09A51901 Database Management Systems B.Tech Question Paper : sphoorthyengg.com

Name of the College : Sphoorthy Engineering College
University : JNTUH
Department : Electronics And Computer Engineering
Year : December 2011
Degree : B.Tech
Year/Sem : III/I
Website : http://www.sphoorthyengg.ac.in/#/home
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/sphoorthyengg.com/4808-09A51901%20-%20DATABASE%20MANAGEMENT%20SYSTEMS.pdf

Sphoorthy Database Management Systems Question Paper

B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011

Related : Sphoorthy Engineering College 09A51903 Design & Analysis of Algorithms B.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4803.html

Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions :
All questions carry equal marks :
1.a) Compare the Database system and File system.
b) Discuss briefly about Transaction Management, Storage management. [7+8]

2.a) What is meant by Mapping cardinalities? Discuss various Mapping cardinalities with suitable examples.
b) Draw an ER-diagram corresponding to customers and loans and Explain various rotations used in it. [7+8]

3. What is meant by Tuple relational calculus? State and explain various types of queries in it. And also compare it with Domain relational calculus. [15]
4.a) Discuss about Outer Joins and disallowing NULL values in SQL.
b) State and explain various comparison operators and aggregative operators in SQL. [7+8]

5.a) What is meant by Schema refinement? Compare the first and second normal forms.
b) Explain the Lossless join decomposition with a suitable example. [7+8]
6.a) List the ACID properties. Explain the usefulness of each.

b) Discuss about multiple granularity. [7+8]
7.a) Discuss the process of recovery with concurrent transactions.

b) Explain about Remote backup systems. [7+8]
8. What is meant by File organization and indexing? Discuss about Hash- based indexing and Tree- based indexing. [15]


1.a) What are Data base languages? Explain them.
b) With a neat diagram explain the data base system structure. [7+8]

2.a) What is meant by a Ternary relationship? Draw sample ER-diagrams with a Ternary relationship and with a weak entity set.
b) Explain the distinctions among the terms primary key, candidate key, and super key. [7+8]

3.a) Discuss various selection and projection set operations.
b) What is meant by Domain relational calculus? State and explain various types of Queries in it. [7+8]

4.a) Explain the basic structure of an SQL Query with a suitable example.
b) What are the aggregate functions that SQL offers? Explain them with suitable examples. [7+8]

5.a) What is meant by Normal form? Discuss about Third normal form with an example.
b) What are Multi- valued dependencies? Discuss about normalization using multi valued dependencies. [7+8]

6.a) Describe the concepts “Serializability” and “Recoverability”.
b) What are Time stamp based protocols? Explain any one of them. [7+8]

7.a) What are the errors that may cause a transaction to fail? Explain them.
b) Discuss in detail about Log – based recovery system. [7+8]
8.a) Explain the concept of Hash based indexing with a suitable example.
b) Discuss about Indexed Sequential Access Methods. [7+8]


1.a) What is meant by Data abstraction? Discuss about DDL and DML.
b) Discuss various functions of the database administrator. And also discuss about various types of database users. [7+8]

2. Construct an E-R diagram for a hospital with a set of patients and a set of medical doctors. Associate with each patient a log of the various tests and examinations conducted. And also construct appropriate table for this E-R diagram. [15]

3. What is a Relational algebra? State and explain various fundamental operations in it with suitable examples. [15]
4. State and explain with suitable examples the comparison operators, aggregate operators and NULL values in SQL. [15]

5.a) State and explain fourth normal form with a suitable example.
b) Compare BCNF and third normal form. [7+8]
6. What are lock based protocols? Explain them in detail. [15]

7.a) What is meant by atomicity? Discuss about Log – based recovery.
b) Explain the concept of shadow paging with a suitable example. [7+8]
8.a) Describe the concept of primary and secondary indexes.
b) Discuss about Tree -based indexing and Hash based indexing. [7+8]


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