09A51404 Machine Tools B.Tech Question Paper : sphoorthyengg.com

Name of the College : Sphoorthy Engineering College
University : JNTUH
Subject Code/Name : 09A51404/MACHINE TOOLS
Year : December 2011
Degree : B.Tech
Year/Sem : III/I
Website : sphoorthyengg.com
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/sphoorthyengg.com/4822-09A51404%20-%20MACHINE%20TOOLS.pdf

Machine Tools Question Paper :

B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011
Time: 3 hours

Related : Sphoorthy Engineering College 09A51401 Finite Element Techniques B.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4829.html

Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions :
All questions carry equal marks :
1. Explain about Discontinuous chip, Continuous chip, and continuous chip with built up edge? Explain the conditions favoring their formation. [15]
2.a) Discuss about tool holders of lathe machine.
b) List and describe commonly used attachments on lathe with suitable sketches. [7+8]

3. What is indexing? Explain some common methods of indexing in milling machines? [15]
4. Explain the theory of grinding. What is the principle of metal removal? Discuss the elements of grinding. [15]

5.a) What is a deviation? Explain its importance in the system of limits.
b) Explain the disadvantages associated with trail and error method of assembly. [7+8]
6.a) Write a detailed note on the manufacture of slip gauges.
b) Explain the different methods of getting magnification in dial indicators. [7+8]

7.a) What is a straight edge? Explain how it can be used to test straightness?
b) Explain the importance of sampling length in surface roughness measurement? [7+8]

8.a) Sketch and explain Taylor-Hobson Talysurf surface roughness measuring instrument?
b) The heights of peak and valleys of 22 Successive points on a surface are 32, 28, 41, 24, 35, 19, 31, 21, 40, 18, 44, 24, 41, 25, 40, 26,35,18, 40, 18, 39, 21 microns respectively, measured over a length of 20mm. Determine CLA and RMS values of roughness surface? [7+8]

R09Code No: 09A51404
1. Define the various tool parts of a single point cutting tool. What are the standard angles of cutting tool? Describe them with neat sketches. [15]
2.a) Differentiate between capstan lathe, Turret lathe and Engine lathe.
b) How do you classify automatic machines? Briefly explain about turret lathe. [7+8]

3. Make a neat sketch of universal milling machine indicating the various controls and constructional features. Give brief description. [15]
4. Discuss the selection of grinding wheel according to I.S. specification and specify the precautions to be taken before mounting of grinding wheel. [15]

5. Give the complete classification of clearance fit. Explain them with the help of suitable examples. [15]

6. A hole and shaft system had the following dimensions:
The multiplier of grade 8 is 25. The fundamental deviation for ‘C’ shaft is – (9.5 + 0.8 D). The diameter slip is 50 – 80 . Design the suitable ‘GO’ and ‘NO-GO’ gauges for shaft and hole. [15]

7.a) Describe a method to find out the flatness of surface plate?
b) Discuss the method of testing the straightness by spirit level and auto collimator? [7+8]

8.a) With the help of a neat diagram explain the components of a surface texture?
b) Discuss what you understand by the following terms in connection with surface finish measurement:
i) Waviness ii)Lay iii)Envelope method iv)Crest line method. [7+8]

B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011 :
Machine Tools Set 3 :
1.a) Show with a neat sketch the forces acting on a chip in orthogonal machining. Derive an expression to calculate the coefficient of friction between tool chip interfaces.

b) During an orthogonal machining operation on mild steel, the results obtained are: uncut chip thickness=0.285mm, chip thickness=0.65mm, width of the cut=2.5mm, rake angle=00, horizontal cutting force=800N, thrust force=400N. Compute the coefficient of friction between the tool and chip interface. Determine also the ultimate shear stress of the work material. [7+8]

2. With the help of neat sketches explain the different work holding methods of jobs on turret lathe. [15]

3. What is a milling machine? How do you classify the milling machine? Give the working principle of milling machine with a neat sketch? Mention the size and specification of milling machine? [15]

4. Make a comparison of grinding machine with lapping, honing and broaching machines with regard to the construction, working and applications. [15]

5.a) A hole and shaft pair has a basic of size 25mm and are to have a clearance fit with maximum clearance of 0.02mm and a minimum clearance of 0.01mm. The hole tolerance is to be 1.5 times the shaft tolerance. Determine limits for both hole and shaft ( i) using a hole basis system ( ii) using a shaft basis system.

b) What are the advantages of interchangeable assembly? [8+7]
6.a) Sketch and discuss the features of various snap gauges.
b) Explain the constructional features of an inside micrometer. [8+7]

7. Explain the working principle of tool maker’s microscope. What are the uses and specific applications of tool maker’s microscope? Explain? [15]

8.a) Calculate the Ra value ofa surface for which the sampling length was 8.0mm, the graph was drawn to a vertical magnification of 1000 and the areas above and below the datum line were
Above : 180 90 155 55mm2
Below : 70 90 170 150mm2
b) What are roughness comparison specimens and how they assess surface roughness? What are the limitations? [8+7]

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