09A52101 Flight Mechanics-II B.Tech Question Paper : sphoorthyengg.com

Name of the College : Sphoorthy Engineering College
University : JNTUH
Subject Code/Name : 09A52101/FLIGHT MECHANICS – II
Year : December 2011
Degree : B.Tech
Year/Sem : III/I
Website : sphoorthyengg.com
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/sphoorthyengg.com/4802-09A52101%20-%20FLIGHT%20MECHANICS%20-%20II.pdf

Flight Mechanics-II Question Paper :

B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75

Related : Sphoorthy Engineering College 09A52102 Aerodynamics-II B.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4801.html

Answer any five questions :
All questions carry equal marks :
1. Explain about the Purpose of controls – inherently and marginally stable airplanes? Give with neat sketch. [15]

2. A Boeing 737 aircraft has the following characteristics:
Wmax = 111, ooo lb
Wmaxland = 103,000 lb
S = 980 ft²
CL land = 2 at sea levels
V max = 850 ft/sec at 40,000 ft

a) vs
b) CL max
c) The relation between the lift coefficient and the velocity over the usage speed range at the landing weight at 40,000 feet, if the safe landing speed is taken as1.2vs. [15]

3.a) What is drag? Explain the types of drag and write drag equation?
b) Discuss Drag, power, Airspeed Relationship? [8+7]
4. Explain the AIRFOIL types with neat sketches? And discuss about Blade Twist (Rotary – wing Aircraft) [15]

5. Show that Maximum load factor: [15]
6. Write a short note on the following:
i) Trim tabs ii) Balance tabs iii) Balance of forces
iv) Total aero dynamic forces. [15]

7. Explain briefly on Elevators with neat sketch? And discuss about Tailing – edge flaps? [15]
8. Write about the following terms:
a) Dutch Roll and Spiral Divergence
b) Stability Augmenter. [15]

R09Code No: 09A52101
1.a) Define stability? Explain the need for stability in airplanes.
b) Explain brief on stalling speed and derive it. [15]

2. Write a short note on Reciprocating Engine with neat sketch? Prove that: [15]
3. Discuss about the Power required and Power Available with a neat diagram? [15]
4. Explain the following terms:
a) Aerodynamic forces during climbing Flight ( with neat diagram )
b) A symmetrical Thrust and Adverse Yaw . [7+8]

5. What are the types of Propellers? And explain them briefly. [15]
6. Consider the Aircraft and assume that it has a total power failure at 10,000 feet. Its clean drag polar and its maximum lift to drag ratio are follows :
CD = 0.023 + 0.0735 C²L and Em = 12.16. [15]

7. Discuss about the Twin Engine Aircraft performance? And explain the Control Problems. [15]
8.a) Determine the Rate of Climb and climb angle with neat sketch.
b) Write about the Aircraft component Contributions. [7+8]

R09Code No: 09A52101
1. Explain about the Aerodynamics of Autorotation in forward Flight? And draw a neat sketch. [15]

2.a) Determine the Need for stability in an Airplane?
b) Determine the range of the following propeller driven aircraft, with the following data, at a constant airspeed of 180 mph at 8,000 ft altitude:
W1 = 18,500 lb
Wfuel = 6,000 lb
S = 939 ft²
C = 0.45 Lb/HP-hr
CD = 0.0192 + 0.047C²L . [15]

3. Draw a neat sketch about Maneuvering diagram? And explain it briefly? [15]
4. Explain about the Balance of forces with a neat sketch? And differentiate between the induced flow and vertex generation? [15]

5. Write a short note on the following :
a) Flying Techniques and
b) Wind Shear Recovery Techniques. [15]

6. Discuss about the Angle of Attack and also explain the Effects of Airflow? [15]
7.a) Determine the Breguet Cruise – Climbing Flight.
b) Range integration Method [7+8]
8. Write a short note on Dutch Roll? And differentiate between Directional Divergence and spiral Divergence. [15]

B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011 Set IV :
1.a) Write the following abbreviations below :

b) An aircraft a wing area of 255 ft² and a clean drag polar (flaps and gear up) of CD =0.023 + 0.0735CL, AR =5.07 Calculate :
a) (L/D)lmax
b) VDmin at sea level and at 40,000 ft
c) Tmin for level flight. [7+8]

2. Explain about the Flight Envelope : Vmax, Vmin [15]
3. Discuss about the Turning Flight in Horizontal Flight with neat sketch? [15]
4. Explain the following terms :
i) Spiral Flight with a neat sketch
ii) Brief on Dutch Roll. [15]

5.a) Write a short note about the “ Powered Boosted”
b) Explain about the “Single Engine Operation”? [7+8]
6. Determine the Engine Yawing Thrust with a neat Diagram. [15]

7. Write about the Velocity at minimum Control Certification with some configuration? [15]
8.a) Draw neat sketches about sideslip.
b) Write a short note on Drag Reduction

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