07A80307 Automation in Manufacturing B.Tech Question Paper : scce.ac.in

University : JNTUH
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Year/Sem : IV/II
Website : scce.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/scce.ac.in/4918-07A80307-AUTOMATIONINMANUFACTURING.pdf

SCCE Automation in Manufacturing Question Paper

Code No: 07A80307
IV B.Tech II Semester Examinations,April/May 2012

Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Automobile Engineering
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 80

Set No. 1

Answer any FIVE Questions :
All Questions carry equal marks ;
1. (a) Discuss the important categories of machine tool control strategies.
(b) What are the dierent types of automation? Discuss them briefly. [8+8]
2. (a) Describe the liquid based Rapid Prototyping system with the help of neat sketch.
(b) State the applications of Concurrent Engineering. [8+8]

3. Draw the neat sketches of the following mechanisms and discuss briefly
(a) Rachet and Pawl mechanism.
(b) `Over and Under’ type chain drive mechanism.
(c) Cam mechanism.
(d) Walking Beam mechanism. [16]

4. What is the objective of Adaptive Control with Constraints? Draw the block diagram of a typical computerized Adaptive Control with Constraints system for drilling operation and explain in detail. [16]

5. (a) What is manual single station assembly and `manual assembly line’? Enumerate the dierences between them.

(b) A manual production flow line is arranged with six stations and a conveyor system is used to move parts along the line. The belt speed is 1.8 m/min and the spacing of raw workparts along the line is one for every 1.35 m. The total line length is 13.5 m, hence each station length equals 2.25 m.

Determine the following
i. Feed rate.
ii. Tolerance time.
iii. Theoretical cycle time. [6+10]

6. (a) Explain the various problems encountered in interfacing handling and storage systems with manufacturing units. (b) What are the special features of AS/RS components? Discuss briefly. [8+8]

7. (a) Discuss the following factors in materials handling equipment:
i. Routing.
ii. Scheduling.

Set No. 2

Code No: 07A80307
1. (a) Describe the following features of an Automated Storage and Retrieval System:
i. Aisle transfer cars.
ii. Fully/Empty bin detectors.
iii. Sizing stations.
iv. Load identification station.
(b) Discuss the dierent applications of AS/RS technology. [8+8]

2. (a) With the help of neat sketches, explain the following linear transfer mechanisms:
i. Powered Roller Conveyor System.
ii. Walking Beam Transfer System.
(b) Explain the advantages and limitations of synchronous transfer mechanisms. [10+6]

3. (a) Define `Fixed Automation’ and `Flexible Automation’. Enumerate the differences between them.
(b) What are the important pneumatic components used in automated system? Describe briefly. [8+8]

4. (a) Explain briefly following assembly systems:
i. Manual single-stations assembly system.
ii. Automated assembly system.

(b) A manual production flow line is arranged with six stations and a conveyor system is used to move parts along the line. The belt speed is 120 cm/min and the spacing of raw workparts along the line is one for every 90 cm. The total line length is 900 cm, hence each station length equals 150 cm.

Determine the following
i. Feed rate.
ii. Tolerance time.
iii. Theoretical cycle time. [6+10]

5. (a) Explain the following liquid based Rapid prototyping techniques:
i. Solid Ground Curing.
ii. Droplet deposition manufacturing.
(b) Discuss the benefits of Business Process Reengineering techniques. [8+8]

6. (a) Discuss the important steps to be considered to implement the automated flow lines in the manufacturing system.

(b) In a 10 station transfer line, the probability that a station break down will occur for a given work part is equal to 0.01. This probability is the same for all 10 stations. Determine the frequency of line stops per cycle on this flow line using the upper bound approach and also calculate the production rate. [8+8]

7. (a) Discuss the importance of vehicle management and safety in Automated Guided Vehicle System.
(b) Describe the following cranes:
i. Bridge crane.
ii. Gantry crane. [8+8]
8. With the help of a neat block diagram, discuss the Adaptive Control with Optimization for drilling process to obtain the optimal process parameters. [16]

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