AI010804L04 Artificial Intelligence B.Tech Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the College : Mahatma gandhi University
Department : Applied Electronics & Instrumentation
Subject Code/Name : AI010 804 L04/ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
Sem : VIII
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/4970-AI010%20804%20L04-%20ARTIFICIAL%20INTELLIGENCE.pdf

MGU Artificial Intelligence Question Paper

Eight Semester
Branch : Applied Electronics & Instrumentation

Related : Mahatma gandhi University AI010803 Computer Networks B.Tech Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4972.html

(New scheme: Regular)
Time: Three hours
Maximum:100 Marks
Part A :
Answer all questions briefly. :

April/May 2012

Each question carries 3 marks. :
1. Define the term Artificial Intelligence.
2. Define Semantics.
3. What you mean by a decision theory?
4. What are the features of a planner?
5. Define an Expert system with examples.
(3 x 5 = 15 Marks)

Part B :
Answer all questions. :
Each question carries 5 marks.
6. With examples explain informed and uninformed search techniques.
7. Explain alpha beta pruning.
8. Explain Bayes rule and probabilistic reasoning.
9. Define partial order planner.
10. Explain the components of an expert system.
(5 x 5 = 25 Marks)

Part C :
Answer any one full question from each module. :
Each question carries 12 marks. :
Module 1 :
11. Discuss any two uninformed search methods with examples. (12 Marks)
12. Discuss any two informed search methods with examples. (12 Marks)
Module 2

13. Describe the general process of knowledge engineering. Discuss the syntax and semantics of firstorder logic. (6 + 6=12 Marks)
14. Explain the following terms with necessary figures, algorithms
a) Min Max algorithm.
b) Alpha beta pruning. (6+6=12 Marks)

Module 3
15. a) Explain and prove the Bayes Theorem. (4 Marks)
b) What is meant by conditional probability? (4 Marks)
c) Illustrate with an example a Bayesian network.(4 Marks)

16. a) Explain with examples, what is reasoning under uncertainty? (4 Marks)
b) Write all the basic axioms of probability. (4 Marks)
c) Write Short note of certainty factor and rule based system. (4 Marks)

Module 4
17. Explain the concept of planning with state space search using suitable examples. (12 Marks)

18. With relevant figures & algorithms write notes on
a) Hierarchical Planning. (3 Marks)
b) Component of planning System. (3 Marks)
c) Non – linear planning. (3 Marks)
d) Reactive System. (3 Marks) (12 Marks)

Module 5 :
19. Explain the basic architecture of an expert system. Also give its applicability in different areas
with suitable examples. (12 Marks)

20. Explain in detail the expert system tools
a) MYCIN (6 Marks)
b) EMYCIN. (6 Marks)
(12 x 5= 60 Marks)

April/May 2014

B.Tech. Degree Examination,  :
Eighth Semester
Branch : Computer Science and Engineering
CS010 801 High Performance Computing
(Regular, 2010 Admissions)
Time : Three Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks

Part A
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.
1. Describe various applications of parallel processing.
2. Explain the programmatic levels at which parallel processing can be implemented.
3. Short note on ‘SIMD matrix multiplication’.
4. Compare loosely coupled and tightly coupled multiprocessors.
5. Differentiate a dataflow computer from a control flow computer. (5*3=15 Marks)

Part B :
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.
6. Explain different trends towards parallel processing
7. How do data flow computer differs from conventional computers?
8. Explain the cube Interconnection networks.
9. Explain the different conflict resolution methods used in Time shared buses.
10. Explain a dynamic data flow computer organization with diagram. (5*5=25 Marks)

Part C :
Answer any one question from each module Each question carries 12 marks.
12. With neat block diagram explain in detail about the various programmatic levels of parallel processing. OR
13. Briefly discuss the applications of parallel processing in various fields.

14. Explain the design of pipelined instruction unit in detail. OR
15. Explain in detail dynamic pipelines and reconfigurability
16. Explain Associative array processing. OR

17. Write a short note on
a) Memory organisation.
b) Parallel algorithms for array processors
18. Discuss detail with loosely coupled and tightly coupled multiprocessors. OR

19. Explain about process synchronization mechanism with Semaphore
20. With neat block diagram explain about the data flow computers and also explain its applications. OR
21. Explain the design alternatives to the data flow approach. (5×12=60 marks)

CS010803 – Security In Computing (CS) :
Eighth Semester :
Part A :
Each question carries 3 marks.
1. What is meant by denial of service attack?
2. Differentiate between stream cipher and block cipher?

3. List the functions used to produce authenticator?
4. What are limitations of firewalls?
5. What are the different types of intruders? (5 x 3 = 15 marks)

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