MCSIS103 Compiler Design M.Tech Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the College : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Computer Science and Engineering
Subject Code/Name : MCSIS 103/COMPILER DESIGN
Sem : I
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
I : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5020-1-MCSIS%20103%20CD-Set%201.doc
II : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5020-2-MCSIS%20103%20CD-Set%202.doc

MGU Compiler Design Question Paper

Branch: Computer Science Engineering
Specialization: Information Systems

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MGU Advanced Data Structures Question Paper

Model Question Paper – II
First Semester :
(Regular – 2013 Admissions)
Time: Three Hours
Maximum: 100 marks
Answer all questions. :
Any data, if required may be suitably assumed and clearly indicated.
1. a) Explain the different phases of compiler (8 marks)
b) Write the XBNF syntax of ICAN type definitions (7 marks)
c) Explain the ICAN statements (10 marks)

2. a) What are the issues in the design of intermediate languages (5 marks)
b) Represent the LIR instructions in the ICAN tuple (10 marks)
c) Explain the global symbol table management (10 marks)

3. a) Explain the scalar replacement of aggregate optimization technique (10 marks)
b) With an example explain the shrink wrapping optimization technique (15 marks)
4. a) With an example, explain the loop optimization technique. (10 marks)
b) What is the importance of inline expansion optimization technique? (15 marks)

5. a) Explain with an example the control flow optimizations (18 marks)
b) What is the importance of percolation scheduling? (7 marks)
6. a) Explain software pipelining. (17 marks)
b) Explain the algorithm for the construction of basic blocks from set of MIR instructions (8 marks)

7. a) Explain in detail the Alpha Compilers. (20 marks)
b) What is COOL? Explain (5 marks)
8. a) Explain in detail Sun Compilers for SPARC (20 marks)
b) What are some of the important optimization used in IBM XL Compiler ? (5 marks)

(Regular – 2013 Admissions)
Time: Three Hours
Maximum: 100 marks
Answer all questions. :
Any data, if required may be suitably assumed and clearly indicated. :
1. a). Explain the Structure of compiler (5 marks)
b).What is the importance of code optimization? (10 marks)
c). Write the XBNF syntax of ICAN statements (10 marks)
2. a). What are the issues in the design of intermediate languages? (5 marks)
b). Represent the MIR instructions in the ICAN tuple (10 marks)
c). Explain the local symbol table management (10 marks)

3. a). Explain the constant folding optimization technique (10 marks)
b). Explain with an example the global value numbering (15 marks)
4. a).What is algebraic simplification? (5 marks)
b).Explain how copy propagation applied to a basic block with an example (10 marks)
c).What is an abstract syntax tree ? (10 marks)

5. a). Explain with an example the register allocation using graph coloring (20 marks)
b). What is the importance of trace scheduling (5 marks)
6. a). Explain the interprocedural optimization with examples (17 marks)
b). Explain the construction of call graph (8 marks)

7. a). Explain in detail the Sun Compilers for SPARC. (20 marks)
b). What is COOL? Explain. (5 marks)
8. a). Explain in detail IBM XL Compilers (20 marks)
b). Explain the compiler testing tools? (5 marks)


Module 1 :
Principles Of Compiler – Compiler Structure – Properties of a Compiler – Optimization – Importance of Code optimization – Structure of Optimizing compilers – placement of optimizations in optimizing compilers – ICAN – Introduction and Overview – Symbol table structure – Local and Global Symbol table management. Intermediate representation – Issues – High level, medium level, low level intermediate languages – MIR, HIR, LIR – ICAN for Intermediate code

Module 2 :
Control and Dataflow Analysis, Optimization – Early optimization – Constant folding – scalar replacement of aggregates Simplification – value numbering – copy propagation – redundancy elimination – loop optimization. Procedure optimization – in-line expansion – leaf routine optimization and shrink wrapping

Module 3 :
Register allocation and assignment – graph coloring – control flow and low level optimizations – Inter-procedural analysis and optimization – call graph – data flow analysis – constant propagation – alias analysis – register allocation – global References – Optimization for memory hierarchy.

Code Scheduling – Instruction scheduling – Speculative scheduling – Software pipelining – trace scheduling – percolation scheduling

Module 4 :
Case Studies – Sun Compilers for SPARC – IBM XL Compilers – Alpha compilers – PA –RISC assembly language – COOL – ( Classroom Object oriented language) – Compiler testing tools – SPIM


1. Steven S. Muchnick, Koffman, “Advanced Compiler Design & Implementation”, Elsevier Science, Indian Reprint 2003.
2. Keith D Cooper and Linda Torczon, “Engineering a Compiler”, Elsevier Science, India.
3. Sivarama P. Dandamudi,” Introduction to Assembly language programming: for Pentium and RISC processors”.

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