AP3C10 Chemistry & Biochemistry of Fatty Acids M.Sc Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Chemistry
Degree : M.Sc Applied Chemistry
Subject Code/Name : AP3C10/Chemistry And Biochemistry of Fatty Acids
Sem : III
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5110-III%20AP.pdf

Chemistry & Biochemistry of Fatty Acids :

Time: Three Hours
Max. Weight: 30

Related : MGU AP3C09 Advanced Synthetic Organic Chemistry M.Sc Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5109.html

Section A :
(Answer any 10 questions. Each question carries a weight of 1)
01. What are sphingolipids? How do they differ from phospholipids?
02. What are known as ?-3 fatty acids? Give examples. What is their significance?

03. For the analysis of a mixture of fatty acids by gas chromatography it is better to convert the acids to the methyl ester. What are the reasons for this?
04. Show how molecular distillation is useful for fatty acid study.

05. Making use of spectral studies how would you distinguish oleic and elaidic acids?
06. Give the structure of 1, 2-diacyl sn-glycero 3-phosphate.
07. Give the name and structure of a naturally occurring branched chain saturated fatty acid. Where does it occur?

08. Give the name and structure of two fatty acids which contain conjugated double bonds.
09. Give the structure of a widely occurring dienic acid and a trienic acid.
10. What are the polymorphic modifications of glycerides?

11. Give the structures of A, B and C:
12. What are nitrogen derivatives of fatty acids? Give their synthetic applications.
13. Why are most naturally occurring fatty acids even numbered? (10×1=10 weights)

Section B :
(Answer any 5 questions. Each question carries a weight of 2)
14. How are prostaglandins classified based on structure?
15. How are the following obtained from castor oil?
a) n-heptaldehyde , b) 10-undecenoic acid, c) octane-2-ol, d) sebacic acid.

16. Outline a synthesis of petroselenic acid using starting materials containing less than 10 carbon atoms.
17. Write a note on non nutritional functions of edible fats.
18. Write a note on the application of UV and IR spectroscopy in the study of fatty acids.

19. Write a note on artificially produced fatty acids.
20. Briefly describe the production and uses of fatty acid salts.
21. Explain the crystal properties of fatty acids.
(5×2=10 weights)

Section C :
(Answer any 2 questions. Each question carries a weight of 5)
22. Give brief accounts on:
a) Metabolism of fats in humans; and
b) Biosynthesis of fats.

23. Discuss:
a) Biological functions of prostaglandins ; and
b) Biosynthesis of prostaglandins.
24. Give an account of the chromatographic techniques in the separation and analysis of fatty acids.

25. Give a brief account of the followings:
a) Polymerisation reactions of fatty acids.
b) Molecular distillation method employed in the separation of individual fatty acids.
c) Melting point behaviour of fatty acids. (2×5=10 weights)

Mahatma Gandhi University :
CBCSS B.A/B Sc / B.Com Programmes 2011 :
Fifth Semester :
CH5DOI.3 : Forensic Science
Model Question Paper :
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Weightage : 25
Section A : (Answer all questions; A bunch of 4 question carries a weightage of 1)
** An example for an intoxicant
** Avicide is a substance used for killing——————
** Name any CNS poison
** Name a household emetic

** Number of chromosomes present in a human cell——————–
** Name one method for urine analysis
** Which breed of police dog is widely used for all investigation purposes
** Hair is made up of ————– protein
** Name one compound present in urine

** Making a document not clearly readable is called—————
** QDE is—————–
** Silver line water mark in currency notes are detected by———–
** HBX is a mixture of————-

** Blasting gelatine is made up of—————–
** An example for plastic explosive—————–
** The lowest temperature at which the liquid gives enough vapour to start burning is called—-

Section B :
(Answer any 5 questions; Each question carries a weightage of 1)
** How are ballistics classified?
** Define poison
** What is meant by Hall marking?

** Define Forgery
** What is an accidental explosion?
** What is hair analysis?
** What is foot print analysis in forensics?
** What is an antidote?

Section C :
(Answer any 4 questions; Each question carries a weightage of 2)
** Write a note on police dogs.
** Write a short note on Ballistics.
** What are the chemical symptoms in the case of acute poisoning?

** What are mechanically produced signatures?
** What are detonators? Classify them.
** Explain ABO blood grouping

Categories: Chemistry
Tags: mgu.ac.in
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