AN2C05/AP2C05/CH2C05/PH2C05/PO2C05 Coordination Chemistry M.Sc Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Chemistry
Degree : M Sc Chemistry
Subject Code/Name : AN2C05/AP2C05/CH2C05/PH2C05/PO2C05/Coordination Chemistry
Sem : II
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5159-MScChem%20SemII-MQP.pdf

Coordination Chemistry Question Paper :

Second Semester M Sc Chemistry
AN2C05/AP2C05/ CH2C05/ PH2C05/ PO2C05 Coordination Chemistry
(common to all branches of Chemistry )

Related : MGU PH3C11 Drug Design & Pharmacology M.Sc Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5120.html

Model Question Paper :
Time: 3 Hrs
Max. Weight: 30
Section A :
(Answer any 10 questions. Each question carries a weight of 1)
01. What is nephlauxetic effect?
02. Give one evidence for metal ligand orbital overlap.
03. Explain Irwing William order of stability of complexes.

04. Account for the difference in intensities of colours of aqueous solutions of Na2CrO4 and Cr(NO3)3. Give the origin of those colours.
05. How CD spectra is useful in determining the absolute configuration of metal complexes?

06. Derive the ground term symbol for octahedral Cr3+ ion.
07. Explain the d orbital splitting diagrams of for triagonal-bipyramidal and square pyramidal complexes of formula ML5. What would be the expected magnetic properties of such complexes of Ni(II)?

08. Characterize the following complexes as high spin or low spin:
[Co(NH3)6]2+ ( µ: 5 BM), [Co(NO2)6]4- ( µ: 1.9 BM), [CoF6]3-( µ: 5.3 BM), [Fe(CN)6]3- ( µ: 2.3 BM).
09. What is trans effect? What would be the sequence of substitutions required to get [PtClBrNH3Py] ( with Br trans to Cl) from [Pt Cl4]2-?

10. Explain Curies law? What is its significance?
11. How many d-d bands would be expected in the electronic spectrum of an octahedral Cr(III) complex?

12. Explain the difference between 4f and 5f orbitals.
13. Electronic absorption spectra of lanthanide ions are very sharp. Explain.
(10 x 1 =10 weights)

Section B :
(Answer 5 questions. Each question carries a weight of 2)
14. How can Ni(II) complexes with various geometries be distinguished using their electronic spectra?
15. What is Jahn-Teller effect? How electronic spectra could be used to detect Jahn-Teller distortion in transition metal complexes?

16. What are the merits and demerits of crystal field theory of complexes?
17. Distinguish between Orgel diagrams and Tanabe-Sugano diagrams.
18. Explain Temperature Independent Paramagnetism with suitable examples.

19. What is meant by circular dichroism and ORD? Discuss the important applications of Cotton effect in coordination chemistry.
20. What is meant by stability of a complex? Explain the factors determining the stability of a complexes.

21. Explain the use of lanthanide complexes as shift reagents.
(5 x 2 =10 weights)

Section C :
(Answer any 2 questions. Each question carries a weight of 5)
22. (a) What is Chelate effect? Why it is considered as an entropy effect? Predict which of the following pairs would have higher order of stability. Give reasons.
(i) [Cu(en)2]2+ and [Cu(NH3)4]2+
(ii) [Cu(acac)2]2+ a[Cu(en)2]2+
(b) Predict and explain the possible electronic transitions in [Co(NH3)6]2+.

23. (a) How will you distinguish the terms hydrolysis, acid hydrolysis and base hydrolysis of coordination compounds? Using examples, explain the mechanism of base hydrolysis of an octahedral complex.

(b) Explain the Taube mechanism of inner sphere electron transfer reactions in metal complexes.
24. (a) State and explain the selection rules for electronic spectra of transition metal complex.
(b) Discuss the use of electronic spectral data for the structure elucidation of transition metal complexes.

25. Explain the geometrical and optical isomerism exhibited by inorganic complexes with suitable examples. (2 x 5 =10 weights)

Classical Mechanics & Relativity :
PG-CSS Model Question Paper 2012 :
Semester I :
PAPER : PH1RC2 Classical Mechanics And Relativity
Part A : (Short answer questions)
(Answer any six questions. Each question carries weight one.)
1. What are the generalised coordinates? What are the advantages of using them?
2. What are Poisson Brackets?
3. What are action and angle variables?
4. What is the importance of Perturbation theory in classical mechanics
5. Distinguish between Time-independent and Time-dependent perturbations

6. Show that rigid body has six degrees of freedom
7. Explain coriolis force
8. What are Euler angle.
9. Write notes on relativistic Doppler effect.
10. Briefly explain the principle of covariance

Categories: Chemistry
Tags: mgu.ac.in
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