09A1EC01 Computer Programming & Data Structures B.Tech Question Paper : scce.ac.in

University : JNTUH
Subject Code/Name : 09A1EC01/Computer Programming And Data Structures
Year : I
Website : scce.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/scce.ac.in/4884-09A1EC01-COMPUTER%20PROGRAMMING%20AND%20DATA%20STRUCTURES.pdf

Computer Programming & Data Structures Question Paper :

B. Tech I Year Examinations, December-January, 2011-2012

Related : Sree Chaitanya College Of Engineering 07A70307 DataBase Management Systems B.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4913.html

Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions :
All questions carry equal marks :
1. a) Explain different categories of an algorithm with an example?
b) What are the differences between signed and unsigned data types, list out them? [15]

2. a) Explain the types of operators available in C?
b) Write a C program with Exclusive OR operation between the two integers and display the result? [15]

3. a) What are the formatted and unformatted functions? What are the escape sequences?
b) Define Recursion? Write a C-Program to find the factorial of a number using Recursion? [15]

4. a) Describe the features of pointers? Explain an array of pointer with an example?
b) Write a C program to accept string using character pointer and display it? [15]

5. Write C-structures for departmental store application. Each departmental store contains departmental store Id (3 characters), store location (string), items (structures) and number of items.

A store can offer 1 to 1000 items. Each Item contains Item code (4 characters), current stock, unit of measure in the following set (Single, dozen, kilogram, liter, meter, square meter) and price.

Using this structure, Write C- function to count the number of items whose price is above the given amount. [15]

6. a) Write C-language program that reads a C-program file and outputs number of lines in the program.
b) List and explain the streams functions for binary files along with their prototypes. [15]

7. a) Write an algorithm or program for sorting integers using bubble sort.
b) Show the bubble sort results for each pass for the following initial array of elements.
3 5 18 7 1 2 5 23 16 3 1 [15]

8. a) Write an algorithm for evaluating postfix expression. Demonstrate your algorithm with stack contents for each operation using the post fix expression 2 3 5 + *
b) Explain about i) Stack ii) queue. [15]

R09Code No: 09A1EC01
1. a) What is meant by compilation ? Explain in detail?
b) What are the C keywords? Elaborate them? [15]

2. a) What are unary operators and their uses? Describe logical operators with their return values?
b) Write a C program to shift inputted data by 2 bits left? [15]

3. a) Compare different ways of passing parameters with an example.
b) What are Storage classes? Explain different types of Storage Classes? Compare them? [15]

4. a) Discuss the different arithmetic operations with pointers? Explain the comparison of two pointers?
b) Write a C program to display all the elements of an array using a pointer? [15]

5. Write C-structures for the College data. College contains the following fields
College code (2characters), College Name, year of establishment, number of courses and courses. A College can offer 1 to 50 courses.

Each course is associated with course name (String), duration, number of students. The number of students in the college is sum of number of students in all the courses in the college. Write a function int collegeStrength(struct College *c) that returns the number of students in the college pointed by c. [15]

6. a) What are the different Input/output operations on Files ?
b) How the data is searched in sequential files? Mention the different techniques used with an example. [15]

7. a) Write a program to explain selection sort . Which type of technique does it belong?
b) Write a C program that implements a binary search? [15]
8. Write a program to evaluate the following expression A / B * ( C + D) / A to prefix using stack. [15]

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