AU010805G01 System Modeling & Simulation B.Tech Sample Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the College : Mahatma gandhi University
Department : Automobile Engineering
Sem : VIII
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Sample Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/4976-AU010805G01-ELECTIVE%204.pdf

System Modeling & Simulation Question :

Eighth Semester,
Branch: Automobile Engineering

Related : MGU0 AU010803 Special Types of Vehicles B.Tech Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4975.html

Time: Three hours
Maximum: 100 marks
Part A : (Answer all. Each question carries 3 marks)
1. What is abnormal combustion knock? Write different types of such knock.
2. Explain how the cetane number affects delay period.
3. Define the terms Hrp and Urp.
4. Write the two basic types and their subtypes of models for the processes that govern engine performance and emission?
5. What is compression ratio? How compression ratio altered in VCR engine?

Part B : (Answer all. Each question carries 5 marks)
6. With P-? diagram explain the stages of combustion in SI engine.
7. What you meant by knock rating of CI fuels? Explain any rating method.

8. Find equation to determine the temperature drop due to fuel vapourisation in SI engine.
9. With P-V diagram explain the deviation between actual and ideal otto cycle.
10. Explain the working of a HCCI engine with neat figures.

Part C : (Each question carries 12 marks)
11. What you meant by flame propagation? Explain the engine factors affecting flame propagation.
12. Explain the theories of detonation,. Also explain surface ignition and its types.

13. With P-? diagram write the stages of combustion in CI engine and also explain factors affecting delay period.
14. What is diesel knock? With P-? diagram explain difference between SI engine and CI engine knock

15. Explain the measurement of Urp and Hrp. Find the equations for Urp of octane and Hrp of decane as examples.
16. What you meant by combustion modeling? Discuss Zero-dimensional combustion model.

17.Write down the simulation with adiabatic combustion for full throttle operation in SI engine.
18. The compression ratio for an ideal Diesel cycle is 16. The pressure is 1atm and temperature 300K at the begning of compression stroke. The cut-off ratio
is 4.

a) p, V, T values at the end of each process
b) thermal efficiency
c) mean effective pressure
Take bore=80mm and stroke=110mm. The ratio of specific heats for air is 1.4, Cp is 1.004kJ/kgK and Cv is 0.717kJ/kgK.

19. Simulate any dual-fuel engine concept with supporting graphs and figures.
20. Write the simulation for a VCR engine with figures and graphs.

B.Tech. Degree Examination, May 2014 :
Eighth Semester :
Branch : Mechanical Engineering
AU010802 Operations Management (Regular/Supplementary)
Time : Three Hours
Part A :
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.
1. What is the significance of forecasting?
2. What do you mean by Product Structure
3. What are the different types of Scheduling
4. Define TPM
5. Describe Flexible Manufacturing Systems

Part B :
Answer all questions. Each question carries 5 marks.
6. Explain the different types of Decisions made in operations Management with examples
7. Explain MRP II?
8. Write down the principal assumptions of sequencing
9. What are the different types of maintenances?
10. What are the objectives of Supply chain Management

Part C :
Each question carries 12 marks.
11. Explain one quantitative and qualitative forecasting technique. Compare between these techniques? OR
12. The annual sales of a company are as follows
Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Sales 45000 56000 78000 46000 75000
Find the trend value in each year. Also estimate the sales of 2006

13. Explain the 3 major input of MRP process? OR
14. How is a MPS created and how is it used?
15. Consider a 3 machine and 5 job flow shop problem as shown in table Processing Time
Job Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3
1 10 10 12
2 12 8 20
3 16 6 14
4 12 4 20
5 20 8 8

a) Check whether Johnson’s algorithm can be extended to this problem
b)If yes find the optimal sequence and corresponding makespan OR

16. Two jobs are to be processed through four machines A,B,C and d with the following technological ordering
Job1 A B C D
Job 2 D B A C
Processing times are given in the following table(time in hour)
Job 1 20 40 50 10
Job 2 20 50 30 60
Find the minimum elapsed time for both jobs and also the idle time for both the jobs

17. Explain the different measures of Maintenance Performance. OR
18. Write a note on Replacement policies with examples
19. Discuss the scope of ERP and difficulties in its implementation? OR
20. Explain the supply chain management concepts and list its benefits?

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