09A51004 Basic Clinical Sciences-II B.Tech Question Paper : sphoorthyengg.com

Name of the College : Sphoorthy Engineering College
University : JNTUH
Subject Code/Name : 09A51004/BASIC CLINICAL SCIENCES – II
Year : December 2011
Degree : B.Tech
Year/Sem : III/I
Website : sphoorthyengg.com
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/sphoorthyengg.com/4833-09A51103%20-%20BASIC%20CLINICAL%20SCIENCES%20%96%20II.pdf

Sphoorthy Basic Clinical Sciences – II Question Paper

B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011
Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 75

Related : Sphoorthy Metrology & Surface Engineering B.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4845.html

Model Questions

Answer any five questions :
All questions carry equal marks :

Set – I

1. Define orthopedics. Write in detail about different types of joints with suitable examples and the movements at these joints. [15]

2. Discuss the requirements in setting up a blood bank. Describe types of blood groups and their significance. [15]
3. Define Anesthesia and classify general anesthetics. Discuss the various laws of gases and uptake of gases and vapors. [15]

4. Describe plethysmography and its applications in medicine. [15]
5. Discuss the principles of Radiotherapy, radio resistance and modification of radiation response. [15]

6. Write the effects of radiation on blood and blood forming organs and their treatment. Add a note on radioactive protection. [15]

7. Enlist the types of organ imaging procedures. Write in detail about the principle and instrumentation involved in any one of them. [15]
8. Mention the therapeutic uses of radio isotopes. Describe their application in the diagnosis of thyroid and renal functioning. [15]

Set – II

R09Code No: 09A51103
1. Classify joints with suitable examples. Write in detail about prosthetics for knee replacement. [15]
2. Write about storage conditions required for various blood products and how they are maintained in a blood bank. Discuss about blood transfusion. [15]
3. Describe the organization of an operation theatre and add a note on pre-anesthetic medication and care. [15]

4.a) Discuss the non-invasive techniques of measuring intravascular blood flow and their significance.
b) Describe a ventilator and its applications. [7+8]
5. Write in detail about cancer radiotherapy, radio sensitivity and radio response. [15]
6. Describe radiation induced carcinogenesis, its diagnosis, treatment and prevention. [15]

7. Describe the various imaging procedures for testing the morphological changes and functioning of brain. [15]
8. Write a short note on
a) Radioimmunoassay
b) Tests for functioning of thyroid and kidneys. [15]

Set – III

R09Code No: 09A51103
1. Describe the structure of knee joint and its replacement procedure. [15]
2. Write in detail about different blood groups, their testing and significance. [15]

3. Describe the care and monitoring before, after and during surgery of a patient. [15]
4. Describe in detail about a ventilator, its functioning and therapeutic indications. [15]

5. Describe the following:
a) Radio sensitivity and radio resistance
b) Modification of radiation response [15]
6. Discuss the genetic effects of exposure to radiation and describe the techniques involved in measuring radiation levels. [15]

7. Define nuclear medicine. Discuss the principle involved and equipment used in the imaging of respiratory system. [15]
8. Enlist the therapeutic uses of radio isotopes and discuss in detail about radioimmunoassay and thyroid function tests. [15]

Set – IV

1. Make a comparative study of CLA, RMS and Ten point height method of measurement of surface nish. With the help of an example explain the dierence. [15]

2. What is the basic principle involved in ion implantation. With the help of a neat sketch explain the process. Mention the advantages and applications. [15]

3. (a) Do you think interchangeability reduces the number of rejects? Justify your answer.
(b) Dierentiate between hole basis system and shaft basis system. [8+7]

4. (a) Give the broad classication of uids and explain them brie y.
(b) State the advantages and disadvantages of chemical uids. [7+8]

5. (a) What are the dierent grades of slip gauges? Explain.
(b) What are the precautions required while using slip gauges? [7+8]

6. (a) With the help of a neat sketch explain the construction of a reed type of comparator?
(b) What are the characteristics expected from a comparator? [8+7]

7. Explain the formation of interference fringes when light falls on an optical at resting on a lapped surface. What is the eect of using a monochromatic beam, instead of white light? [15]

8. (a) Explain the use of rollers and slip gauges for the measurement of minor diam- eter of internal threads?
(b) Explain how a thread micrometer can be used to measure eective diameter of a thread. What are the advantages and limitations? [7+8]

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