IT010802 Cryptography & Network Security B.Tech Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the College : Mahatma gandhi University
Department : Information Technology
Sem : VIII
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/4984-IT010%20802%20-cryptography.pdf

MGU Cryptography & Network Security


Eight Semester

Branch: Information Technology

Related : MGU0 EI010805 Professional Ethics B.Tech Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4983.html

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Answer all questions :
Each carries 3 marks :
1. Using Fermat’s Little theorem find the multiplicative inverse of 8 in Z17
2. Write down the difference between public key and private key cryptosystems
3. List out the parameters of AES
4. List out the functionality of S/MIME
5. What is an Intruder? Name three different classes of intruders

Answer all questions :
Each carries 5 marks :
6. Explain any two methods for testing prime numbers.
7. Using play fair cipher algorithm encrypt the message using the key “MONARCHY” and explain
8. Describe about Hash functions
9. Write short notes on PGP
10. Explain about Distributed Denial of Service attacks

Answer all questions :
Each carries 12 marks :
Module I :
11. Explain about Chinese Remainder theorem and Euler’s theorem with suitable examples.

12. (a ) Solve the set of following three equations:
3x+5y+7z =3(mod16)
x +4y+13z =5(mod16)
2x+7y+3z =4(mod16)
(b) What is the remainder after dividing 350 by 7?

Module II :
13. Explain the Key Generation, Encryption and Decryption of DES algorithm in detail.
14. Discuss the classical cryptosystems.

Module III :
15. Discuss discrete logarithms and explain briefly about Diffie Hellman key exchange algorithm with its pros and cons.
16. (a) Write a detailed note on Digital signatures.
(b)Write the notes on ECC encryption, decryption and security.

Module IV :
17. Explain X.509 Authentication service.
18. Explain Kerberos.

Module V :
19. Explain in detail about definition, characteristics, types and limitations of firewalls.
20. Explain in detail types and countermeasures related to viruses.

B.Tech. Degree Examination :

Seventh Semester

Branch : Information Technology
Adhoc And Sensor Networks Model Question Paper :
Time : Three Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
Part A :
Answer all questions.
1. Explain the issues in designing ad hoc networks.
2. Explain the feedback based TCP.
3. List the application areas of Sensor networks.
4. Discuss the issues in WSN routing.
5. Describe the terms self configuration and auto configuration. (5 × 3 = 15 marks)

Part B :
Answer all questions.
6. Compare the features of cellular networks and ad hoc networks.
7. Discuss the design issues of routing protocols in Ad hoc networks.
8. Describe the sensor node architecture with appropriate figure.
9. Explain energy aware protocols in WSN.
10. Explain heterogeneous mesh networks and vehicular mesh networks. (5 x 5 = 25 marks)

Part C :
Answer either (a) or (b) from each question.
11. a) Explain the issues in designing the MAC protocols in ad hoc networks and describe the classification of MAC protocols.
b) Explain the working of any three MAC protocols in ad hoc networks.

12. a) List the classification of routing protocols in ad hoc networks. Explain any two in detail.
b) Why TCP protocols used in wired network is not suitable for wireless networks? Compare the different TCP protocols over ad hoc networks.

13. a) Differentiate ad hoc networks & sensor networks. Outline the features of WSN.
(b) Write short note on different MAC protocols used in WSN.

14. a) Explain the OLSR protocol in detail. Compare it with AODV protocol.
b) How localization and QoS are done in WSN?

15. a) Explain the 802.11s architecture
b) Explain the MAC enhancements in wireless mesh networks.

B.Tech. Degree Examination :

Sixth Semester

Branch : Information Technology
IT010 804L05 Enterprise Recourse Planning
Model Question Paper
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Answer all questions.
Part – A :
1. Define ERP and explain its advantages.
2. Write short note on JIT.
3. Give your idea about how can improve supplier performance.
4. Explain any one Application platform.
5. Discuss component based ERP. (5×3marks =15 marks)

Part – B :
6. Describe about Supply chain management.
7. Explain the characteristics of MRP.
8. What is Baan? Explain in detail.
9. Discuss about various Business models.
10. Write a short note on Extended ERP. (5x5marks=25 marks)

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