Safety & Environment Management System M.Tech Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the College : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Subject Name : Safety And Environment Management System
Sem : I
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5084-MMEIM%20105-3%20SAFETY%20AND%20ENVIRONMENT%20MANAGEMENT%20SYSTEM.pdf

Safety & Environment Management System :

M.TECH Degree Examination :
Model Question Paper :
First Semester :

Related : MGU Marketing Logistics M.Tech Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5082.html

Specialization: Industrial Engineering and Management
MMEIM 105.3 Safety And Environment Management System
(Regular 2013 Admission)
Time: Three Hours
Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer all questions. :
Each full question carries 25 marks. :
1. (a) Enumerate the benefits of ensuring Industrial safety.
(b) Explain with examples, the various Hazard Identification Techniques adopted at workplaces.
(c) What are the different types of hazards associated with chemical process plants? Give brief description of each of such hazards. (5+10+10 = 25 marks)

2. (a) How types of accidents can be categorized according to the causes of events in any industry?
(b) Discuss in detail about hazards, their consequences and classifications.
(c) Discuss various hazard analysis techniques. Also discuss hazard prevention strategies. (5+10+10 = 25 marks)

3. (a) Write a short note on safety promotion.
(b) Explain with examples the accident causation theory and its components.

(c) List out various personal protection equipments which are commonly used at workplaces to protect different parts of human body and explain its functions and uses. (5+10+10 = 25 marks)

4. (a) List out the monetary and non-monetary motivating factors for enabling active employee participation in safety related activities and practices.
(b) Explain in detail, how adoption of safety practices and management can lead to enhanced productivity in various domains of a Firm.

(c) Highlight the safety issues related to material handling and elaborate on some of the safe operating practices for different material handling systems. (5+10+10 = 25 marks)

5. (a) Identify the main hazardous sources of electrical ignition, that are to be controlled for safe electrical operations at work places.
(b) Discuss safety factors to be considered to be adopted for fire prevention

(c) Describe with examples, the Safeguarding methods to be provided by an Employer, for multifarious Machine types used in various Shop Floors. (5+10+10 = 25 marks)

6. (a) List of the precautionary protective measures to be taken in a metal cutting operation, to protect the operator and the surroundings.
(b) Identify the hazards associated with gas furnace and electroplating operations in a workplace and suggest methods to eliminate them.
(c) Highlight on some of the fire protection systems used in industrial environment. (5+10+10 = 25 marks)

7. (a) Write a short note on Environment act 1986
(b) Explain the various clauses of Indian boiler regulations with reference to safety.
(c) What is the need of environment impact assessment? Explain the steps involved in environment impact assessment. (5+10+10 = 25 marks)

8. (a) What are the objectives of Mines act?
(b) Explain any three acts that deal with industrial safety and environment.
(c) Write a note on ISO 14001 and highlight on its elements. (5+10+10 = 25 marks)

Syllabus :
Module 1 :
Safety Systems – Definition, Safety information system – Basic concepts, Definition of accidents, Analysis of causes of accident.

Hazard analysis – General hazard analysis, Analysis of electrical, physical and chemical hazards. Cost effectiveness in hazard eliminations, Fault Tree Analysis and HAZOP studies.

Module 2 :
Managing for Safety – Safety inspection, procedure, periodicity, checklist, report forms. Planning for safety and productivity, Safety sampling, Safety audit, Safety survey, JSA, Accident prevention, Work permit and lock out system, Accident analysis, Safety education and communication, Safety performance analysis. Personal protective equipment testing and usage.

Safety in Material Handling : Selection of material handling equipment. Equipment used – ropes, chains, slings, hooks, clamps. Procedure for testing and checking as per standard.

Design conservation, conveyor systems, belt, roller chain and elevator and lifts, industrial hoists, mobile crane, forklift, operation maintenance and checking procedure.

Module 3 :
Fire Protection System – Automated fire fighting system, chemistry of fire, water sprinkler, fire hydrant, alarm and detection system. Suppression system, CO2 system, Foam system, DCP system, Halon system, Portable extinguisher.

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