Integrated Materials Management M.Tech Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the College : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Subject Name : Integrated Materials Management
Sem : I
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5087-MMEIM%20106-3%20INTEGRATED%20MATERIALS%20MANAGEMENT%20(Elective-II).pdf

Integrated Materials Management Question Paper :

M.TECH Degree Examination :
Model Question Paper :
First Semester :

Related : MGU Organisational Behaviour M.Tech Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5085.html

Specialization: Industrial Engineering and Management
MMEIM 106.3 Integrated Materials Management (Elective-II)
(Regular 2013 Admission)
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer all questions. :
Each full question carries 25 marks. :
1. a) Write some evolutionary details of materials management?
b) Enumerate why materials management became so important in today’s industrial scenario?

c) “Its relationship with respect to other departments is very important in defining the overall efficiency of materials management”. Explain?
d) Explain system approach to materials management with the help of a material process flow diagram and enumerate its advantages? (3+5+7+10=25 marks)

2. a) List some basic objectives of management in an organisation?
b) List some primary and secondary objectives of materials management?

c) Discuss some primary functions of materials management. Also define integrated materials management and write its advantages?
d) Internal structuring of materials management department is based on three important aspects. What are why? Discuss in detail. (3+5+7+10=25 marks)

3. a) List the main aims of standardization?
b) What do you mean by rationalization? How is it implemented?

c) Discuss about multiplicity of standards and the role of ISI and BIS in Indian industries?
d) Discuss in detail the importance of variety reduction with respect to standardization, simplification and codification? (3+5+7+10=25 marks)

4. a) Write a short note on the classification of standardization?
b) Explain the main benefits of standardization with respect to different departments

c) Discuss the advantages of simplification to manufacturers, customers and businessmen? State some differences between standardization and simplification?
d) What do you mean by codification? List some coding systems. Explain Kodak and decimal systems in detail? (3+5+7+10=25 marks)

5. a) Discuss some new developments in storing?
b) How will you do the preservation and protection of materials in stores?
c) Give the various analyses of selective inventory control techniques?

d) How will you design material flow and what are the advantages of planned material flow. Enumerate the principal of Material Handling systems? (3+5+7+10=25 marks)

6. a) What are the advantages of centralized and decentralized stores?
b) What is ABC analysis? How is it used?
c) How will you do layout planning? Describe various types of layout of stores?

d) What do you mean by unit load concept? Give the material handling methodology and explain how will you select material handling equipments? (3+5+7+10=25 marks)

7. a) Explain the process of purchasing?
b) List the reasons for the generation and accumulation of surplus, obsolete and scrape items?

c) Explain how suppliers are evaluated and their performance measured?
d) Enumerate the various activities present in storing and issue of material discuss in detail FIFO and LIFO method? (3+5+7+10=25 marks)

8. a) Differentiate between materials requisition slip, materials return slip and materials transfer note?
b) What are the methods used for materials accounting?

c) Define contract? Enumerate the essential elements of a valid contract?
d) What do you mean by outsourcing? Explain subcontracting and describe the criteria for selecting sub contractors rating? (3+5+7+10=25 marks)

Syllabus :
Module 1 :
Introduction, scope of materials management, primary and secondary objectives, integrated materials management, elation with other functional areas of organization.

Organizing for materials management, basis for forming organizations, conventional and modern approaches to organizing materials management

Module 2 :
Materials identification, classifying of materials, codification of materials, standardization, simplification and variety reduction of materials

Module 3 :
Inventory control techniques, FSN, VED, ABC, working capital management with reference to inventory. Management of stores location different types of stores methods of storing safety and security of materials stores equipment materials handling equipment factors affecting materials handling.

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