MEEPP105-3/MMEPE105-2 Robotics & Automation M.Tech Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the College : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Subject Code/Name : MEEPP 105-3/ MMEPE 105-2/ Robotics & Automation
Sem : I
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
I : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5054-1-MEEPP%20105-3,%20MEEPE%20105-2%20Robotics%20and%20Automation%20-1.doc
II : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5054-2-MEEPP%20105-3,%20MEEPE%20105-2%20Robotics%20and%20Automation%20-2.doc

MGU Robotics & Automation Model Question Paper

M.TECH. Degree Examination :
Model Question Paper – I
First Semester

Related / Similar Question Paper : MGU M.Tech Advanced Power System Stability Question Paper

Branch: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: 1. Power Electronics and Power Systems
2. Power Electronics
(2013 Admission onwards)
Time: Three Hours
Max.: 100 Marks

Paper – I

1 (a) Describe the essential features of i) Point-to-point robotic systems [07]
ii) Continuous-path robotic systems [08]
(b) Classify robots on the basis of their coordinate systems. [10]

2 (a) Sketch a 6-DOF Cartesian robot. Briefly describe its features. [15]
(b) List out the essential components of a robot vision system, its advantages and appns. [10]

3. (a) Determine the translated vector for the vector v=25i + 10j + 20k when translation
is performed by 8 in the x direction, 5 in the y direction and 0 in the z direction. [10]
(b) Describe the Inverse kinematics problem. What are its characteristics ? [10]

4. (a) Derive the values of the joint angles for a two-link system, having link dimensions l1 and l2. The coordinate of the end-effector is (x,y) for a 2-dimensional work area. [10]
(b) Explain the Denavit-Hartenberg method of transformation. [15]

5. (a) Determine the inertia tensor of a rectangular body of uniform density ? in the context of a Rectangular coordinate system. [13]
(b) Outline robot arm dynamics, emphasizing the forward and reverse dynamics cases. [12]

6. (a) Describe the three Eulerian angle representation of a rigid body rotation. [13]
(b) State the Lagrange-Euler equation. Describe all the terms in detail. [12]
7. (a) Detail the role and necessity for interpolators for trajectory planning. [13]
(b) Describe the trajectory planning algorithm. [12]

8. (a) Describe four robotic joints in detail. [13]
(b) What are the common constraints for planning joint-interpolated trajectories? [12]

Paper – II

Model Question
First Semester
Branch: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: 1. Power Electronics and Power Systems
2. Power Electronics
(2013 Admission onwards)
Time: Three Hours
Maxm. 100 Marks
1 (a) Explain DOF. Describe the Grubler-Kutzbach criteria. [13]
(b) Make a comparison table for the different programming languages MCL, PAL, RAIL, RPL and VAL. Elucidate their characteristics. [12]

2 (a) Describe sensors and classify them in the robotic context. [12]
(b) Using a clear sketch, list out the various subsystems of an industrial robot. [13]
3. (a) Explain the basic rotation matrices . [13]
(b) Explain the terms TCP, WCS, PTP and CP. [12]

4. (a) Determine the translated vector for the vector v=25i + 10j + 20k when translation is performed by 8 in the x direction, 5 in the y direction and 0 in the z direction. [10]
(b) Explain the Denavit-Hartenberg method of transformation. [15]

5. (a) Determine the force F at the tip of a two-link assembly, considering the torque and making allowance for gravity. [10]
(b) Explain the generalized D’Alembert’s equations for manipulators. [15]

6. (a) Compare the computational complexities of robot arm dynamics using the LE, NE and GD approaches. [12]
(b) Detail the three major factors that influence the positioning capability of a robot. [13]

7. (a) Analyze the 4-3-4 joint trajectory. [13]
(b) What are the considerations that effect the planning of a joint-interpolated motion trajectory of a robot arm? [12]

8. (a) Describe the basic structure of a stepper motor used in actuators. [13]
(b) Draw the basic control block diagram for robot manipulators. Classify motion control. [12]


Module 1 : Introduction
Geometric configuration of robots – Manipulators – Drive systems – Internal and external sensors-– End effectors – Control systems – Robot programming languages and applications – Introduction to robotic vision

Module 2 : Robot Arm Kinematics
Direct and inverse kinematics – Rotation matrices – Composite rotation matrices – Euler angle-representation – Homogenous transformation – Denavit Hattenberg representation and various arm configurations.

Module 3 : Robot Arm Dynamics
Lagrange – Euler formulation, joint velocities – Kinetic energy – Potential energy and motion-equations – Generalized D’Alembert equations of motion.

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