individual, public)
6. Research is based on empirical evidences and……………………experience-
(scientific ,political, rational, observable)
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Social Research Methods Page 2
7. Who defined research is an systematic , controlled, empirical
8. ……….develop theories-
9. Arbitory method is based on………….-
(investigation, imagination,research,scientific)
10. …………….is a systematic step by step procedure-
11. Who says research is a systematic effort to gain knowledge-
12. Two elements of scientific method; procedural components and ………….-
(rational components, personalcomponents, individual components,
group components)
13. There is no shortcut to truth, who says-
(Morry, Spencer, Karlpearson, Marx)
14. .………………..is the tentative conclusion-
(observation, verification, hypothesis)
15. …………..is the hallmark of scientific method-
(concepts, objectivity, ethicalneutrality)
16. Logical reasoning process consist of induction and…………….-
(generalisation, deduction, verifiability)
17. Who says theory as a integrated body of defnitions,assumptions……-
(arnold rose, p.v.young, kerlinger)
18. …………………..as a set of systematically interrelated concepts, defnition,
(fact, research, theory)
19. Empirical research may given a new focus to the existing theory
20. ……………define social resarch as the systematic method of discovering
21. …………….are empirically verifiable observation-
22. ……………….is the one important role in research.-
23. …………………means basing coclusions on facts without any biasand
24. Relation with other aspect of research creates………………….-
25. ……………. is a systematic method of exploring,analyzing
26. The purpose of research is to discover answer to questions through
27. ….…research is focused to collect knowledge without any intention to apply it-
28. Pure research is also known as ………………….-
29. ………………….research is problem oriented and action directed-
30. …………..has pointedout that applied social sciences in policy decision-
31. who said that research studies have differing degree of purity and

[Faraday, Julysimon, Bogardus, Morry]

32. Classsical design is a type of ……………..research?
[basic research, applied research, action research, exploratory research]

33. Plan for research is labeled as ……………?
[casestudy, researchdesign, intensive study]

34. An intensive study of particular case is ……………
[content analysis, casestudy, research design]

35. ……………………has defined case study is investigating the contemporary phenomena of real life?
[Omerry, Yin, Burus, Sarantkose]

36. ……………may be a source of hypothesis of future research?
(Casestudy, Research design, Content analysis)

37. Absence of representatives are special feature of…………………….?
[research, content analysis, narrative method, casestudy]

38. Object of casestudy is to …………..?
[gueralise theory,detive theory,to expand theory]

39. Casestudies are not useful for ……………..
[in-depth study, flexible data collection, generalization]

40. According to …………….content analysis is a qualitative technique………?
[bogardus, sarantkos, yiu, ernaan]

41. Objectivity,generality,systematic and quality are the charecterestics of……
[casestudy, projective technique, narrative method, content analysis]

42. Contextual analysis is a type of ………………..
[descriptive analysis, historicalanalysis, case study]

43. The narrative method is used in ……….research in social science?
[pure research, content analysis, applied research, casestudy]

44. The word narrative derived from ………..verb”narrare”?
[latin, greek, Italian, Persian]

45. Narrative enquiry is distinctive in the field of ……….?
[quantitative, qualitative, descriptive, experiemental]

46. Astory is astarting point of……………method?
[experiemental, quantitative, scientific, narrative]

47. The first four groups were created at the ……..?
[Chicago school, Frankfurt school, Beurof school]

48. The term focused group was coined by?
[Powel, Merton, Dichter, Mitchell]

49. ………….method help us to get the feed back about what peopledo over a long period of time?
[questionnaire, surveymethod, casestudy, group interview]

50. …………research is a systematic gathering of information among individuals and collectives?
[casestudy, survey, content analysis, focus interview]

51. _________ is defined as a tentative or working proposition suggested as a solution to a problem.
a) Research
b) Hypothesis
c) Objective
d) Concepts

52. It essentially states that there is no relation between the variables of the problem.
a) Hypothesis
b) Crude hypothesis
c) Refines hypothesis
d) Working

53. __________ indicates a plan of action to be carried out in connection with a proposed research work.
a) Research proposal
b) Research abstract
c) Research methodology
d) Research design

54. __________ study which wants to determine the frequency of occurrence of an event of its association with something.
a) Descriptive
b) Formulate
c) Explorative
d) Diagnostic

55. This is an intensive and searching interview aiming at studying the respondent’s opinion, emotions or convictions on the habits of an interview guide.
a) Clinical interview
b) Depth interview
c) Focused interview
d) Directive interview

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