07A70401 Digital Image Processing B.Tech Question Paper : scce.ac.in

University : JNTUH
Department : Electronics And Communication Engineering
Subject Code/Name : 07A70401/DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING
Year/Sem : IV/I
Website : http://scce.ac.in/web/
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/scce.ac.in/4940-07A70401-DIGITALIMAGEPROCESSING.pdf

SCCE Digital Image Processing Question Paper

Code No: 07A70401
IV B.Tech I Semester Examinations,December 2011

Related : Sree Chaitanya College Of Engineering 07A70402 Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation B.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4939.html

Set No. 1

Electronics And Communication Engineering
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions :
All Questions carry equal marks :
1. (a) Describe the techniques used for color image smoothing?
(b) What is the need of graylevel slicing in color images. [8+8]
2. (a) Explain the statement that Fourier transform is viewed as a \mathematical prism”.
(b) Get the expressions for magnitude spectrum, phase spectrum and power spectrum of Fourier transform. [8+8]

3. Write about various edge Detectors available in function edge. [16]
4. What is Error Free Compression? Explain about variable length coding. [16]

5. With reference to FFT show that
(a) W2ux2M=WuxM
(b) Wu+MM=WuM
(c) Wu+M2M=-Wu2M. [16]

6. (a) What is a Image Formation Model.
(b) Write about Various Image Observation Models with Examples. [8+8]
7. Consider the image segment shown below
3 1 2 1(q)
2 2 0 2
1 2 1 1
(p)1 0 1 2
(a) Let V = f0,1g and compute the D4, D8 and Dm distances between p and q
(b) repeat for V = f1,2g [16]

8. (a) Give the algorithm for histogram equalization.
(b) What is the histogram distribution for high contrast, low contrast images. [8+8]
(a) Discuss the concept FWT and draw the flow graph for N=8.
(b) Compare the FFT and FWT. [8+8]

Set No. 2

1. What is Thresholding? Explain about Local Thresholding. [16]
2. What is Noise? what are the spatial and frequency properties of noise? [16]
3. (a) Define sequency.
(b) Discuss modified Hadamard transform. [6+10]

4. Draw a figure of a basic DPCM/DCT encoder for motion compensated video com- pression. [16]
5. Draw and Explain the schematic diagram how pixels of an RBG color image are formed from the corresponding pixels of the three components images. [16]

6. Develop an algorithm for converting a one pixel thick, 8-connected path to 4-connected path. [16]
7. What is histogram of an Image? Sketch histograms of basic Image types. Discuss how histogram is useful for Image enhancement. [16]

8. What are the techniques used for image smoothing? Explain any two techniques of
(a) Frequency domain
(b) Spatical domain used for smoothing the image. [16]

IV B.Tech I Semester Examinations,December 2011 :
Digital Image Processing :
1. Explain the following properties of 2D-Fourier Transform:
(a) Distributives and scaling
(b) Rotation
(c) Periodicity and conjugate symmetry
(d) Seperability. [16]

2. Derive transformation matrices for
(a) Translation
(b) Scaling
(c) Rotation about X-axis. [16]

3. Discuss the following intensity transformations.
(a) Image negatives
(b) Contrast stretching
(c) Compression of dynamic range. [16]

4. Explain in detail about the CMY and HIS color spaces. [16]
5. The white bars in the test pattern shown in gure 5b are 7 pixels wide and 210 pixels high. The separation between bars is17 pixels. What would this image look like after application of
(a) A 9 9 min lter?
(b) A 5 5 min lter? [16]

6. Does fast algorithm is applicable for computation Hadamard transform, if so what are the problems encountered in implementation. [16]
7. An 8 level image has the gray level distribution given in table.
(a) Compute the average word length for each code and compare the to entropy form part.

(b) Divide the symbols into two blocks of four and construct the best Human shift code. [16]
8. Answer the following from the given 3 3 region of image and various masks used to compute the gradient at point labledz Assume that the Sobel masks are used to obtain Gx and Gy. Show that the gradient computed by rf = mag(rf)[G2 x+G2 y]1=2 and rf =jGxj+jGyj give identical results for edges oriented in the horizontal and vertical directions.

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