07A81402 Flexible Manufacturing Systems B.Tech Question Paper : scce.ac.in

University : JNTUH
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Year/Sem : IV/II
Website : scce.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

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SCCE Flexible Manufacturing Systems Questions

Code No: 07A81402
R07 SET 1
B.Tech IV Year II Semester Examinations,

Related / Similar Question Paper : SCCE JNTUH B.Tech Non-Conventional Sources of Energy Question Paper

Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 80
Answer any five questions :

April/May – 2010

All questions carry equal marks :
1. What are the benefits of FMS and explain the need of FMS in modern manufacturing environment. [16]
2. What is flexible manufacturing cell? With a neat sketch explain flexible cell. [16]

3. Define group technology. Explain Optiz coding system generally used in group technology. [16]
4. Explain Rank Order Clustering technique for grouping parts and machines in GT concept of cellular manufacturing. [16]

5. What are the functions performed by material handling and storage system in FMS? [16]
6. How to increase utilization, production rate and sizing of FMS? Discus with numerical concept. [16]

7. What are the differences between retrieval and generative type of comuter aided process planning? State their merits. [16]
8. Write a short note:
a) Access methods and manufacturing automation protocol.
b) Coordinate measuring machines. [16]

1. What are the major elements of FMS? State the applications of FMS. [16]
2. Explain different types of flexibility in manufacturing in FMS concept. [16]

3.a) What are the advantages of GT?
b) What is the method used for forming cells in group technology? Explain with an example? [16]

4. State the merits of GT? Explain composite part concept followed in group technology. [16]
5. What are the planning and implementation issues of flexible manufacturing system installation in manufacturing or assembly environment? [16]

6. Explain following FMS analysis techniques:
a) Deterministic model,
b) Queuing model and
c) Discrete event simulation. [16]

7. Define CAPP. Discuss the methodology to be followed for developing a retrieval type for computer aided process planning system. [16]
8. Write short note:
a) Methods of computer communication in manufacturing and local area networks.
b) Contact and non contact measurements. [16]

April/May – 2013

1. Discuss the importance of material handling devices used in an FMS. [16]
2. What are the various layout configurations of FMS? Explain with suitable applications. [16]

3.a) Explain the concept of part family in Group Technology.
b) Discuss the multi-class method of part coding system in GT. [16]
4. Why production flow analysis is required in implementation of GT? Explain data collection and sortation of process routing steps in product flow analysis. [16]

5. Explain various functions performed by computer control system in FMS implementation. [16]
6. Explain the analysis of system performance measure in FMS related to production rate and utilization. [16]

7.a) List and explain the benefits of CAPP system.
b) Define CMM. Explain operational cycle of CMM. [16]

8.a) What are the characteristics of networks for communication in manufacturing environments?
b) Discuss computer network topologies applied in manufacturing. [16]

April/May – 2012

B.Tech IV Year II Semester Examinations,  :
Flexible Manufacturing Systems : (Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics))
1. Discuss the importance of material handling devices used in an FMS. [16]
2. What are the various layout configurations of FMS? Explain with suitable applications. [16]

3.a) Explain the concept of part family in Group Technology.
b) Discuss the multi-class method of part coding system in GT. [16]

4. Why production flow analysis is required in implementation of GT? Explain data collection and sortation of process routing steps in product flow analysis. [16]
5. Explain various functions performed by computer control system in FMS implementation. [16]

6. Explain the analysis of system performance measure in FMS related to production rate and utilization. [16]
7.a) List and explain the benefits of CAPP system.
b) Define CMM. Explain operational cycle of CMM. [16]

8.a) What are the characteristics of networks for communication in manufacturing environments?
b) Discuss computer network topologies applied in manufacturing. [16]

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