PH1MC4 Condensed Matter Physics M.Sc Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Physics – Material Science
Degree : M Sc Physics
Subject Code/Name : PH1MC4/Condensed Matter Physics
Paper : IV
Sem : I
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5207-CC%20PAPER%20IV-%20PH1MC4-CONDENSED%20MATTER%20PHYSICS.pdf

MGU Condensed Matter Physics Question Paper

MSc Degree Examination :
I Semester :
Faculty of Sciences

Related : MGU Advanced Nuclear Physics M.Sc Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5204.html

Physics – Material Science

Paper – I

PH1MC4-Condensed Matter Physics
Time : 3 Hours.
Maximum Weight : 30
Part A : (Short answer questions-weight 1 each)
Answer any six questions :
1. What are ferroelectric crystals? Name any two components that exhibit ferroelectricity.
2. What are ferroelectric domains?
3. List out any four applications of piezoelectricity.
4. Differertiate between Type1 and Type2 superconductors.

5. State Hund’s rule.
6. Differentiate between diamagnetic and paramagnetic materials.
7. What is Hall Effect?

8. Explain the isotope effect in Super Conductivity.
9. Distinguish between acoustic and optical phonons.
10. Derive an expression for the density of available electron states
(6 x 1 =6 wt)

Part B : (Short Essay/Problems-Weight 2 each)
Answer any 4 questions :
11. (a) For argon gas, N= 1019cm-3 , Z= 18 and r= 10-8cm. Calculate the electronic polarization for an applied field of 10Kv/cm.
(b) Silicon has the dielectric constant 12, and edge length of the conventional cubic cell of Silicon lattice is 5.43A0. Calculate the electronic polarisability of Silicon atoms.

12. Show that the intermediate state consists of regions of normal and superconducting metal.
13. Show that how the London equations lead to the Meissner effect and the flux penetration through thin films of superconductors.

14. Discuss the normal and umklap process.
15. Explain the inelastic scattering of neutrons by phonons.

16. A two –dimensional hexagonal lattice spacing a = 3 A0 , and one electron per unit cell. If the electrons are considered free within the two – dimentional plane, what is the Fermi energy EF (Provide a numerical value in eV). (4 x 2 =8 wt)

Part C : ( Essay type questions- weight 4 each)
Answer all questions :
17. a) Explain displacive and order- disorder transitions .Describe Landau theory of phase transition.
b) What is single particle tunneling. Derive an expression for AC and DC Josephson effects.

18. a) Distinguish between diamagnetism and paramagnetism. Derive Langevin’s diamagnetic equation.
b)Describe paramagnetic susceptibility of conduction electrons.

19. a) Discuss Debye model of lattice heat capacity. Derive an expression for it.
b) Obtain the vibrational spectrum of a linear diatomic lattice and show that the spectrum consists of two branches.

20. a)What is Fermi surface? Discuss the construction of Fermi surfaces.
b) Explain the heat capacity of electron gas deriving necessary expressions. (4 x 4 =16 wt)

Paper – II

V Semester B.Sc Physics Examination :
PH5B02U Physical Optics And Photonics :
Instructions :
1. Time allotted for the examination is three hours
2. Answer all questions in part-A. This contains 4 bunches of 4 objective type questions. For each bunch, Grade A will be awarded if all the 4 answers are correct, B for 3, C for 2, D for 1 and E for 0.Answer any 5 questions from part B, any 4 from part C and any 2 from part D
3. Candidates can use non programmable scientific calculator

Part A : (Objective type-weight 1 each)
Bunch I :
Choose the correct answer.
1. If white light is used instead of monochromatic light to form Newton’s rings due to reflected light, the center will be
(a) dark (b) bright (c) colored (d) uniform illumination throughout

2.In a zone plate,
(a) the radii of the zones are proportional to squares of natural numbers.
(b) the even numbered zones are transparent.
(c) the odd numbered zones are opaque to light
(d) the radii of the zones are proportional to square root of natural numbers.

3. In double refraction
(a) o-ray and e- ray travels with different velocity along the optic axis.
(b) the velocity of the e- ray is maximum along the optic axis in positive crystals.
(c) the o-ray travels slower than e-ray in all directions except along the optic axis.
(d) the principal refractive index for o-ray is larger than the principal refractive index for e-ray in positive crystals.

4. If n1 is the refractive index of core n2 is the refractive index of cladding, the numerical aperture is given by
(a) n1 + n2 (b) n1 – n2 (c) ( n1 – n2 )2 (d) (n1 2 – n2 2 )1/2

Bunch II :
Fill in the blanks.
5. The condition for darkness of a thin film in reflected light is ———-
6. In the case of Fraunhoffer diffraction the wave front in incident on the aperture is
7. A quarter wave plate introduces a phase difference of ————
8. The role of an optical resonator in a laser system is to provide ————–

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