PO010802 Rubber Products Design & Testing B.Tech Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the College : Mahatma gandhi University
Department : Polymer Engineering
Subject Code/Name : PO 010 802: Rubber Products- Design & Testing
Sem : VIII Semester
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/4991-PO%20010%20802%20Rubber%20Products-%20Design%20&%20Testing%20_PO_.pdf

Rubber Products Design & Testing :


Related : MGU PO010801 Polymers & Environment B.Tech Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4990.html

Time :3 hrs
Maximum Marks : 100
Part A :
Answer all the questions :
Each questions carries 3 marks :
1. What is the significance of neutral angle in hose design
2. What are the important dynamic properties of rubber
3. Distinguish static and dynamic seals
4. Explain working principles of TGA
5. What are the special design adopted for giving rubber to metal bonding.
(5X 3= 15)

Part B :
Answer all the questions :
Each questions carries 5 marks :
6. Discuss the various type of bridge bearing.
7. What are the important requirements for a rubber mounting.
8. What are the construction difference between a conveyor belt and V-belt.
9. Differentiate between material damping and structural damping.
10. Explain Chromatographic technique for analysis of a rubber compound.
(5 X 5 = 25)

Part C :
Answer all the questions :
Each questions carries 12 marks :
11. a. Compare important design features to be considered while making a compound with NR, CR and EPDM
b. Explain important rubber product design features.

12. a. Discuss the different types of flexible coupling.
b. Write short notes on (i) Critical damping , (ii) Torsional Vibrations , (iii) Forced Vibrations (iv) Transmissibility.

13. a. Explain in detail the manufacture of a rubber hose.
b. Explain the important parameters to be considered for designing a static seal.

14. a. Write a formulation for heat resistant conveyor belting. Justify your selection Explain the manufacture of V-belt
b. Explain the manufacture of cables.

15. a. Explain important spectroscopic methods used for the analysis of rubber Vulcanizates
b. Explain different thermal analysis used for the evaluation of rubber vulcanizates.
(5 X 12 = 60)

PE010 805G01 : Industrial Safety
Max marks : 100
Time : 3 hrs
Part A :
(Answer all questions)
1. Explain the need for safety ?
2. What are the different PPE’S?
3. Write a short note on safety sampling techniques ?
4. What are the types of standard used in occupation safety and hygiene ?
5. Describe the classification of fire loads? [5 X 3 marks = 15 marks]

Part B : (Answer all questions)
6. Describe the formulation of safety policy ?
7. What do you understand by Domino theory ?
8. Explain Risk management?
9. What are the different types of electrical hazards ?
10. Explain the various classification of fire ? [5 X5 marks = 25 marks]

Part C :
11. What are the different types and functions of committee of safety organization? OR
12. Explain the procedure for planning safety ?
13. Explain the different types of training methods ? OR
14. Describe the different accident prevention methods ?

15. Explain the role of management and workers in industrial safety ? OR
16. Write a short note on Job safety analysis and damage control ?
17. What are the different types of industrial hazards ? OR
18. Explain the activity of occupational health and hygiene ?

19. Write a short note on the various types of industrial fire protection systems? OR
20. Illustrate the different fire prevention activities?

Fibre Technology B.Tech Model Question Paper :
Time :3 hrs
Maximum Marks : 100
Part A :
(Answer all the questions
Each question carries 3 marks)
1 What is tenacity? How is it expressed?
2 How does molecular orientation affect the strength of fibers?
3 Give the characteristics of nylon
4 What do you mean by bonding and weaving?
5 Give an account of properties of yarns. (5X 3= 15)

Part B :
(Answer all the questions
Each question carries 5 marks)
6 What are various fibers used in rubber industry? Mention the characteristics of any two
7 Explain any two methods of determination of fiber structure.
8 Write short note on dyeing of fibers.

9 Explain the terms :
(a) Spinning (b) Knitting
10 Explain the following terms
(a) Friction (b) twist
(5 X 5 = 25)

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