bieap.gov.in : SSC Social Science Model Question Paper Board of Intermediate Education Andhra Pradesh

Name of the Organization : Board of Intermediate Education Andhra Pradesh
Name Of The Exam : SSC Social Science
Document type : Model Question Paper
Website : bieap.gov.in

Download Model Question Papers :
History I (Old) : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/5173-history1newqp.pdf
Geography-I (Old) :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/5173-geography1.pdf
Geology-I (Old) : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/5173-geology1.pdf
Public Administration-I (Old) : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/5173-publicadmnistration1.pdf
Sociology-I (Old) : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/5173-sociology1.pdf

BIEAP Social Science Model Paper

Model Question Paper (w.e.f. IPE March 2015)
Time : 3 hrs
Max Marks : 100

Related : SSC Humanities Model Question Paper Board of Intermediate Education Andhra Pradesh : www.pdfquestion.in/5172.html

Model Questions


Section A
Answer any THREE of the following questions in not exceeding 40 lines each.
Each question carries 10 Marks 3 x 10 = 30 Marks

1. Describe the main teachings of Buddhism and its impact on Indian Society.
2. Write an essay on the Mauryan Administration.
3. Write an essay on Shivaji’s administration.
4. Discuss the achievements of Krishnadevaraya.
5. Write an account of Non-cooperation movement in India.

Section B :
Answer any EIGHT of the following questions in not exceeding 20 lines each :
Each question carries 5 Marks. 8 x 5 = 40 Marks
6. Describe the relationship between the History and other Social Sciences.
7. Explain the salient features of Harappan civilization.
8. What were the factors contributed for the rise of Magadhan Empire.
9. Give a brief account of greatness of Ashoka.
10. Bringout the salient aspects of Chola’s local self Government.
11. Estimate the greatness of Gautamiputra Satakarni.
12. Marketing reforms of Alllauddin Khilji.
13. Bringout the main features of Bhakti Preachers.
14. Describe the conquest of Bengal by Robert Clive.
15. Discuss various causes led to the outbreak of 1857 Revolt.
16. Critically examine the work of the Home Rule Movement.
17. Show the extent of Akbar’s Empire and locate the following places in the given map.
a) Delhi, b) Panipat, c) Kandahar, d) Khandesh
Identify the following places of Ashokan Empire.
a) Kalinga, b) Pataliputra, c) Taxila, d) Ujjaini, e) Sanchi

Section C :
Answer any FIFTEEN of the following questions in not exceeding 5 lines each.
Each question carries 2 Marks. 15 x 2 = 30 Marks
18. Inscriptions.
19. Varna system.
20. Vedas.
21. What is Republic.
22. What is Jati.
23. Ajivakas.
24. Gandhara Art.
25. Sangam literature.
26. Aihole inscription.
27. Qutubminar.
28. First Battle of Panipat.
29. Humayun.
30. Sheik Salim Chisti.
31. Ramanujacharya.
32. Marcopolo.
33. Mohammad Gawan.
34. Robert Clive.
35. Dual Government Policy.
36. Rowlatt Satyagraha.
37. Simon Commission.


Model Question Paper-
Time: 3 Hours
Note :
i. Answer any Five of the following questions, selecting at least one question from each section.
ii. All questions carry equal marks.
iii. Illustrate your answers with suitable sketches, wherever necessary.

Section – A : (General Geography and Fundamentals of Physical Geography)
1. Explain about the branches of Geography.
2. What are Earth’s rotation and revelation? Explain about their effects.
3. Write a geographical note on the structure of the interior of the Earth.
4. Write short notes on any three of the following:
a. Definition of Geography
b. Standard time
c. Galaxy
d. Igneous Rocks
e. Latitudes
f. Salient features of metamorphic rocks

Section – B :
(Geomorphology, Climatology and Bio- Geography)
5. What are the major landforms? Explain about any one of them.
6. Describe planetary winds with the help of a neat diagram.
7. Explain the landforms formed by Aeolian erosion.
8. Write short notes on any three of the following:
a. Rock weathering
b. Beaches
c. Ox-bow Lakes
d. Stratosphere
e. Doldrums
f. Convectional rainfall

Section – C : (Oceanography, Hydrology and Natural Hazards)
9. Define tides. Explain ocean tides with the help of a neat diagram.
10. Define hydrological cycle and explain the elements that effect Hydrological cycle.
11. What is meant by Drought? Mention the causes and consequences of Drought.
12. Write short notes on any three of the following:
a. Flood protection measures
b. Kuroshio Current
c. Terrageneous Deposits
d. Tsunami
e. Distribution of Volcanoes
f. Effects of Landslides


Model Question Paper-
I Year :
Time: 3 Hours
Note : Answer all questions
Section – A :
I. Write an essay on the origin of the Earth. (1×15=15 marks)
Define a glacier. Discuss the types and geological activities of glaciers.
Write an essay on intensity, causes and effects of earth quakes
II. Describe the physical properties and chemical composition of amphibole group of minerals. (1×15=15 marks)
Write an essay on classification of crystal systems.
Define a mineral and describe the physical properties of minerals.

III. Define Structural Geology. Discuss the relations of Structural Geology with other branches of Geology. (1×15=15 marks)
Define a fold. Describe the various parts of fold.
Define a fault. Write an essay on the classification of faults.

Section – B :
IV. Write short notes on any two of the following: (2×7 1/2 =15)
a. Physical weathering
b. Types of Volcanoes.
c. Hydrological cycle
d. Continental Drift
V. Write short notes on any two of the following: (2×7 1/2 =15)
a. Interfacial angles
b. Symmetry elements of cubic system
c. Augite
d. Biotite

Categories: Social Science
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