09A50103 Engineering Geology B.Tech Question Paper : sphoorthyengg.com

Name of the College : Sphoorthy Engineering College
University : JNTUH
Subject Code/Name : 09A50103/ENGINEERING GEOLOGY
Degree : B.Tech
Year/Sem : III/I
Website : sphoorthyengg.com
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/sphoorthyengg.com/4857-09A50103-ENGINEERINGGEOLOGY.pdf

Engineering Geology Question Paper :

III B.Tech I Semester Examinations,December 2011
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 75

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Answer any FIVE Questions :
All Questions carry equal marks :
1. Give a brief account of applied importance of Geology in the fields of metallurgy, mining, ground water investigation etc, apart from civil engineering. [15]
2. Define a rock. How are the rocks classified? Where do they occur? What do you know about the shell structure of the earth? [15]

3. Give an account of various indirect causes for the occurence of landslides. [15]
4. Write short notes on:
(a) Mohr’s scale of hardness
(b) Cleavage sets
(c) Cleavage angle. [15]

5. Write short notes on:
(a) Foot wall and Hanging wall
(b) Heave and throw
(c) Transverse and rotational faults. [15]

6. For success, what is the role of strike and dip associating with sedimentary rocks at dam site. Explain with suitable sketches. [15]
7. What are seismic methods of prospecting? Explain its principle with a neat sketch. What are its uses? [15]

8. What is meant by lining in tunnels? Discuss the lithological and structural reasons that necessitate lining. [15]

Code No: 09A50103 R09
Set No. 4
1. (a) What is the importance of geophysical anomaly?
(b) With suitable sketches explain how geophysical anomalies reveal subsurface lithology, ore bodies or salt domes. [4+11]

2. Write short notes on:
(a) Groups of minerals
(b) Polymorphism
(c) Isomorphism. [5+5+5]

3. River is the most important geological agent, why? What are the limitations of other geological agents like wind, glacial and ocean? [15]

4. What are joints? How they dier from cracks in rocks? Compare joints and faults. Why joints are less harmful than faults from civil engineering point of view? Which types of joints occur commonly in igneous rocks. [15]

5. (a) What are Tectonic earthquakes? What is their importance?
(b) With a suitable sketch explain \Elastic Rebound Hypothesis”. [8+7]
6. Discuss the suitability of occurrence of following rocks at dam site:
(a) Limestones
(b) Laterites
(c) Basalts. [15]

7. With the geological background you have discuss the suitability or unnsuitability of common igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks for tunnelling. [15]
8. What are metamorphic rocks? Why and how do they form? What are the characters of metamorphic rocks? [15]

III B.Tech I Semester Examinations,December 2011 :
Engineering Geology :
1. (a) What is the importance of porosity and permeability with reference to ground water?
(b) Give an account of classication of rocks based on porosity and permeability quoting suitable rock examples. [4+11]

2. (a) What is General Geophysics? How it diers from Exploration Geophysics?
(b) Explain the necessity of geophysical investigations.
(c) What is the importance of geophysical investigations? [4+5+6]
3. Give an account of three fold geological classication of rocks. [15]

4. What is the role of ground water in the success of tunnelling. Explain the bearing of lithology and structure in this context. [15]
5. (a) What is the importance of faults with reference to slope stability?
(b) What is the importance of alignment of tunnels along or across the strike direction of faults? [7+8]

6. Discuss the reasons for the predominant occurrence of quartz as sand and rare occurrence of feldspars as sand. [15]
7. (a) What are \Reservoirs”? What are the requirements for a successful reservior?

(b) Halesbar dam was considered as a failure, though it was stable. Why?
(c) What is the nature of evaporational losses at a reservoir. [6+5+4]
8. Explain the consequences of disintegration and decomposition of rocks. How they deteriorate the virtues of rocks from civil engineering point of view? [15]

III B.Tech I Semester Examinations,December 2011 :
Engineering Geology :
1. Write short notes on:
(a) Exfoliation of rocks
(b) Frost wedging in rocks. [8+7]

2. How are the folds classied based on symmetrical character, upward or downward bend, plunge and uniformity of thickness. Draw suitable sketches. [15]

3. (a) What are tunnels?
(b) What are the dierent purposes for which they are made?
(c) Explain how tunnels dier from dams and reservoirs from construction point of view.

Categories: Civil Engineering
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